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David Juedes

David Juedes
Associate Dean for Academics, Professor Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Director of Avionics Engineering Center
Stocker Center 119
Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies
Dean's Office

David Juedes is a tenured professor and Associate Dean for Academics. Juedes teaches a range of computer science classes from introductory to advanced graduate-level courses. He is a senior member of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Research Interests: algorithms, complexity theory, approximation algorithms, computational biology

All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Computer Science, Iowa State University, 1994; M.S., Computer Science, Iowa State University, 1990; B.S., Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 1988


  • See for and up to date list of Dr. Juedes' publications.


  • Senior Member ACM 2010, Russ College Outstanding Research Paper Award 2004.

Journal Article, Academic Journal (21)

  • Cunningham, G., Liu, S., Chenji, H., Juedes, D., Karanth , A. (2025). Language semantics to support secure computation and communication in embedded systems via hardware monitors. Integration; 102: 102367. .
  • Li , Y., Liu, Y., Juedes, D., Drews, F., Bunescu, R., Welch, L. (2020). Set cover-based methods for motif selection.. 4. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England); 36: 1044-1051.
  • Juedes, D., Jones, J. (2019). A generic framework for approximation analysis of greedy algorithms for star bicoloring. Taylor & Francis; 1-22. .
  • Li, Y., Liu, Y., Juedes, D., Drews, F., Bunescu, R., Welch, L. (2019). Set cover-based methods for motif selection. . Bioinformatics/Oxford University Press.
  • Juedes, D., Jeffrey, J. (2016). A Generic Framework for Approximation Analysis of Greedy Algorithms for Star Bicoloring. Discrete Applied Mathematics.
  • Juedes, D., Jones, J. (2012). Coloring Jacobians revisited: a new algorithm for star and acyclic bicoloring . 2. London: Optimization Methods and Software; 27: 295--309.
  • Juedes, D., Jones, J. (2011). Coloring Jacobians revisited: a new algorithm for star and acyclic bicoloring . London: Optimization Methods and Software.
  • Juedes, D., Cai, L., Fellows, M., Rosamond, F. (2007). The Complexity of Polynomial-Time Approximation . Theory of Computing Systems; 41: 459-477.
  • Juedes, D., Drews, F., Gu, D., Welch, L., Ecker, K., Schomann, S. (2006). Approximation Algorithm for Periodic Real-Time Tasks withWorkload -Dependant Running-. 3. Journal of Real-time Systems; 34: 173-194.
  • Juedes, D., Chen, J., Chor, B., Fellows, M., Huang, X., Kanj, I., Xia, G. (2005). Tight Lower Bounds for Certain Parameterized NP-hard Problems. Information and Computation; 201: 216-231.
  • Juedes, D., Breutzmann, J., Lutz, J. (2004). Baire category and nowhere differentiability for feasible real functions . 4/5. Mathematical Logic Quarterly; 50: 460-472.
  • Juedes, D., Cai, L. (2003). On the existence of subexponential parameterized algorithms . 4. Journal of Computer and System Sciences; 67: 789-807.
  • Cai, L., Juedes, D., Kanj, I. (2002). The inapproximability of non-NP-hard optimization problems. 1. Theoretical Computer Science; 289: 553-571. .
  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (2000). Modeling Time-bounded Prefix Kolmogorov Complexity. 33. Theory of Computing Systems; 111-123.
  • Juedes, D., Bergman, C., Slutzki, G. (1999). Computational Complexity of Term-Equivalence. 1. International Journal of Algebra and Computation; 9: 113-128.
  • Juedes, D., Griewank, A., Utke, J. (1996). ADOL-C: A Package for the Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms Written in C/C++. 22. ACM Trans. Math. Software; 131-167.
  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (1996). Completeness and Weak Completeness under Polynomial-Size Circuits . 125. Information and Computation; 13-31.
  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (1995). The Complexity and Distribution of Hard Problems . 24. SIAM Journal on Computing; 279-295.
  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (1995). Weak Completeness in E and E2 . 143. Theoretical Computer Science; 149-158.
  • Juedes, D. (1995). Weakly Complete Problems are Not Rare. 5. Computational Complexity; 267-283.
  • Juedes, D., Lathrop, J., Lutz, J. (1994). Computational Depth and Reducibility . 132. Theoretical Computer Science; 37-70.

Journal Article, Professional Journal (1)

  • Al-Ouran, R., Schmidt, R., Naik, A., Jones, J., Drews, F., Juedes, D., Elnitski, L., Welch, L. (2015). Discovering Gene Regulatory Elements Using Coverage-based Heuristics. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 26540692. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; October 30, 2015.

Conference Proceeding (46)

  • Cunningham, G., Chenji, H., Juedes, D., Karanth , A. (2024). d-GUARD: Thwarting Denial-of-Service Attacks via Hardware Monitoring of Information Flow using Language Semantics in Embedded Systems. IEEE; 939-944. .
  • Cunningham, G., Chenji, H., Juedes, D., Karanth , A. (2024). d-GUARD: Thwarting Denial-of-Service Attacks via Hardware Monitoring of Information Flow using Language Semantics in Embedded Systems. Incheon, South Korea: 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC 2024).
  • Cunningham, G., Chenji, H., Juedes, D., Stewart, G., Karanth , A. (2023). DAGGER: Exploiting Language Semantics for Program Security in Embedded Systems. IEEE; 1-7. .
  • Cunningham, G., Juedes, D., Stewart, G., Chenji, H., Karanth , A. (2023). DAGGER: Exploiting Language Semantics for Program Security in Embedded Systems. San Fransisco, CA: 24th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED).
  • Mourning, C., Chenji, H., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Kaya, S., Abukamail, N., Juedes, D., Karanth , A. (2023). Reflections of Cybersecurity Workshop for K-12 Teachers. ACM SIGCSE.
  • Mourning, C., Chenji, H., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Kaya, S., Abukamail, N., Juedes, D., Karanth , A. (2023). Reflections of Cybersecurity Workshop for K-12 Teachers. ACM; 987-993. .
  • Cunningham, G., Bunescu, R., Juedes, D. (2022). Towards Autoformalization of Mathematics and Code Correctness: Experiments with Elementary Proofs. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (Hybrid): Association for Computational Linguistics; 25--32. .
  • Mourning, C., Juedes, D., Hallman-Thrasher, A., Chenji, H., Kaya, S., Karanth , A. (2022). Reflections of Cybersecurity Workshop for K-12 Teachers and High School Students. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery; 1127. .
  • Samuel, M., Stewart, G., Juedes, D. (2016). Certified Program for Computing All Maximal Independent Sets (Rough Diamond).
  • Marling, C., Juedes, D. (2016). CS0 for Computer Science Majors at µÛÍõ»áËù. New York, New York: ACM; 138--143. .
  • Welch, L., Al-Ouran, R., Schmidt, R., Naik, A., Jones, J., Juedes, D., Elnitski, L., Drews, F. (2015). Discovering Gene Regulatory Elements Using Coverage-based Heuristics. Potomac, Maryland: ENCODE 2015: Research Applications and Users Meeting, National Institutes of Health, Potomac, Maryland.
  • Welch, L., Al-Ouran, R., Schmidt, R., Naik, A., Jones, J., Juedes, D., Elnitski, L., Drews, F. (2015). Discovering Gene Regulatory Elements Using Coverage-based Heuristics. West Lafayette, IN: 10th Great Lakes Bioinformatics Conference, International Society for Computational Biology, Purdue University.
  • Juedes, D., Jones, J. (2015). An Extended Abstract: A Generic Framework for Approximation Analysis for Algorithms for Star Bicoloring. The 13th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs & Combinatorial Optimization; 185--188.
  • Raffle, H., Smith, M., Young, V., Juedes, D. (2014). Developmental Evaluation of Multi-Level Mentoring Systems for Appalachian STEM Students. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico; 7.
  • Young, V., Juedes, D., Raffle, H. (2013). The Appalachian Cohort for Engineering: An evaluation of S-STEM strategies for success. IEEE; .
  • Young, V., Juedes, D., Raffle, H. (2013). The Appalachian Cohort for Engineering: An Evaluation of S-Stem Strategies for Success. Proceedings of the 2013 Frontiers in Education Conference; 233-236.
  • Juedes, D., Drews, F. (2012). Engineering a New Curriculum: Experiences at µÛÍõ»áËù in Incorporating the IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative During a Transition to Semesters. 2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops & PhD Forum (IPDPSW); 1279 - 1282.
  • Juedes, D. (2005). The Web-Based Grading Project: Further Experiences and Student Attitudes. Indianapolis, Indiana: Proceedings of the 35th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE Press; F4E-18 - F4E-23.
  • Judd, R., Drews, F., Lawrence, D., Juedes, D., Leal, W., Deshpande, J., Welch, L. (2005). QoS-Based Resource Allocation in Dynamic Real-Time Systems. Portland, OR: Proceedings of the 2005 American Control Conference; 1745 – 1751.
  • Bryan, K., DiPippo, L., Fay-Wolfe, V., Murphy, M., Zhang, J., Fleeman, D., Juedes, D., Liu, C., Welch, L., Niehaus, D., Gill, C. (2005). Integrated CORBA Scheduling and Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems. San Francisco, CA: Proceeding of 11th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symosium (RTAS 2005), IEEE Computer Society Press; 374-384.
  • Juedes, D., Fernau, H. (2004). A Geometric Approach to Parameterized Algorithms for Domination Problems on Planar Graphs . Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag; 3153: 488-499.
  • Juedes, D., Chor, B., Fellows, M. (2004). Linear Kernels in Linear Time, or How to Save k Colors in O(n2) steps . Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag; 3353: 257-269.
  • Juedes, D., Chen, J., Chor, B., Fellows, M., Huang, X., Kanj, I., Xia, G. (2004). Tight Lower Bounds for Certain Parameterized NP-hard Problems. 19th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, IEEE Computer Soceity Press; 150-160.
  • Welch, L., Fleeman, D., Juedes, D., Liu, C. (2004). Adaptive Resource Management Services in CORBA. The Object Management Group (OMG) Workshop on Distributed Object Computing for Real-time and Embedded Systems.
  • Bryan, K., DiPippo, L., Fay-Wolfe, V., Fleeman, D., Gill, C., Juedes, D., Liu, C., Murphy, M., Niehaus, D., Subramonian, V., Welch, L., Zhang, J. (2004). Towards Integrated CORBA Scheduling and Resource Management Services for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Arlington, VA: 4th Annual Workshop on TAO and CIAO.
  • Aber, E., Drews, F., Gu, D., Juedes, D., Lenharth, A., Parrott, D., Welch, L., Zhao, H., Fleeman, D. (2004). Experimental Comparison of Heuristic and Optimal Resource Allocation Algorithms for Maximizing Allowable Workload in Dynamic, Distributed Real-Time Systems. WTR 2004 - 6th Brazilian Workshop on Real-Time Systems.
  • Juedes, D., Drews, F., Welch, L. (2004). Workload Functions: A New Paradigm for Real-Time Computing. In Proceedings of the RTAS Work-In-Progress Session.
  • Liu, C., Fleeman, D., Aber, E., Welch, L., Juedes, D. (2004). Model-Driven Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. 2nd RTAS Workshop on Model-Driven Embedded Systems (MoDES '04.
  • Juedes, D., Drews, F., Welch, L., Fleeman, D. (2004). Heuristic Resource Allocation Algorithms for Maximizing Allowable Workload in Dynamic, Distributed Real-Time Systems. 12th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press.
  • Fleeman, D., Gillen, M., Lenharth, A., Delaney, M., Welch, L., Juedes, D., Liu, C. (2004). Quality-based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service, IEEE Press. 12th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press.
  • Drews, F., Welch, L., Juedes, D., Fleeman, D., Bruening, A., Ecker, K., Hoefer, M. (2004). Utility-Function based Resource Allocation for Adaptable Applications in Dynamic Distributed Real-Time Systems. 12th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press.
  • Fleeman, D., Gillen, M., Lenharth, A., Delaney, M., Welch, L., Juedes, D., Liu, C. (2004). Quality-based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems 2004 (WPDRTS04).
  • Juedes, D. (2003). Experiences in Web-based Grading. Boulder, Colorado: Proceedings of the 33rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE Press, 2003; S3F-27 - S37-32.
  • Ecker, K., Drews, F., Juedes, D., Welch, L., Chelberg, D., Fleeman, D., Parrott, D. (2003). An Optimization Framework for Dynamic, Distributed Real-Time Systems. Nice, France: 11th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems.
  • Juedes, D., Krone, J., Sitharam, M. (2002). Theory meets practice: Enriching the CS curriculum through industrial case studies . Covington, Kentucky: Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, (CSEE&T 2002), IEEE Computer Society Press ; 207-214.
  • Juedes, D., Breutzmann, J., Lutz, J. (2001). Baire category and nowhere differentiability for feasible real functions . Christchurch, New Zealand: Proceedings of the Twelveth International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, Springer-Verlag; 219-230.
  • Juedes, D., Cai, L. (2001). Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms Collapse the W-hierarchy . Crete, Greece: Proceedings of the Twenty Eighth International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Springer-Verlag; 273-284.
  • Juedes, D., Cai, L., Liakhovitch, E. (2000). Evolutionary Computation Techniques for Multiple Sequence Alignment . San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press; 829-835.
  • Juedes, D., Krone, J., Sitharam, M. (1999). Bridging the gap between theory and practice by promoting a partnership between industry and academia . San Juan, Puerto Rico: Proceedings of the 29th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE Press; 13c5-19.
  • Juedes, D., Cai, L., Kanj, I. (1998). On the inapproximability of non NP-hard optimization problems. 1533. Taejon, Korea: Proceeding of the Ninth Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC ’98), Spring-Verlag; 437-446.
  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (1998). Time-bounded Prefix Kolmogorov Complexity. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, University of Illinois Press; 703-712.
  • Juedes, D., Balakrishnan, K. (1996). Generalized Neural Networks, Computational Differentiation, and Evolution . Proceedings of the Second International SIAM Workshop on Computational Differentiation, SIAM; 273-286.
  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (1995). Completeness and Weak Completeness Under Polynomial-Size Circuits . Munich, Germany: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag ; 26-37.
  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (1993). The Complexity and Distribution of Hard Problems . Palo Alto, CA: Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE Press ; 177-185.
  • Juedes, D., Lathrop, J., Lutz, J. (1993). Computational Depth and Reducibility . Lund, Sweden: Proceedings of the Twentieth International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Springer-Verlag; 277-288.
  • Juedes, D., Bischof, C., Griewank, A. (1991). Exploiting Parallelism in Automatic Differentiation . Baltimore, MD: Proceedings of the 1991 International, ACM Press; : 146-153.

Cited Research (1)

  • Juedes, D. Citation Profile. 164 Citations (Science Citation Index); .

Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal (1)

  • Juedes, D., Lutz, J. (1992). Kolmogorov Complexity, Complexity Cores, and the Distribution of Hardness . Kolmogorov Complexity and Computational Complexity, Springer-Verlag; 43-65.

Magazine/Trade Publication (1)

  • Juedes, D. (1991). A Taxonomy of Automatic Differentiation Tools. Philadelphia, PA: Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms: Theory, Implementation, and Application, SIAM; 315-329.