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Performance Management: Our Journey of Excellence

Recognizing the value of a robust and year-round performance management cycle and its importance in helping all of us achieve the µÛÍõ»áËù Mission, several updates have been made to our performance management tools and process, including new forms, a new rating scale, and a transition to a January through December measurement period for all administrative and classified staff. 


During the measurement period of January 1 to December 31 of every year, informal or formal ongoing feedback should be provided to highlight strengths and identifying areas for improvement. Completed performance evaluations are due on April 15th. 

Prior to the scheduled performance management meeting with the supervisor, employees should complete the self-assessment.  Employees should include upcoming goals in their self-assessment.

Please note: As we transition to the calendar year cycle, UHR will discuss the 2024 measurement period and transition steps during the scheduled sessions from October 2024 through January 2025.


The Employee Performance Self-Assessment and the Performance Evaluation form [Word] should be completed for classified and administrative staff. The Probationary Evaluation, AFSCME 3200 Bargaining Unit [Word] should be completed for classified staff during their probationary period.

Supervisors and employees will work together in drafting goals. During the performance management meeting, the supervisor and employee will agree upon and finalize the goals for the upcoming period.  The Planning Tip Sheet (PDF) may be used as a resource during the goal planning process. For more detailed information regarding our performance management process, please refer to the .

Note that all completed classified evaluations should be sent to the Employee Service Center in UHR. All completed Administrative & Professional evaluations should be sent to the respective planning unit head. Questions may be directed to: uhr@ohio.edu or 740.593.1636

Performance Management Training Dates

To register for training, select the link below and follow the registration process in Microsoft Teams, you should receive an email confirming your registration with a link and instructions:

Supervisor Sessions                               Employee Sessions                             

Combined Sessions

For more information, please contact your HR Liaison.

Uploading Performance Evaluations to OnBase

  1. Who Can Upload: Designated users from each department/unit can upload performance evaluations to OnBase.
  2. Getting Access: If you need access, contact University Human Resources at uhr@ohio.edu. UHR will submit a ticket for you.
  3. Using the Unity Client: Follow the steps below to upload performance evaluations using the Unity Client.

Installing OnBase

  1. Check if You Have OnBase: Type "Hyland Unity" in your Windows search bar. If the OnBase icon does not appear, you need to install it.
  2. Install the Unity Client:
    • Requires Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer 11 or above.
    • Open the following download link: in Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer 11 or above.
      • A dialog box will appear, select Open. The download will take around 5 minutes and a shortcut key will automatically appear on the desktop. Once OnBase is selected to open, it can take up to 2 minutes to load the login screen.
    • For issues downloading OnBase, please contact OIT at servicedesk@ohio.edu.

Uploading Performance Evaluations

After installing the OnBase Unity Client, open the application and log in with your OHIO ID and password using the SSO dialog box that appears. Ensure you are either on campus or using the BobcatRAS VPN or the virtual desktop (VDI – Omnissa Horizon); otherwise, you will not be able to login. For issues downloading or accessing the BobcatRAS VPN or the virtual desktop, please contact OIT at servicedesk@ohio.edu.

  1. From the Home tab click on the Import icon, this will open a new tab to import the documents.
  2. Select from the drop-down arrows:
    • Document Type Group - select UHR – Personnel File
    • Document Type – select UHR – Performance Evaluations
    • File Type – select PDF
    • Document Date will prepopulate with today’s date.
  3. Once the Document Type and File Type sections are completed, five required Keywords will appear: Employee ID, (HR) PA Year, (HR) PA Score, (HR) Type of Review and (HR) Completion Date. Please enter in the data for these fields as appropriate.
    • The abbreviation PA stands for Performance Evaluation.
    • Once the Employee ID is entered the Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name will prepopulate. Please ensure you have the correct employee.
    • The year that the PA is completed should be entered in the (HR) PA Year field. For example, 2025 should be entered for evaluations submitted 1/1/2025-4/15/2025.
    • The (HR) PA Score will have a dropdown menu, please select the appropriate score according to the score provided in Section 2(e). The scores available are Outstanding, Exceeding, Succeeding, Developing and Needs Improvement.
    • The (HR) Type of Review will have a dropdown menu, please select the appropriate type: New Hire, Annual or Other.
  4. Once all fields are completed, you may click on Browse or Acquire referenced from the toolbar.
  5. Retrieve the document where you initially saved the performance evaluation on your computer; the document name does not matter as it will automatically change when uploaded.
  6. Select Import.
  7. The uploaded performance evaluation will be previewed in the window and once completed will be displayed into a new window. A notification will appear on the right bottom corner when your document has been uploaded successfully.
  8. The employee’s performance evaluation is now in OnBase and you can proceed to upload the next performance evaluation.

Questions or Concerns

Employees are encouraged to take an active role in performance management. Should an employee have questions or concerns throughout the performance management cycle or about their annual evaluation, they are welcome to reach out to their HR Liaison to discuss their specific situation.