Chang Liu

Stocker Center 321C
Center for Scientific Computing and Immersive Technologies
Chang Liu's current research focus is to turn software engineering big data into actionable knowledge for software developers and apply software engineering principles in learning and health applications.
Research Interests: software engineering, mobile health, 3D immersive learning apps
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, 2002
Journal Article, Academic Journal (28)
- Jing, X., Liu, C. (2024). Jing X, Cimino JJ, Patel VL, Zhou YC, Shubrook JH, De Lacalle S, Draghi BN*, Ernst MA*, Weaver A*, Sekar S*, Liu C. Data-driven hypothesis generation among junior clinical researchers: A comparison of a secondary data analysis and visualization tool (VIADS) and other tools. . Journal of Clinical and Translational Science.
- Liu, C. (2024). Jing X, Cimino JJ, Patel VL, Zhou YC, Shubrook JH, Liu C, De Lacalle S. Data-Driven Hypothesis Generation in Clinical Research: What We Learned from a Human Subject Study? . Medical Research Archives.
- Jing, X., Zhou, Y., Liu, C. (2023). Jing, Xia, James J. Cimino, Vimla L. Patel, Yuchun Zhou, Jay H. Shubrook, Sonsoles De Lacalle, Brooke N. Draghi, Mytchell A. Ernst, Aneesa Weaver, Shriram Sekar, Chang Liu "Data-driven hypothesis generation among inexperienced clinical researchers: A comparison of secondary data analyses with visualization (VIADS) and other tools." Journal of Clinical and Translational Science (2023): 1-31.. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science.
- Jing, X., Zhou, Y., Liu, C. (2023). Jing, Xia, Vimla L. Patel, James J. Cimino, Jay H. Shubrook, Yuchun Zhou, Brooke N. Draghi, Mytchell A. Ernst, Chang Liu, and Sonsoles De Lacalle. "A Visual Analytic Tool (VIADS) to Assist the Hypothesis Generation Process in Clinical Research: Mixed Methods Usability Study." . 10. JMIR Human Factors.
- Zeng, X., Linwood, S., Liu, C. (2022). Pretrained transformer framework on pediatric claims data for population specific tasks. Scientific Reports.
- Hallman-Thrasher, A., Thompson, J., Strachota, S., Koestler, C., Liu, C. (2021). Designing and Implementing STEM Summer Camp. Technology and Engineering Teacher.
- Beauchamp, J., Bunescu, R., Marling, C., Li, Z., Liu, C. (2021). LSTMs and Deep Residual Networks for Carbohydrate and Bolus Recommendations in Type 1 Diabetes Management. Sensors.
- Zeng, X., Lin, S., Liu, C. (2021). Multi-View Deep Learning Framework for Predicting Patient Expenditure in Healthcare. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society ; 2.
- Hallman-Thrasher, A., Thompson, J., Strachota, S., Koestler, C., Liu, C. (2021). Designing and Implementing STEM Summer Camp.
- Li, Z., Song, F., Clark, B., Grooms, D., Liu, C. (2020). A Wearable Device for Indoor Imminent Danger Detection and Avoidance With Region-Based Ground Segmentation. IEEE Access; 8: 184808--184821.
- Yakushin, S., Zink, R., Clark, B., Liu, C. (2020). Readaptation Treatment of Mal de Debarquement Syndrome With a Virtual Reality App: A Pilot Study. Frontiers in neurology; 11: 814.
- Liu, C. (2020). Reverse Checking of Quantum Algorithm Execution. IEEE Access; 8: 228702--228710.
- Lin, E., Hefner, J., Zeng, X., Moosavinasab, S., Huber, T., Klima, J., Liu, C., Lin, S. (2019). A deep learning model for pediatric patient risk stratification.. 10. The American journal of managed care; 25: e310.
- Jing, X., Emerson, M., Masters, D., Brooks, M., Buskirk, J., Abukamail, N., Liu, C., Cimino, J., Shubrook, J., De Lacalle, S., Zhou, Y., Patel, V. (2019). A visual interactive analysis tool for filtering and summarizing large data sets coded with hierarchical terminologies (VIADS). BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making; .
- Ye, E., Ye, X., Liu, C. (2018). TeamWATCH: Visualizing development activities using a 3-D city metaphor to improve conflict detection and team awareness. PLOS ONE.
- Jaber, K., Liu, C. (2016). An Empirical Study on the Effect of 3D Visualization for Project Tasks and Resources. Journal of Systems and Software.
- Levine, M., Osei, D., Liu, C., Philips, B., Shubrook, J., Jing , X. (2016). Performance Comparison between Two Solutions for Filtering Data Sets with Hierarchical Structures. Journal of Computer Engineering & Information Technology.
- Hong, S., Liu, C. (2015). Sensor-Based Random Number Generator Seeding. IEEE Access.
- Ye, X., Bunescu, R., Liu, C. (2015). Mapping Bug Reports to Relevant Files: A Ranking Model, a Fine-grained Benchmark, and Feature Evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering; 99: 26. .
- Liu, C. (2014). Source Code Revision History Visualization Tools: Do They Work And What Would It Take to Put Them to Work?. IEEE Access; 2.
- Zhong, Y., Liu, C. (2014). A domain-oriented end-user design environment for generating interactive 3D virtual chemistry experiments. Multimedia Tools and Applications.
- Zhong, Y., Liu, C. (2014). Multi-Level Adaptation in End-User Development of 3D Virtual Chemistry Experiments. 1. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments; 5: 54-72.
- Jaber, K., Sharif, B., Liu, C. (2013). A Study on the Effect of Traceability Links in Software Maintenance. IEEE Access; 1: 726-741.
- Liu, C., Zhong, Y., Ozercan, S., Zhu, Q. (2013). Facilitating 3D Virtual World Learning Environments Creation By Non-Technical End Users Through Template-Based Virtual World Instantiation. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments.
- Young, W., Franklin, T., Cooper, T., Carroll, S., Liu, C. (2012). Game-based learning aids in Second Life. 1. Journal of Interactive Learning Research; 23.
- Liu, C., Zhu, Q., Holroyd, K., Seng, E. (2011). Status and trends of mobile-health applications for iOS devices: A developer's perspective. 11. Journal of Systems and Software; 84: 2022-2033. .
- Liu, C., Franklin, T., Shelor, R., Ozercan, S., Reuter, J., Ye, E., Moriarty, S. (2011). A Learning Game for Youth Financial Literacy Education in the Teen Grid of Second Life Three-Dimensional Virtual Environment. 7. American Journal of Business Education; 4: 1-18.
- Liu, C., Ye, E., Richardson, D. (2008). Software Library Usage Pattern Extraction Using a Software Model Checker. International Journal of Computers and Applications.
Patent (17)
- Chusap, K., Liu, C. A hands-free and hands-on methods for location-sensitive personal authentication in mixed reality (XR) or virtual reality (VR) headsets.
- Liu, C. Computation-Power-Aware, Dynamic, Gesture-Based Graphical CAPTCHA. 61/982,110.
- Liu, C. Gesture matching using velocity visualization as a method of improving movement control in aging and neurodegenerative disease.
- Zhu, J., Wilhelm, J., Williams II, R., Uijt de Haag, M., Bartone, C., Liu, J., Chelberg, D., Liu, C., DiBenedetto, M. An Integrated, Scalable All-Weather, All-Terrain, All-Time, Autonomous Perimeter Monitoring and Ground Inspection System, Provisional patent application. OU16018.
- Liu, C. Multi-Factor Authentication using Secret Gesture Behaviometrics. PCT/US2014/037670.
- Liu, C., Clark, B. Treatment device for mal de debarquement syndrome..
- Liu, C. Detecting deficits in cognitive function from gestures obtained from game-like tests. 62/072,079.
- Liu, C. Motion-Based Authentication. PCT/US2014/63069.
- Liu, C. Pressure, Force, and Moment Characteristics of Gestures for User Authentication. PCT/US2014/037670.
- Liu, C., Hong, S. User Authentication System through Movement Patterns Obtained through a Touchscreen. 14/178,476.
- Liu, C. Video Game-Based Behaviometric User Authentication through Gestures.
- Liu, C. Voice-Enhanced Behaviometric and Cognitive User Authentication through Speech Analysis and Cognitive Computing.
- Liu, C. Touch Screening.
- Liu, C. Touch Therapy.
- Liu, C. Git Touch Viewer.
- Liu, C. Improving Developer Efficiency of Searching and Comprehending Software Revision History Using A ThreeDimensional Software Revision History Visualization Tool.
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book (6)
- Dani, D., Wu, M., Hartman, S., Kessler, G., Gibbs, T., Liu, C., Barnhart-Francis, J. (2020). Leveraging Partnerships to Support Community-Based Learning in a College of Education. IGI Global.
- Young, W., Franklin, T., Liu, C., Chelberg, D. (2011). Lessons Learned from the STEAM Project: Development and Deployment of Digital Learning Games for Effective Learning Improvement. Badajoz: Formatex Research Center; 288-299.
- Young, W., Franklin, T., Liu, C., Chelberg, D. (2011). Lessons Learned from the STEAM Project: Development and Deployment of Digital Learning Games for Effective Learning Improvement. FORMATEX RESEARCH CENTER; "Education in a technological world: communicating current and emerging research and technological efforts,“.
- Franklin, T., Chelberg, D., Liu, C. (2009). Changing Middle School Science Virtually through STEAM: Science and Technology Enrichment for Appalachian Middle-Schoolers. IGI Global.
- Liu, C. (2009). Chapter 2. General Resource Management Patterns. Design Patterns for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems, Kluwer Real-Time Systems book series.
- Liu, C., Atighetchi, M., Cross, J., DiPippo, L., Fay-Wolfe, V., Gill, C., Gupta, P., Heightland, T., James, J., Loyall, J., Murphy, M., Neihaus, D., Rubel, P., Schantz, R., Schmidt, D., Welch, L., Zhang, J., Zinky, J. (2009). Chapter 3: Resource Management Specification and Enforcement Patterns. Design Patterns for Distributed Real-time Systems, Real-Time Systems Series, Springer 2008.; 24.
Conference Proceeding (65)
- Chusap, K., Liu, C. (2024). Gauging Tech Community Acceptance of Rapid Prototyping in Unfamiliar Programming Languages using LLM Chatbots. LLM4Code Workshop.
- Jing, X., Zhou, Y., Cimino, J., Shubrook, J., Patel, V., De LaCalle, S., Liu, C. (2022). Development and preliminary validation of metrics to evaluate data-driven clinical research hypotheses. AMIA.
- Zhang, J., Chusap, K., Zhang, W., Liu, C. (2022). Improving Paper Classification Using Forecasting.
- Zeng, X., Liu, C., Lin, S. (2021). DeepChild: Hospitalization Prediction via Neural Network. AMIA.
- Zeng, X., Song, F., Li, Z., Chusap, K., Liu, C. (2021). Human-in-the-loop model explanation via verbatim boundary identification in generated neighborhoods. CD-MAKE 2021.
- Zeng, X., Lin, S., Liu, C. (2021). Transformer-based unsupervised patient representation learning based on medical claims for risk stratification and analysis. ACM BCB.
- Zeng, X., Song, F., Li, Z., Chusap, K., Liu, C. (2021). Verbatim Machine Learning Model Manifestation in Manageable Neighborhoods. ICSE WAIN Workshop.
- Song, F., Li, Z., Clark, B., Grooms, D., Liu, C. (2020). Camera-Based Indoor Navigation in Known Environments with ORB for People with Visual Impairment. IEEE GHTC (Global Humanitarian Technology Conference).
- Zeng, X., Feng, Y., Moosavinasab, S., Lin, D., Lin, S., Liu, C. (2020). Multilevel Self-Attention Model and its Use on Medical Risk Prediction. Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing; 2020.
- Liu, C., Chusap, K., Li, Z., Chen, Z., Rogers, D., Song, F. (2019). Continuous Collateral Privacy Risk Auditing of Evolving Autonomous Driving Software. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME); 363--363.
- Mayle, A., Mou, Z., Bunescu, R., Mirshekarian, S., Xu, L., Liu, C. (2019). Diagnosing Dysarthria with Long Short-Term Memory Networks. Proc. Interspeech 2019; 4514--4518.
- Feng, Y., Lin, S., Lin, E., Farley, L., Huang, Y., Liu, C. (2019). Identifying Candidates for Medical Coding Audits: Demonstration of a Data Driven Approach to Improve Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Group Coding Compliance. International Conference on Health Information Science; 47--57.
- Clark, B., Yakushin, S., Dai, M., Zink, R., Liu, C. (2019). The Design of a Virtual Reality App for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. 2019 IEEE 1st Global Conference on Life Sciences and Technologies (LifeTech); 110--114.
- Jing, X., Emerson, M., Gunderson, D., Cimino, J., Liu, C., Shubrook, J., Philips, B. (2018). Architecture of a visual interactive analysis tool for filtering and summarizing large data sets coded with hierarchical terminologies (VIADS). AMIA 2018 Informatics Summit.
- Ye, X., Fang, F., Wu, J., Bunescu, R., Liu, C. (2018). Bug Report Classification Using LSTM Architecture for More Accurate Software Defect Locating. The 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA); 1438--1445.
- Emerson, M., Brooks, M., Masters, D., Buskirk, J., Abukamail, N., Liu, C., Cimino, J., Shubrook, J., Jing, X. (2018). Improved visualization of hierarchical datasets with VIADS. AMIA 2018.
- Liu, C., Feng, Y., Liu, X., Chusap, K., Parker, J. (2018). Towards a cryptographic token for recognizing volunteers and peer reviewers. 2018 GHTC (Global Humanitarian Technologies Conference).
- Chen, C., Bunescu, R., Xu, L., Liu, C. (2016). Tone Classification in Mandarin Chinese using Convolutional Neural Networks. San Francisco, CA: International Speech Communication Association (ISCA) Conference (Interspeech); .
- Ye, X., Shen, H., Ma, X., Bunescu, R., Liu, C. (2016). From Word Embeddings To Document Similarities for Improved Information Retrieval in Software Engineering. Austin, TX: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE); 404-415 . .
- Hong, S., Liu, C. (2015). Increasing Fine Movement Complexity through a Multiplayer Game. Wireless Health.
- Gao, M., Liu, C. (2015). TeamWATCH Demonstration – A Web-Based 3D Software Source Code Visualization for Education. 1st Int'l Code Hunt Workshop on Educational Software Engineering (CHESE 2015), an International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA 2015) Workshop.
- Ye, X., Bunescu, R., Liu, C. (2014). Learning to rank relevant files for bug reports using domain knowledge. 689--699.
- Ye, X., Bunescu, R., Liu, C. (2014). Learning to Rank Relevant Files for Bug Reports using Domain Knowledge. 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE); 11. .
- Zhu, Q., Liu, C., Holroyd, K. (2012). From a traditional behavioral management program to an m-health app: Lessons learned in developing m-health apps for existing health care programs. Software Engineering in Health Care.
- Franklin, T., Ozercan, S., Liu, C., Andre, N. (2012). The Virtual Boat: Design Team Issues in the Development of a Virtual Simulations for High School Science. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.
- Zhong, Y., Liu, C. (2012). User evaluation of a domain-oriented end-user design environment for building 3D virtual chemistry experiments. International Workshop on User Evaluation for Software Engineering Researchers.
- Chang, T., Liu, C., Bentz, J., Wiseman, J., Fang, Y., Copley, A., Ye, X., Ozercan, S., Andre, N., Zhu, Q. (2012). A Sustainable Model for Water Resources and Environmental Educations. American Society of Eivil Engineers; 955-974.
- Chang, T., Liu, C., Bentz, J., Wiseman, J., Fang, Y., Copley, A., Ye, X., Ozercan, S., Andre, N., Zhu, Q. (2012). Design of A Virtual Boat for Environmental Education.
- Young, W., Zhong, Y., Ozercan, S., Carroll, S., Zhu, Q., Liu, C. (2010). A Case Study of using a Virtual World Application for Learning. The 2010 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2010).
- Fang, Y., Chang, T., Zhong, Y., Ye, E., Liu, C. (2010). Improving Public Awareness of Everyday Chemical Pollutants Utilizing a 3-D Immersive Game. The 2010 World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2010).
- Liu, C., Holroyd, K., Zhu, Q., Shen, K., Zhou, W. (2010). Design and Implementation of a Behavioral Migraine Management iPhone App for Adolescents with Migraine. The Second IEEE Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research on E-health Services and Systems (IREHSS 2010).
- Mourning, C., Nykl, S., Chelberg, D., Franklin, T., Liu, C. (2009). An overview of first generation steamie learning objects. 3748--3757.
- Nykl, S., Mourning, C., Leitch, M., Chelberg, D., Franklin, T., Liu, C. (2008). An overview of the STEAMiE educational game engine. F3B--21.
- Nykl, S., Mourning, C., Leitch, M., Chelberg, D., Franklin, T., Liu, C. (2008). The STEAMiE Educational Engine. Frontiers in Education (FIE).
- Bilyeu, B., Liu, C., Franklin, T., Chelberg, D. (2008). Using Games Created in Second Life To Teach Middle School Science Content. Tampa, FL: Second Life Education Community Convention (SLEDUCC).
- Schendel, J., Liu, C., Chelberg, D., Franklin, T. (2008). Virtual Gallery Walk, an Innovative Outlet for Sharing Student Research Work in K-12 Classrooms. Frontiers in Education (FIE).
- Schwerha, D., Liu, C., Ozercan, S., Vadlamani, T., Neiman, L. (2008). Second Life as a Pedagogical Tool for Improving Statistics Homework Sessions. West Point, NY: American Society for Engineering Education (Zone 1) Conference.
- Ye, E., Fang, Y., Liu, C., Chang, T., Dinh, H. (2007). Appalachian Tycoon: an Environmental Education Game in Second Life. Chicago, IL: the 2007 Second Life Community Convention (Education Track).
- Ye, E., Liu, C., Polack-Wahl, J. (2007). Enhancing Software Engineering Education Using Teaching Aids in 3-D Online Virtual Worlds. Frontiers In Education (FIE’07): Proceedings of the 2007 Frontiers in Education Conference.
- Bilyeu, B., Mayles, J., Franklin, T., Liu, C., Chelberg, D. (2007). Using Second Life to Create Educational Games for Middle School Science Students. Knoxville, TN: Math and Science Symposium.
- Nykl, S., Liu, C., Franklin, T., Chelberg, D. (2007). Using Engaging and Interactive Technology to Teach Hard-to-Teach Science Concepts. Columbus, µÛÍõ»áËù: eTech µÛÍõ»áËù 2007.
- Young, V., Liu, C. (2006). Student and Faculty Attitudes Towards Classroom Use of Tablet PCs. San Francisco, California: The 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
- Liu, C., Young, V. (2006). Student Self-Reported Usage of Wireless Tablet PCs in Classrooms. San Diego, California: Frontiers In Education (FIE'2006).
- Liu, C., Houdek, R. (2006). Teaching Computer Science Graduate Students Scholarly Literature Review Techniques. San Diego, California: Frontiers In Education (FIE'2006).
- Fang, Y., Ye, E., Liu, C., Chang, T. (2006). Increasing Environmental Awareness of Water, Waste, and Land Issues in Appalachian µÛÍõ»áËù through a High School Contest of Computer-Simulated Environmental Models. Murray, Kentucky: Proc. of the 2006 Scientific Symposium, µÛÍõ»áËù River Basin Consortium for Research and Education.
- Liu, C., Keesey, C., Graybill, M. (2006). Designing Effective Learning Environment in Second Life. 2006 NMC Virtual Symposium on Digital Media.
- Liu, C., Ye, E., Richardson, D. (2006). Software Library Usage Pattern Extraction Using a Software Model Checker. Tokyo, Japan: 2006 Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2006).
- Liu, C. (2006). Second Life Learning Community--A peer-based approach to involving more faculty members in Second Life. San Francisco, California: SLCC (Second Life Community Convention) Educator’s Workshop.
- Liu, C., Ye, E., Richardson, D. (2006). LtRules: an Automated Software Library Usage Rule Extraction Tool. Shanghai, China: 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2006) (research demonstration).
- Liu, C. (2006). Software Project Demonstrations as not only an Assessment Tool but also a Learning Tool. Houston, Texas: 2006 SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
- Liu, C. (2006). A Motivational Exercise for Software Testing Courses. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida: 5th Workshop on the Teaching of Software Testing (WTST 5).
- Kline, M., Liu, C., Johnson, J., Wolfe, C., Drumm, P. (2005). Mastering Case-Based Instruction Techniques in a Faculty Learning Community. session T3F. Indianapolis, Indiana: Proceedings of the 2005 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE); 9-14.
- Liu, C. (2005). Partnering with and Assisting Community Partners in Service Learning Projects to Tailor and Articulate Project Requirements. session F2F. Indianapolis, Indiana: Proceedings of the 2005 Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE); 15-20.
- Liu, C., Sandell, K., Welch, L. (2005). Teaching Communication Skills in Software Engineering Courses. Portland, Oregon: 2005 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.
- Liu, C. (2005). Enriching Software Engineering Courses with Service-Learning Projects and the Open-Source Approach. St. Louis, Missouri: 27th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'05).
- Liu, C. (2005). Using Issue Tracking Tools to Facilitate Student Learning of Communication Skills in Software Engineering Courses. Ottawa, Canada: 18th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T).
- Liu, C., Wolfe, C. (2005). Project Selection in Software Project Courses. µÛÍõ»áËù Northern University, Ada, µÛÍõ»áËù: 2005 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) North Central Section Spring Conference.
- Bryan, K., DiPippo, L., Fay-Wolfe, V., Murphy, M., Zhang, J., Fleeman, D., Juedes, D., Liu, C., Welch, L., Niehaus, D., Gill, C. (2005). Integrated CORBA Scheduling and Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems. San Francisco, CA: Proceeding of 11th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symosium (RTAS 2005), IEEE Computer Society Press; 374-384.
- Liu, C. (2005). Teaching 'Data Flow Testing' in an Undergraduate Computer Science Course. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Florida: 4th Workshop on the Teaching of Software Testing (WTST 4).
- Welch, L., Fleeman, D., Juedes, D., Liu, C. (2004). Adaptive Resource Management Services in CORBA. The Object Management Group (OMG) Workshop on Distributed Object Computing for Real-time and Embedded Systems.
- Bryan, K., DiPippo, L., Fay-Wolfe, V., Fleeman, D., Gill, C., Juedes, D., Liu, C., Murphy, M., Niehaus, D., Subramonian, V., Welch, L., Zhang, J. (2004). Towards Integrated CORBA Scheduling and Resource Management Services for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. Arlington, VA: 4th Annual Workshop on TAO and CIAO.
- Liu, C., Fleeman, D., Aber, E., Welch, L., Juedes, D. (2004). Model-Driven Resource Management for Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. 2nd RTAS Workshop on Model-Driven Embedded Systems (MoDES '04.
- Leal, W., Drews, F., Liu, C., Welch, L. (2004). Toward Model-Based Verification of Adaptive Allocation Managers. Proceedings of the 2nd RTAS Workshop on Model-Driven Embedded Systems (MoDES '04).
- Fleeman, D., Gillen, M., Lenharth, A., Delaney, M., Welch, L., Juedes, D., Liu, C. (2004). Quality-based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service, IEEE Press. 12th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-time Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Fleeman, D., Gillen, M., Lenharth, A., Delaney, M., Welch, L., Juedes, D., Liu, C. (2004). Quality-based Adaptive Resource Management Architecture (QARMA): A CORBA Resource Management Service. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems 2004 (WPDRTS04).
Abstract (1)
- Xu, L., Liu, C. (2023). Spatial Masking Release under Congruent and Incongruent Visual and Auditory Spatial Locations. ARO MidWinter Meeting.
Conference, Poster (4)
- Liu, C. (2025). Neuromorphic AI Agents for Tic-Tac-Toe. NICE.
- Liu, C. (2025). Using Tail Recursion, Big Integers, and Memoization to Implement a Scalable Fibonacci Sequence Function in OCaml. TFPiE.
- Jing, X., Liu, C. (2024). Ernst MA*, Draghi BN*, Weaver A*, Patel VL, Cimino JJ, Shubrook JH, Zhou YC, Liu C, De Lacalle S, Jing X. Cognitive events and hypothesis generation among clinical researchers.. AMIA Clinical Informatics Conference 2024.
- Chen, L., Bunescu, R., Xu, L., Liu, C. (2016). Mandarin tone recognition based on unsupervised feature learning from spectrograms . The 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and the Acoustical Society of Japan.