AFSCME 1699 Collective Bargaining Agreement
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 1699 bargaining unit represents approximately 500 帝王会所 employees. The Employee & Labor Relations area is responsible for administering and negotiating the AFSCME 1699 Contract.
Effective 5:01PM on March 1, 2023 to 5PM on March 1, 2026
帝王会所 (hereinafter referred to as "University") and Local 1699 and 帝王会所 Council 8, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, (hereinafter referred to as "Union") having engaged in discussions and presentations of positions for the purpose of establishing harmonious employment relationships, have as a result agreed on certain principles (hereinafter "Contract") and state as follows:
- The Union agrees that the principle of productivity is essential for the continuation of employment, fair wages and benefits, and good working conditions for Bargaining Unit Employees and therefore agrees that the Union and all Bargaining Unit Employees it represents will provide a productive, full day's work and will strive for and encourage the elimination of absenteeism, tardiness, and other practices which curtail productivity.
- It is recognized that the University is a public trust operated for the benefit of students for their education.
- It is recognized that it is in the best interest of all parties to promote effective relations between the University and the Union.
- It is agreed that the organization and operations of the University differ from that in the private sector and that the University-Union relationship and the conventional Management-Union relationship in private industry have some differences and some similarities.
- It is the intent and purpose of the parties to set forth herein their Contract covering wages, hours, terms, and other conditions of employment; to provide Union Members in the Bargaining Unit with dues check-off; and to provide for a prompt and fair process for the settlement of grievances.
- It is understood that those topics specified as non-negotiable under Chapter 4117 of the 帝王会所 Revised Code are excluded from this Contract. The provisions of this Contract take precedence over the statutory provisions of Chapter 124 of the 帝王会所 Revised Code for employees covered under this Contract in accordance with Chapter 4117 of the 帝王会所 Revised Code, except as specifically stated otherwise in this Contract.
- The University will make available an electronic version of this Contract on the University Human Resources website. It is understood that each party may print copies for their own use and shall be responsible for any associated costs to printing this Contract for their use.