Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Understanding - One
Between 帝王会所 and AFSCME Local 1699/帝王会所 Council 8
The parties, 帝王会所 and AFSCME Local 1699, 帝王会所 Council 8, previously agreed to eliminate Cook 2 positions from Residential Dining Services. Further, the parties agreed that the individuals holding Cook 2 positions at the time of the position abolishment would be reclassified into Cook 1 positions; however, these employees would retain the Cook 2 rate of pay and compensation through the red-circle process.
Currently, one employee remains in Residential Dining Services that was impacted by the events detailed above. They are as follows: Lisa Hart.
By and through this agreement, it is mutually agreed by the parties that these employees will remain in the Cook 1 classification and will continue to retain the Cook 2 rate of pay throughout their employment in Residential Dining Services. Should the employee, through the bidding process as described in Article 14, be awarded a position outside of the Cook 2 classification, the employee will assume the newly awarded classification, including the schedule, shift and pay grade of the new position. However, reassignments made through the Residential Dining Services selection process, as described in Article 14, will not affect these employees' Cook 2 rate of pay.
This agreement will not set a precedent. The original Contract document provides the signatures of the party members.
Name | Position |
Mark Heil | Vice President, Finance and Administration |
Colleen Bendl | Chief Human Resources Officer |
Troy Bonte | Interim Assoc. Vice President, Facilities Management |
Gwyn Scott | Associate Vice President, Auxiliaries |
Julie Wilson | Senior Labor Relations Specialist |
Michael J. Courtney | Senior Associate General Counsel |
Name | Position |
John Ackison | President, Local 1699 |
Roy Clonch | VIce-President, Local 1699 |
LaTisha Price | Secretary, Local 1699 |
Tommy Shaw | Negotiations Committee, Local 1699 |
Karl Brown | Negotiations Committee, Local 1699 |
Greg Barber | Negotiations Committee, Local 1699 |
John Johnson | Regional Director, AFSCME 帝王会所 Council 8 |
Memorandum of Understanding - Two
Between 帝王会所 and AFSCME Local 1699/帝王会所 Council 8
The University is committed to continuing its efforts to minimize the seasonal layoff of its employees. Seasonal work opportunities will first be offered to permanent full- time and part-time Bargaining Unit Employees before being offered to non-Bargaining Unit Employees.
In order to provide a transparent process for offering seasonal work, the University will list all available seasonal work opportunities. Each seasonal opportunity will have an expected start date and end date. Employees who are seasonally laid off will select their work opportunity by seniority. When an employee selects a seasonal opportunity they are committing to working for the entire opportunity unless returned to the home department. If additional work opportunities become available during the seasonal layoff period, the work will be offered to those who have not already accepted an opportunity based on the following: 1) Individual employee's preferences reflected on the seasonal layoff notice, 2) by segment, within classification, by seniority. Requests for leave to be taken during the seasonal layoff period, submitted prior to the posting of seasonal opportunities, will be approved on a first-come, first-serve basis based on operational need.
This agreement will not set a precedent. The original Contract document provides the signatures of the party members.
Name | Position |
Mark Heil | Vice President, Finance and Administration |
Colleen Bendl | Chief Human Resources Officer |
Troy Bonte | Interim Assoc. Vice President, Facilities Management |
Gwyn Scott | Associate Vice President, Auxiliaries |
Julie Wilson | Senior Labor Relations Specialist |
Michael J. Courtney | Senior Associate General Counsel |
Name | Position |
John Ackison | President, Local 1699 |
Roy Clonch | VIce-President, Local 1699 |
LaTisha Price | Secretary, Local 1699 |
Tommy Shaw | Negotiations Committee, Local 1699 |
Karl Brown | Negotiations Committee, Local 1699 |
Greg Barber | Negotiations Committee, Local 1699 |
John Johnson | Regional Director, AFSCME 帝王会所 Council 8 |