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Article 17 - 19

Article 17 - Pay Plan

  1. All employees covered by this Contract shall be assigned to a pay range and paid a salary or wage in accordance with Appendix A. Article 18, Wages, will be used in determining actual pay rates and ranges in effect. Assignment to a pay range shall be the result of a formal classification action. The pay schedule of all full-time and permanent part-time employees shall be on a biweekly basis, with amounts computed on an hourly basis.
  2. Bargaining Unit Classifications and Pay Ranges

    Classification TitlePay Range
    Assistant Access Control Technician05
    Access Control Technician 107
    Access Control Technician 208
    HVAC/Refrigeration Technician 107
    HVAC/Refrigeration Technician 208
    Assistant HVAC/Refrigeration Technician05
    Apprentice HVAC/Refrigeration Technician04
    Senior Automation Controls Technician11
    Airport Operations Assistant06
    Airport Operations Specialist07
    Aircraft Mechanic 109
    Aircraft Mechanic 2 10
    Apprentice Air Quality Technician04
    Automotive Mechanic 107
    Automotive Mechanic 208
    Automotive Specialist09
    Assistant Automotive Mechanic05
    Automotive Service Worker02
    Baker 104
    Baker 206
    Bindery Operator 105
    Bindery Operator 207
    Boiler Repair Worker 107
    Boiler Repair Worker 208
    Assistant Boiler Repair Worker05
    Apprentice (First Year)- Energy Plant Operating Eng.04
    Apprentice (Second Year) - Energy Plant Operating Eng.06
    Apprentice (Third Year) - Energy Plant Operating Eng.08
    Energy Plant Operating Engineer10
    Building Maintenance Specialist09
    Building Maintenance /Resource Center Specialist09
    Carpenter 107
    Carpenter 208
    Assistant Carpenter05
    Catering Services worker04
    Cook 103
    Cook 205
    Cook 306
    Communication Officer 107
    Communication Officer 208
    Communication Officer 309
    Custodial Worker 102
    Custodial Worker 204
    Delivery Worker 104
    Delivery/Mail Clerk/Messenger04
    Assistant Dining Hall Maintenance Technician05
    Dining Hall Maintenance Technician 107
    Dining Hall Maintenance Technician 208
    Electrician 107
    Electrician 208
    Assistant Electrician05
    Environmental Services Worker 107
    Environmental Services Worker 208
    Assistant Environmental Services Worker05
    Equipment Operator 105
    Equipment Operator 206
    Equipment Operator 308
    Fabric Worker 105
    Fabric Worker 207
    Assistant Fabric Worker04
    Assistant Interior Services Fabric Worker Specialist08
    Cook Assistant01
    General Maintenance Worker 103
    General Maintenance Worker 204
    Groundskeeper 104
    Groundskeeper 205
    Groundskeeper Specialist06
    Interior Services Specialist09
    Interior Surfaces Installer 107
    Interior Surfaces Installer 208
    1T Production Specialist 107
    1T Production Specialist 208
    Assistant Interior Surfaces Installer05
    Laboratory Animal Aide04
    laboratory Animal Technician 105
    laboratory Animal Technician 206
    laboratory Animal Technician 308
    Laboratory Animal Specialist09
    LaborerLibrary Security Specialist02
    Assistant low Voltage Maintenance Technician06
    low Voltage Maintenance Technician 105
    low Voltage Maintenance Technician 207
    Machinist 107
    Machinist 208
    Assistant Machinist05
    Mail Clerk/Messenger03
    Mail Services Specialist06
    Mail Systems Specialist07
    Maintenance Repair Worker 104
    Maintenance Repair Worker 205
    Maintenance Repair Worker 307
    Maintenance Repair Worker 408
    Assistant Mason05
    Mason 107
    Mason 208
    Meat Cutter05
    Mover 105
    Mover 206
    Assistant Mover03
    Painter 107
    Painter 208
    Assistant Painter05
    Parking Ambassador05
    Transportation Associate02
    Plasterer 107
    Plasterer 208
    Assistant Plasterer05
    Plumber 107
    Plumber 208
    Assistant Plumber05
    Preventative Maintenance Technician 107
    Preventative Maintenance Technician 208
    Assistant Preventative Maintenance Technician05
    Printing Machine Operator 105
    Printing Machine Operator 206
    Printing Machine Operator 307
    Printing Services Worker 104
    Printing Services Worker 205
    Recreation Facilities Worker05
    Relief Maintenance Specialist08
    Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Technician 107
    Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Technician 208
    Assistant Safety System Technician05
    Sheet Metal Worker 1 07
    Sheet Metal Worker 208
    Assistant Sheet Metal Worker05
    Stationary Engineer10
    Assistant Stationary Engineer07
    Steamfitter 107
    Steamfitter 208
    Assistant Steamfitter05
    Stores Clerk04
    Storekeeper 105
    Storekeeper 207
    Treatment Plant Aide06
    Treatment Plant Operator07
    Upholsterer 105
    Upholsterer 207
    Assistant Upholsterer04
    Assistant Interior Services Upholsterer Specialist08
    Assistant Zone Maintenance Specialist05
    Zone Maintenance Specialist 107
    Zone Maintenance Specialist 208
    Utility Worker01
    Assistant Water Treatment Worker05
    Water Treatment Worker 107
    Water Treatment Worker 208
  3. In assigning or reassigning any employee to a different departmental classification or to a new pay range, other than as a promotion, the employee shall be assigned to the appropriate pay rate in the pay range, pursuant to Article 18 and Appendix A of the Contract.
  4. All employees who were in the Bargaining Unit on March 1, 2010 and were receiving longevity pay as of that date will continue to receive the longevity supplement amount, with no increase in the longevity pay, for the term of this Contract. No other present or future Bargaining Unit Employees will receive any longevity pay supplements. In no case will a longevity pay supplement be included in the base rate of pay.
  5. All employees, covered by this Contract, shall receive their pay by direct deposit. All employees shall be assigned to a biweekly payroll calendar. New employees receive their initial pay checks two (2) weeks after the end of the pay period in which their employment began.

Article 18 - Wages

  1. This Article on wages is the sole source of rights and obligations of the parties to this Contract in these matters. Furthermore, the following language supersedes all provisions applicable to Bargaining Unit Employees in the 帝王会所 Revised Code and/or the Rules of the 帝王会所 Department of Administrative Services relative to wages. Bargaining Unit Employees wUI be paid in accordance with the classification and pay plan set forth in this Contract.
  2. Pay schedules, pay ranges, pay levels, and pay rates shall be as set forth in Appendix A of this Contract. **Appendix A shall be amended to reflect wage increases as follows: 2023-2024 (FY24) - 2%; 20249 2025 (FY25)- 2%; 2025-2026 (FY26)- 2%.
  3. Employees hired on or before 3/01/00: An employee hired on or before 3/01/00 who is appointed to a different classi鈥ication in the same pay range shall receive the base rate of pay in Pay Step "E" established for the position pursuant to Appendix A of the Contract.
  4. An employee hired on or before 3/01/00 who is appointed to a higher rated classification (promotion) shall receive the higher rate of pay in Pay Step E for that classification pursuant to the wage rates of Appendix A.
  5. An employee hired on or before 3/01/00 who voluntarily or involuntarily demotes to a lower rated classification shall receive the lower rate of pay in Pay Step E for that classification pursuant to the wage rates of Appendix A, and shall not retain his/her former rate of pay.
  6. Effective 03/02/00, a new five step wage scale was implemented for all employees hired on or after 3/02/00.
    1. New employees will be placed in Step A within their Pay Range.
    2. Upon completion of the new hire probationary period, affected employees will move to Step B within their Pay Range. The date that affected employees move to Step B will become their anniversary date for purposes of advancing through the step structure within the pertinent pay range.
    3. Thereafter, employees will advance yearly on through the remaining steps in their Pay Range.
  7. New Employee Promotions

    Employees shall promote to the same step in the higher Pay Range (e.g. If a Custodial Worker in Pay Range 02, Step B, promotes to a Maintenance Repair Worker 1, the employee would move to Pay Range 04 at Step B.) The date of the promotion to the higher pay range will become their anniversary date for purposes of yearly step advancement through the pay ranges.

  8. New Employee Demotions

    Employees demoting, voluntarily or involuntarily, will demote to the lower Pay Range and maintain their step within the lower Pay Range. The affected employee shall not retain their former rate of pay. The date of demotion to the lower Pay Range w ill become their anniversary date for purposes of yearly step advancement through the Pay Range.

  9. New Employee Appointment to a Different Classification in the Same Pay Grade

    An employee appointed to a different classification in the same Pay Range will maintain their step within the Pay Range and will not experience a new anniversary date for purposes of step advancement through the wage scale.

  10. Special Hiring Circumstances

    The University and Union may agree, where appropriate, to hire an employee into a classification at a wage step higher than Step A.

  11. Employees who work fifty percent (50%) or more of their shift after 3:00 p.m. shall receive a shift differential of twenty-five ($.25) cents per hour. Employees who work fifty percent {50%) or more of their shift after 11:00 P.M. shall receive a shift differential of thirty-five cents ($.35) per hour.
  12. Weekend Differential: Employees who are normally scheduled to work weekends shall receive a twenty ($.20) cents per hour weekend differential for all hours in active pay status for normally scheduled weekends.
  13. If during the term of this Contract, the annual base wage increase provided in this article is less than the base wage increase for non-Bargaining Unit classified staff, the University will adjust the Bargaining Unit rates as required to make the base wage adjustment the same percentage for each group of employees.
  14. Employer shall pay regular bargaining unit employees employed at the time of execution of the Collective Bargaining Agreement a one-time lump sum payment in the amount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), in accordance with customary procedures of University, subject to withholdings as required by federal, state, and local laws and deductions as are authorized and permitted by University policies and procedures. Such payment shall be made on or before June 30, 2023.

Article 19 - Appointments

  1. All appointments to positions in the Bargaining Unit shall be made in accordance with Article 14, 15, and 16 of this Contract. All original appointments to a Bargaining Unit position shall be for a probationary period of 120 calendar days. No appointment is final until the employee has satisfactorily completed the new hire probationary period. Service toward the completion of a probationary period shall have been in the same class in the same department for a continuous period of time. Employment on a temporary or casual basis, though in the same class, shall not count toward the completion of any probationary period.

    In the event of a departmental reorganization or, a reorganization which involves the closure or merger of a department or segment of a department as defined in this Agreement, the University may reassign employees without going through the layoff and job abolishment procedures set forth in Article 12 or the job posting provisions in Article 14 if the reassignment does not change the classification or essential job duties of the affected employees. If such a reassignment occurs and more than one employee is involved, employees will be given preference for reassigned positions based on seniority.

    1.  In the event of a Culinary Services permanent or temporary closure of a department or segment of a department, Article (19)(A) may be utilized and/or Article (12), if a reduction in force is deemed appropriate. Upon reopening, the employees, unless they bid on and were awarded another position during the closure, shall be reassigned to their original department, or segment of department, pursuant to Article (19)(A), in the number deemed appropriate by Management. Positions not filled by reassignment will be posted in-department.
  2. If the service of a new hire Probationary Employee is unsatisfactory, the employee may be removed at the University's discretion. A Probationary Employee cannot grieve discipline or discharge. Probationary Employees shall have no seniority rights until completion of the probationary period at which time they will be credited with seniority in accordance with Article 12 (A).
  3. For purposes of this Contract, the following definitions shall apply:
    1. Promotion: the appointment of an employee to a different position which Is assigned a higher pay range than the employee's previous position.
    2. Lateral Move: the appointment of an employee to a different position which is assigned the same pay range as the employee's previous position.
    3. Demotion: the appointment of an employee to a different position which is assigned a lower pay range than the employee's previous position.
    4. Lateral Transfer: The appointment of an employee to a different work location or shift in the same classification, in the same segment/department.
    5. Department: Culinary Services, Facilities Management and Safety Logistics, 帝王会所 Police Department
    6. Segment/Shop (segments listed in Article 6): Baker University Center Culinary Services, Central Food Facility, Jefferson Marketplace, Residential Dining Services, Interior Services, Parking Services, Grounds Maintenance, Grounds Equipment Maintenance, Grounds Equipment Operators, University Custodial Services, Lancaster Campus, Chillicothe Campus, Zanesville Campus, Eastern Campus, Southern Campus, Residential Custodial Services, Maintenance Shops (per Article 6), Utility Worker Services, Moving and Surplus, University Printing Services, Mail Services, OUPD (Communication Officers), Data Center Operations, Airport, University Laboratory Animal Resources Department, University Garage, University Maintenance Stores, Alden Library (Mail Clerk/Messenger, Library Security Specialist, Storekeeper 1 & 2), Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine (Stores Clerk, Storekeeper 1)
    7. Greens/Venues: East, SouthWest, Nelson, Shively, Bakery, Warehouse, 1st, 2nd, 3rd shift Custodial are each venues, Culinary Support Kitchen, West 82/Catering, The District on West Green
  4. All appointments resulting in the promotion of an employee covered by this Contract shall be for a probationary period of 120 calendar days. If the service of a Probationary Employee is unsatisfactory, they may be returned at any time prior to the 121st day to the same (or similar) class they occupied prior to the most recent appointment. A corresponding reduction in salary shall take place if appropriate. All appointments resulting in a lateral move (except in the same classification in the same
    segment/department) or a demotion shall be for a probationary period of 90 calendar days. In the case of a lateral move or voluntary demotion, if the service of such a Probationary Employee is unsatisfactory, they may be returned at any time prior to the 91st day to the same (or similar) class they occupied prior to the most recent appointment. In the case of an involuntary demotion, if the service of an employee is unsatisfactory, they may be terminated any time prior to the 91st day. Such termination shall include two (2) weeks' notice prior to the effective date of termination or two (2) weeks' severance pay. Such notice or pay shall be based on the employee's normal work week and base rate of pay. A termination following a demotion may be appealed at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure. Voluntary demotions and lateral moves in the same classification in the same department shall have no probationary periods.
  5. Performance Evaluations
    1. Probationary Evaluations shall be conducted twice prior to the end of any probationary period (once toward the middle and once toward the end).
    2. Annual Performance evaluations shall be done once each year.
      1. Prior to the employee's anniversary date; or
      2. They may be conducted during a predetermined time frame in lieu of the anniversary date. Employees in departments conducting such evaluations shall be notified of this deviation from anniversary evaluations.
      3. At the discretion of a department, annual performance appraisals may be waived for the fiscal year, with notice to the Union and the Director of Employee and Labor Relations on or before July is1 of each year.
    3. Special performance evaluations may be conducted at any time to apprise employees of unsatisfactory work performance or exceptional performance.
    4. Evaluations shall be conducted by the immediate supervisor and reviewed by the department head.
    5. Evaluations are not subject to the grievance procedure. Actions taken as the result of a performance evaluation may be subject to the grievance procedure.
  6. If an employee is assigned to perform the duties of a higher paying classification for a period of four (4) or more consecutive hours, the employee shall receive the higher rate of pay for all time worked in the higher classification. An employee who is plus-rated to a higher classification will be plus-rated to the higher wage classification at the step the employee currently holds. If an employee is assigned to perform the duties of a lower paying classification, the employee shall not suffer a reduction in pay. The University shall not assign employees to continually perform the work of a higher paying classification for a period of less than four (4) hours for the purpose of avoiding plus-rate. Qualified employees will sign-up for plus-rating and will be offered assignments to higher paying classifications on a rotating seniority basis within the department or appropriate segment/venue of a department. It will be up to Management in the department or segment/venue of a department to determine
    whether an employee is qualified for the higher assignment. Qualifications may be determined by a test designed to fairly test the employee's ability to discharge the duties of the higher paying classification. If an employee does not agree with Management's determination that he or she is qualified to be eligible for plus-rating, the employee may request that he or she be permitted to take a test in order to determine the employee's qualifications for the assignment. Upon successfully completing the test, the employee will be eligible for the next applicable plus-rate occurrence. If an employee's performance in the higher classification is not satisfactory, the employee may be removed from the rotation.

    The plus-rate roster w ill operate similarly to the scheduled overtime equalization roster:

    1.  A plus-rate occurrence of less than 45 calendar days equals the length of the plus-rate assignment,(i.e., the term of the absence or the term of the department's need), and any plusrate assignment of 45 or more calendar days will be filled, as needed, by a temporary posting;
    2. An employee who is not available for plus-rating (on temporary assignment outside the segment/department, on temporary assignment outside the Bargaining Unit, or on leave for more than two (2) weeks) will be charged on the plus-rate equalization list as if the employee was asked but refused the plus-rate. However, if the employee is on temporary assignment outside the segment/department or on leave for less than two (2) weeks the employee will not be charged on the plus- rate equalization list unless the employee was contacted and refused the plus-rate. In such cases the University is not obligated to make an offer of plus- rating. In no event will the University be required to create an overtime opportunity to permit the employee to continue in a temporary assignment and assume the plus-rate position.
    3. If an employee refuses, the plus-rate will be charged on the plus-rate roster for the number of plus-rate hours actually worked.
    4. If everyone on the plus-rate roster declines the us- rate, the junior qualified employee in the segment/venue (whether or not the employee is on the plus-rate roster) will be required to work the plus- rate.
    5. If the plus-rate is less than 8 hours, but 4 or more hours, the plus-rate will be offered by rotational seniority, based on the least aggregate hours, to the qualified employees on the shift. The University is not required to create an overtime opportunity to fill the plus-rate position.
    6. Backfill - If a temporary day shift vacancy of a week or more occurs due to filling a plus-rate need or other departmental need, the venue will notify employees of the temporary vacancy and will offer the temporary day shift vacancy on a rotational seniority basis. The offer of the temporary day shift vacancy will be contingent on and based upon operational needs.

    If plus-rating is paid to the same position for 120 or more calendar days out of a 180 calendar day period, the position shall be posted and filled in accordance with Article 14, Section A (only) of this Agreement, except in cases where an employee is being plus-rated to fill a position temporarily left vacant by an employee on an approved leave of absence, and it is expected that the absent employee will return to work.

    Plus rating shall not apply if: (1) an employee is temporarily assigned to perform the duties of a position to which the employee is eligible to progress in accordance with Article 15 of this Agreement or (2) an employee in an Apprentice Program is assigned to perform the duties of a position to which the employee is eligible to advance in accordance with the Apprentice Program Memorandum of Understanding.

    Any actions under this Article shall not constitute a vacancy as defined by Article 14(8).

  7. Based upon the mutual intent of the parties to provide an opportunity for employees to receive a diversified experience in different departments and classifications, it is hereby agreed that employees shall not be eligible to apply for temporary labor pool vacancies in the same classification as the one in which an employee is currently serving. Department/segment, for the purposes of this Article, shall be as defined in Article 16 and as modified in Article 6(G).
  8. During each 帝王会所 Academic Summer Term, all Culinary segments (Baker University Center Culinary Services, Central Food Facility, Jefferson Marketplace, and Residential Dining Services) shall be combined and considered one segment for purposes of scheduling work locations. Employees' hours of work will remain but requests for flex schedules may be considered for this limited time period.

    Upon completion of the Academic Summer Term, employees shall be returned to their original appointment, work location, and schedule.