Article 41 - 42
Article 41 - 帝王会所 Police Department
All provisions of the Contract will apply to employees in the classifications of Communication Officer 1, Communication Officer 2, and Communication Officer 3 except those provisions specifically amended or deleted by this Article as follows:
Article 10 (Hours of Work and Overtime) (A)(l), (2), and (3) is amended as follows: l0(A) - The regular scheduled work week for permanent, full-time regular employees shall consist of forty (40) hours which shall consist of five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) consecutive hours per day. During the eight hour shift, each employee will make arrangements for lunch at appropriate times at the assigned work location. Shift hours established by the Department and starting times may have to be staggered for individual employees. Senior qualified employees will be given preference for the Monday through Friday shift. The parties may agree on other schedules, e.g. four ten-hour days.
For the purposes of training and orientation, employees may be temporarily assigned to other shifts. Such temporary assignment shall not continue for longer than two (2) weeks, nor shall they occur more than once for each shift in a calendar year. Employees who are reassigned under this Article shall not have their days off changed.
Article 11 (Equalization of Overtime) is replaced with the following:
The within procedure will be used for assignment and equalization of overtime:
All Assignments known by OUPD management a minimum of 14 calendar days in advance of the assignment will be posted for a minimum of five (5) calendar days to allow employees to volunteer for the assignment. Such assignment will be assigned as outlined in Article 41(B)(6).
If an overtime assignment under this section is not made at least five (5) calendar days prior to that detail, Communications Officers working the detail will be compensated at two (2) times their normal rate of pay.
An attempt will be made by the supervisor or officer in charge to notify any Communication Officer not scheduled to work during the posting period of the overtime opportunity.
- Any overtime opportunity that becomes available less than five (5) days in advance of the time the detail is scheduled to begin will be assigned using the following procedure:
- Communication Officers will be contacted in order of least amount of accumulated overtime until a volunteer is obtained.
- If a Communication Officer cannot be reached by telephone, the call down may continue as if the Communication Officer had refused the detail.
- In situations where an unscheduled Communication Officer vacancy occurs during shift, and such vacancy creates an overtime opportunity, the overtime will first be offered by seniority to Communication Officers whose shift is contiguous to the vacancy. The University may utilize the call down procedure if sufficient volunteers from the contiguous shift are not obtained.
- A newly hired employee will be put into the system and charged with the highest single amount of overtime hours on the record.
- Overtime records are kept for the fiscal year. Each employee starts at zero on each July 1.
- If not enough employees volunteer for a detail, the necessary number, from those available to work, needed to complete the detail will be assigned from qualified Communication Officers starting with the employee with the lowest number of accumulated hours, regardless of seniority, to the highest number of hours. Employees whose shifts begin or end within six (6) hours of the overtime detail will be assigned only if other employees are not available in the required numbers.
- Other departmental employees' overtime shall be kept on a list separate from the Communication Officers.
- All overtime records shall be posted and kept current by the University.
- In the event volunteers are needed for concerts, basketball games, and related type events and there are not enough volunteers and assignments of personnel must be made, such time will be recorded on the board the same as if the individual had volunteered.
Communication Officers assigned to be on call will receive two hundred dollars ($200) for each week they are on call. A Communication Officer assigned to "on call'' status must carry a reliable means of communication at all times, must be duty ready, and capable of reporting for duty within one (1) hour of notification. The "on call" Communication Officer will be called in when all other means described in this section have been exhausted.
Any employee entitled to pay for overtime work may elect to take compensatory time off at rate of one and one half (1 陆) hours of overtime worked in lieu of cash payment. At no time shall the compensatory time balance exceed two hundred forty (240) hours.
- Article 19 (Appointments) and 12 and 14 are amended as follows:
- In 19(A), probationary periods for the Communication Officers shall be nine (9) months in length which may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties. An unsatisfactory probationary employee may be removed any time prior to completion of the probation.
- In 19(E), performance evaluations for probationary Communication Officers shall be conducted toward the middle and end of the probationary period.
- In 12 (K) the probationary period for a displaced employee is nine (9) months in length. If the affected employee does not meet the qualifications of the position at the end of the nine (9) month period the affected employee will be laid off with recall rights.
- Any vacancies in the Communication Officer 1, 2, or 3 classifications will be posted to the public simultaneously with the Bargaining Unit wide posting. Upon review of the applications received, Management reserves the right to fill only the positions necessary to best serve the department. If the posting results in several candidates with prior experience as an emergency services dispatcher or emergency service communication officer, those employees will be hired into the department as a CO3 or CO2 (depending on years of experience) and the posting for a COl will be pulled and not filled. If the posting process does not yield experienced candidates for a CO2 or CO3 position, a CO1 position will be filled in accordance with Article 14.
- All applicants (external and internal - i.e. Bargaining Unit Employees) for the position of a Communications Officer 1, 2, or 3 must successfully pass a battery of tests including a written competency exam, a comprehensive psychological evaluation, a polygraph or CVSA and a background investigation. Any employee who displaces into a Communication Officer position pursuant to Article 12 of the CBA will also be subjected to these same tests.
- Article 40 (Uniforms) is replaced with the following:
Initial Issue: The Department shall maintain a Standard Equipment List (SEL) of all uniform and equipment items to be issued and maintained for each communication officer. Upon appointment as a communication officer, the Department shall provide all new equipment and uniform accessories, as listed on the current SEL, with all required patches or other customization already attached or completed. All uniform items remain the property of OUPD and must be maintained by the employee in good working order and appearance.
Replacement of Uniforms and Equipment
- OUPD shall repair or replace all issued uniforms and equipment items deemed no longer functional as a result of normal wear or damage that is not the result of employee negligence.
- The employee shall repair or replace all issued uniform and equipment items deemed no longer functional as a result of employee negligence.
- OUPD will not be responsible for the repair or replacement of personally owned uniform or equipment items deemed no longer functional regardless of the reason.
- The University shall reimburse employees for reasonable cost of repair or replacement of watches and eyeglasses damaged in the non-negligent performance of their duties, not to exceed $100 per item. Provided, however, the employee is not able to replace eyeglasses through a vision care insurance program.
- It is understood that every attempt shall be made by the University to provide training opportunities on pertinent subjects to all communication officers. Further it is agreed that these opportunities will be made available when it is operationally permissible.
- All vacation requests shall be answered within seven (7) calendar days. Any request not answered shall be considered granted.
- Communication Officers assigned to train other COs shall receive 0.8 (eight tenths) of an hour of overtime for each full day they have a trainee assigned to them. Communication Officers assigned to train law enforcement officers shall receive 0.8 (eight tenths) of an hour of overtime for only one full day they have a trainee assigned to them during the training and observation period.
Article 42 - Regional Campuses
All provisions of the Contract will apply to the Chillicothe, Lancaster, Eastern, Southern, and Zanesville Regional Campus Maintenance Operations employees except those provisions specifically amended or deleted by this Article as follows:
Article 14 (Job Posting and Transfer Procedure) is amended as follows:
In 14-A-1, the language "Zanesville Union Steward" "Lancaster Union Steward," "Eastern Union Steward," "Southern Union Steward," or "Chillicothe Union Steward" as applicable to each Regional Campus, is substituted for "Union President".
Article 28 (Safety Committee) is amended as follows:
The Chillicothe, Lancaster, Eastern, Southern, and Zanesville Regional Campuses agree to establish a safety committee for their respective campuses which will include one (1) representative from Local 1699 on each committee.
- Article 26 (Meal Costs) is deleted as not applicable.
- Article 15 (Progression Schedule) will be limited to classifications used at Chillicothe Facilities Management for the Chillicothe Regional Campus, Lancaster Facilities Management for the Lancaster Regional Campus, Eastern Facilities Management for the Eastern Regional Campus, Southern Facilities Management for the Southern Regional Campus, and Zanesville Facilities Management for the Zanesville Regional Campus. Progression is subject to the need of the University for an employee to perform the work on a regular basis and the employee serving the required MTRC.
Article 23 (Union Stewards) shall be interpreted to constitute Chillicothe Facilities Management , Lancaster Facilities Management, Eastern Facilities Management, Southern Facilities Management, and Zanesville Facilities Management as individual and separate representative districts of the representative districts outlined in Article 23.
The Lancaster, Zanesville, Chilocothe, Eastern, and Southern Regional Campuses are not required to have emergency overtime rosters.