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Article 7-9

Article 7 - Protection of the Bargaining Unit

The University agrees that openings in the Bargaining Unit which do not qualify as supervisory positions (as defined by Chapter 4117.01 O.R.C.) will not be filled by Contract Employees, but rather by Classified Employees covered by this Contract.

Article 8 - Contracting for Services

  1. The parties recognize that the University may contract out or subcontract work in any department covered by this Contract, in cases of emergency or temporary employment, or in cases where specialized, professional, or technical services are required and where present employees do not possess the skills in sufficient number to perform the required work. The issue of projected projects that may involve the contracting out or subcontracting of work shall be a continuing agenda item for Project Coordination Meetings.
  2. In the event of such contracting out or subcontracting, no employee shall be laid off or take a reduction in pay as a direct result thereof.
  3. If any department covered by this Contract is permanently shut down, a Labor/Management Meeting with the Union will be scheduled. The meeting will make every good faith effort to place the employees elsewhere with the University or with another employer.

Article 9 - No Lock Out, No Strike

  1. It is mutually agreed upon and pledged that no "lockout" shall be invoked by the University and no slowdown or work stoppage of any form by employees shall take place during the term of this Contract or any renewal thereof, nor shall there be any strike or threat of strike. The parties also agree that there will be no reservations, special circumstances, or exceptions warranting a lockout or strike and that the established grievance procedure of this Contract provides a mutually acceptable means for orderly settlement of all disputes that may arise, and that each party will cooperate with the other to implement arbitration as set forth in Article 22 of this Contract.
  2. Should any activity prescribed by Section A of this Article occur which the Union has not caused or sanctioned either directly or indirectly, the Union shall immediately:
    1. Instruct all employees not to participate in such action and to return to work immediately;
    2. Publicly disavow such action by the employees or other persons involved;
    3. Advise the University in writing that such action has not been caused or sanctioned by the Union.