Shawn Ostermann Title Associate Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1234 Office Address Stocker Center 341
Nasseef Abukamail Title Professor of Instruction Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1229 Office Address Stocker Center 359
Daniel Allwine Title Assistant Professor of Instruction Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1589 Office Address Stocker Center 322C
Chris Bartone Title Professor Avionics Engineering Center Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.9573 Office Address Stocker Center 349
Harsha Chenji Title Associate Professor Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1241 Office Address Stocker Center 351
Michael DiBenedetto Title Senior Research Program Engineer Avionics Engineering Center Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1515 Office Address McFarland Avionics Building 121
Carl Hawes Title Associate Program Engineer Avionics Engineering Center Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1528 Office Address McFarland Avionics Building 115
Dennis Irwin Title Dean Emeritus; Professor Emeritus Electrical Engineering Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 帝王会所 Research Institute for Transportation and the Environment Email 740.593.9604 Office Address Stocker Center 378
Wojciech Jadwisienczak Title Professor; Graduate Chair Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Nanoscale Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI) Email 740.593.2067 740.593.1572 Office Address Stocker Center 331
David Juedes Title Associate Dean for Academics, Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Director of Avionics Engineering Center Engineering Avionics Engineering Center Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies Dean's Office Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1566 Office Address Stocker Center 119
Avinash Karanth Title Director, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Joseph K. Jachinowski Professor Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.597.1481 Office Address Stocker Center 330
Savas Kaya Title Professor Engineering Biomedical Engineering Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Nanoscale Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI) Email 740.597.1633 Office Address Stocker Center 363
Mike Kelley Title Assistant Professor of Instruction/System Coordinator Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740-681-3710 Office Address Herrold Hall 203
Patricia Lindner Title Visiting Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1578 Office Address Stocker Center 355
Chang Liu Title Professor Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1249 Office Address Stocker Center 321C
Jundong Liu Title Associate Professor Biomedical Engineering Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1603 Office Address Stocker Center 321A
Majid Mirzanezhad Title Assistant Professor, EECS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740-593-1137 Office Address Stocker Center 376
Chad Mourning Title Assistant Professor Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1590 Office Address Stocker Center 337
Ahmed Oun Title Assistant Professor, EECS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740-593-1251 Office Address Stocker Center 322B
Kevin Plis Title Visiting Assistant Professor of Instruction in Computer Science Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.566.8834 Office Address Stocker Center 322D
Faiz Rahman Title Associate Professor Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Nanoscale Quantum Phenomena Institute (NQPI) Email 740.593.2462 Office Address Stocker Center 377
Sabrina Ugazio Title Assistant Professor Avionics Engineering Center Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.597.1507 Office Address Stocker Center 321E
Konstantinos Vasiliadis Title Assistant Chair and Associate Professor Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1582 Office Address Stocker Center 357
Zhewei Wang Title Visiting Assistant Professor in AI Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740-593-1581 Office Address Stocker Center 343
Lonnie Welch Title Charles R. Jr. and Marilyn Stuckey Professor Biomedical Engineering Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.593.1575 Office Address Stocker Center 354
Animesh Yadav Title Assistant Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740-593-1247 Office Address Stocker Center 339
Jim Zhu Title Professor Avionics Engineering Center Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Email 740.597.1506 Office Address Stocker Center 353