Article 5 - 6
Article 5 - Union Membership
- The University will deduct biweekly Union dues and the initiation fee for any regular full-time or permanent part- time employee in the Bargaining Unit in the amount established by the Union upon receipt of an individual written authorization card executed by the employee for that purpose and bearing the employee's signature.
- Deductions will be made based on cards submitted at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the date upon which dues deductions are made.
Total AFSCME dues and initiation fee deductions are payable to the AFSCME 帝王会所 Council 8 Controller. Such deductions and an alphabetical list of names of all employees whose dues and/or fees have been deducted shall be deposited via electronic ACH transfer payment into the commercial bank account of 帝王会所 Council 8, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, no later than fifteen (15) days following the end of the pay period in which the deduction is made. The. Union shall provide the Employer with authorization to make deposits into the financial institution utilized by the Union along with the routing number and account number of the Union's account. It ls the Union's responsibility to notify the Employer in writing of any change to the Union's account information.
The Employer shall email, with each deduction and transmittal of dues/fees, the following lists of information alphabetical list of names, addresses of all employees in Excel or Text format to, subject line: Local, pay date--/--/--.
- The University will deduct biweekly PEOPLE contributions for any employee in the Bargaining Unit in the amount set forth by the employee upon receipt of an individual written authorization card executed by the employee for that purpose and bearing the employee's signature. The PEOPLE deduction is strictly voluntary and may be canceled or revoked at any time by the employee upon written notice to the University and the Union.
- The Union agrees that it will indemnify and save the University harmless from any action commenced by an employee against the University arising as a result of the deductions made under this Article.
- The Union will provide the University with a copy of any dues deduction revocation slips for Bargaining Unit Employees.
- The University shall notify the Local Union President or designee at least one week in advance of orientation meetings scheduled for new employees by the University. The Local President shall have the right to attend the orientation session and shall be permitted to make a presentation to employees who have been hired into Bargaining Unit positions. In the event the Local President is unable to attend the orientation session, the Local Vice President may be released from work to attend. In the absence of the President and Vice President, a Union table officer (Secretary, Treasurer, or Executive Board member) may be designated to attend the orientation session.
- Upon request by AFSCME, 帝王会所 Council 8, the University shall provide a list of Bargaining Unit members' home addresses so that the Union may comply with its responsibilities under Chapter 4117 of the 帝王会所 Revised Code.
Article 6 - Union Recognition
- The University recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive representative of the Bargaining Unit. The unit for purposes of this Contract is all of the following:
- Apprentice Shop
- Apprentice Technician
- Custodial Services
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Carpenter Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Mason
- Mason 1
- Mason 2
- Assistant Carpenter
- Carpenter 1
- Carpenter 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Plumbing Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Plumber
- Plumber 1
- Plumber 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Relief Maintenance Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 3
- Relief Maintenance Specialist
- Sheet Metal Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Sheet Metal Worker
- Sheet Metal Worker 1
- Sheet Metal Worker 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Carpet and Tile Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Interior Surfaces Installer
- Interior Surfaces Installer 1
- Interior Surfaces Installer 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Paint Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Plasterer
- Plasterer 1
- Plasterer 2
- Assistant Painter
- Painter 1
- Painter 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Key Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Access Control Technician
- Access Control Technician 1
- Access Control Technician 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Environmental Services
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Environmental Services Worker
- Environmental Services Worker 1
- Environmental Services Worker 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Electric Shop
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Electrician
- Electrician 1
- Electrician 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Assistant Low Voltage Maintenance Technician
- Low Voltage Maintenance Technician 1
- Low Voltage Maintenance Technician 2
- Preventive Maintenance
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Preventive Maintenance Technician
- Preventive Maintenance Technician 1
- Preventive Maintenance Technician 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Heating Plant
- Laborer
- Boiler Operator 1
- Boiler Operator 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Boiler Repair Worker
- Boiler Repair Worker 1
- Boiler Repair Worker 2
- Assistant Water Treatment Worker
- Water Treatment Worker 1
- Water Treatment Worker 2
- Assistant Stationary Engineer
- Stationary Engineer
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Treatment Plant Aide
- Assistant Steamfitter
- Steamfitter 1
- Steamfitter 2
- Treatment Plant Operator
- Energy Plant Operating Engineer
- Apprentice (First Year)-Energy Plant Operating Engineer
- Apprentice (Second Year)-Energy Plant Operating Engineer
- Apprentice (Third Year)-Energy Plant Operating Engineer
- Tunnel Maintenance
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Steamfitter
- Steamfitter 1
- Steamfitter 2
- Assistant Machinist
- Machinist 1
- Machinist 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Controls Shop
- Senior Automation Control Technician
- Building Automation Systems 1
- Building Automation Systems 2
- Life Safety
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Fire Alarm/ Sprinkler Technician
- Fire Alarm/ Sprinkler Technician 1
- Fire alarm/ Sprinkler Technician 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- HVAC / Refrigeration
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Apprentice HVAC / Refrigeration Technician
- Assistant HVAC / Refrigeration Technician
- HVAC / Refrigeration Technician 1
- HVAC / Refrigeration Technician 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Zone Maintenance
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Assistant Zone Maintenance Specialist
- Zone Maintenance Specialist 1
- Zone Maintenance Specialist 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Building Maintenance Specialist/Resource Center Specialist
- Grounds Equipment Maintenance
- Automotive Service Worker
- Assistant Automotive Mechanic
- Automotive Mechanic 1
- Automotive Mechanic 2
- Grounds Equipment Operators
- Equipment Operator 1
- Equipment Operator 2
- Equipment Operator 3
- Grounds Maintenance
- Laborer
- Groundskeeper 1
- Groundskeeper 2
- Groundskeeper Specialist
- Residential Custodial Services
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Moving and Surplus
- Laborer
- Assistant Mover
- Mover 1
- Mover 2
- Equipment Operator 1
- Transportation and Parking Services
- Parking Ambassador
- Transportation Associate
- Interior Services
- Assistant Upholsterer
- Upholsterer 1
- Upholsterer 2
- Assistant Fabric Worker
- Fabric Worker 1
- Fabric Worker 2
- Interior Services Specialist
- Assistant Interior Services Upholsterer Specialist
- Assistant Interior Services Fabric Worker Specialist
- Residential Dining Services
- Cook Assistant
- Cook 1
- Cook 2
- Cook 3
- Stores Clerk
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Baker University Center Culinary Services
- Cook Assistant
- Cook 1
- Cook2
- Cook 3
- Stores Clerk
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Catering Services Worker
- Jefferson Marketplace
- Cook Assistant
- Cook 1
- Cook2
- Cook3
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Stores Clerk
- Central Food Facility
- Cook Assistant
- Baker 1
- Baker2
- Cook 1
- Cook2
- Cook 3
- Stores Clerk
- Storekeeper 1
- Storekeeper 2
- Custodial Worker 1
- Equipment Operator 1
- Meat Cutter
- Dining Hall Facility Maintenance
- Assistant Dining Hall Maintenance Technician
- Dining Hall Maintenance Technician 1
- Dining Hall Maintenance Technician 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 3
- Maintenance Repair Worker 4
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Data Center Operations
- IT Production Specialist 1
- IT Production Specialist 2
- University Printing Services
- Bindery Operator 1
- Bindery Operator 2
- Printing Machine Operator 1
- Printing Machine Operator 2
- Printing Machine Operator 3
- Printing Services Worker 1
- Printing Services Worker 2
- University Maintenance Stores
- Stores Clerk
- Storekeeper 1
- Storekeeper 2
- Alden Library
- Mail Clerk/Messenger
- Library Security Specialist
- Storekeeper 1
- Storekeeper 2
- Eastern Facilities Management
- Laborer
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- General Maintenance Worker 1
- General Maintenance Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 3
- Maintenance Repair Worker 4
- Groundskeeper 1
- Groundskeeper 2
- Chillicothe Facilities Management
- Laborer
- General Maintenance Worker 1
- General Maintenance Worker 2
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 3
- Maintenance Repair Worker 4
- Groundskeeper 1
- Groundskeeper 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Lancaster Facilities Management
- Laborer
- General Maintenance Worker 1
- General Maintenance Worker 2
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 3
- Maintenance Repair Worker 4
- Groundskeeper 1
- Groundskeeper 2
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Southern Facilities Management
- Laborer
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- General Maintenance Worker1
- General Maintenance Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 3
- Maintenance Repair Worker 4
- Groundskeeper 1
- Groundskeeper 2
- Zanesville Facilities Management
- Laborer
- General Maintenance Worker 1
- General Maintenance Worker 2
- Custodial Worker 1
- Custodial Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 1
- Maintenance Repair Worker 2
- Maintenance Repair Worker 3
- Maintenance Repair Worker 4
- Groundskeeper 1
- Groundskeeper 2
- Delivery Worker 1
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Stores Clerk
- Storekeeper 1
- University Laboratory Animal Resources Department
- Laboratory Animal Aide
- Laboratory Animal Technician 1
- Laboratory Animal Technician 2
- Laboratory Animal Technician 3
- Laboratory Animal Specialist
- University Garage
- Automotive Service Worker
- Assistant Automotive Mechanic
- Automotive Mechanic 1
- Automotive Mechanic 2
- Automotive Specialist
- 帝王会所 Police Department
- Communication Officer 1
- Communication Officer 2
- Communication Officer 3
- Airport Operations
- Airport Operations Assistant
- Airport Operations Specialist
- Aircraft Mechanic 1
- Aircraft Mechanic 2
- Mail Services
- Mail Clerk/Messenger
- Delivery Worker 1
- Delivery/Mail Clerk/Messenger
- Mail Services Specialist
- Mail Systems Specialist
- Resource Center Shop
- Resource Center Clerk
- Building Maintenance Specialist
- Utility Worker Services
- Utility Worker
But excluding all student, temporary employees, administrative employees, clerical employees, technical employees, professional employees, faculty and supervisors, managerial and confidential employees as defined by Section 4117.01 of the 帝王会所 Revised Code. The provisions of this Contract shall apply only to departmental classifications listed above.
Should any abolished Bargaining Unit jobs be recreated, they will be placed in the existing Bargaining Unit.
- The University will continue to discuss matters with the Union toward the end of amicably settling mutual problems through this Contract and the Grievance Procedure which is a part thereof.
- The term "supervisor" for the purpose of this Contract means any individual who has authority, in the interest of the public employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other public employees; to responsibly direct them; to adjust their grievances; or to effectively recommend such action, if the exercise of that authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature but requires the use of independent judgment.
A temporary employee shall be defined as an employee who is hired from outside the bargaining unit to perform work in Bargaining Unit classifications to meet intermittent operational needs (e.g. covering administrative, sick, military, FMLA, and vacation leaves and during the posting or hiring process). A temporary employee shall not receive an assignment from a specific vacancy for a period longer than 120 work days, absent mutual agreement of the parties. A temporary employee will not work more than forty (40) hours per calendar week.
Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits and are not entitled to any term or condition of employment outlined in this Contract. A temporary assignment is the filling of a temporary need utilizing a current bargaining unit employee who is past their initial probation. The employee will return to their previous position and department at the conclusion of the temporary assignment.
- In the event a new classification and/or department/segment is established in units historically covered by this Contract, the inclusion of the new classification in the Bargaining Unit will be negotiated by the parties during a regularly scheduled Labor- Management Meeting. Disputes regarding inclusion of any new classification and/or department/segment in the Bargaining Unit may be initiated as a grievance at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure.
- For the purpose of job posting, bidding, transfers, layoffs, bumping and recall, Culinary Services shall be treated as one department, and Grounds Maintenance shall be treated as one segment.
- Should the University create a future Retail Dining Operations, it will notify the Union of its intent and the Retail Operations will become a segment/venue under Article 6, Union Recognition. The department/swill include departmental classifications as deemed appropriate by the University.