Jim Zhu

Dr. J. Jim Zhu is a professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the µÛÍõ»áËù (OU) since 2000. His main research area and contribution is in time-varying linear and nonlinear systems theory and nonlinear control system design, with a focus on advanced control systems for autonomous vehicles, such as unmanned airplanes, drones, cars, marine vehicles and mobile robots, and reusable launch vehicles for space transportation. To date he has published more than 150 papers and has conducted sponsored research of more than $6M for NASA, US Air Force, NSF, etc. In particular, he served as the PI of a $4.3M contract on advanced guidance and control algorithm development for NASA’s 2nd-Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle in 2001. Holds several US and International patents on advanced flight control systems and robotic designs.
Dr. Zhu is an Associate Fellow of AIAA and Senior Member of IEEE. He received the NSF Research Initiation Award in 1991. He was an AFOSR Summer Faculty Associate in 1995, a NASA Summer Research Fellow in 1999 and 2008, and a National Research Council/AFRL Summer Research Fellow in 2002 and 2005. He was a Technical Associate Editor of the Control Systems Magazine from 1996-1997, an Associate Editor of the IEEE Control System Society (CSS) Conference Editorial Board (CEB) from 1994-1997. He was the 34th CDC Program Committee Vice-Chairman for Short Papers, and the General Chair for the 28th IEEE Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST). He was the Chairman/Editor of the IEEE CSS CEB and a member of the IEEE CSS Conference Activities Board from 1998-2001, and an Elected Member of the IEEE CSS Board of Governors from 2001-2003.
Research Interests: nonlinear and linear time varying system theory, flight control systems, robotics
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., University of Alabama in Huntsville, 1989
Journal Article, Academic Journal (11)
- Zhao, Y., Zhu, J. (2016). Automatic Aircraft Loss-of-Control Prevention by Bandwidth Adaptation. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics; Online: 1-12. .
- Yang, X., Zhu, J. (2016). Chang Transformation for Decoupling of Singularly Perturbed Linear Time-Varying Systems. 5. New Jersey: IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control; 61: TBD.
- Yang, X., Zhu, J. (2016). Singular Perturbation Margin and Generalized Gain Margin for Nonlinear Time Invariant Systems. 3. International Journal of Control; 89: 451-486.
- Block, K., Gyllenhaal, C., Lowe, L., Amedei, A., Amin ARMR, ., Amin, A., Aquilano, K., Arbiser, J., Arreola, A., Arzumanyan, A., Ashraf, S., Azmi, A., Benencia, F., Bhakta, D., Bilsland, A., Bishayee, A., Blain, S., Block, P., Boosani, C., Carey, T., Carnero, A., Carotenuto, M., Casey, S., Chakrabarti, M., Chaturvedi, R., Chen, G., Chen, H., Chen, S., Chen, Y., Choi, B., Ciriolo, M., Coley, H., Collins, A., Connell, M., Crawford, S., Curran, C., Dabrosin, C., Damia, G., Dasgupta, S., DeBerardinis, R., Decker, W., Dhawan, P., Diehl AME, ., Dong, J., Dou, Q., Drew, J., Elkord, E., El-Rayes, B., Feitelson, M., Felsher, D., Ferguson, L., Fimognari, C., Firestone, G., Frezza, C., Fujii, H., Fuster, M., Generali, D., Georgakilas, A., Gieseler, F., Gilbertson, M., Green, M., Grue, B., Guha, G., Halicka, D., Helferich, W., Heneberg, P., Hentosh, P., Hirschey, M., Hofseth, L., Holcombe, R., Honoki, K., Hsu, H., Huang, G., Jensen, L., Jiang, W., Jones, L., Karpowicz, P., Keith, W., Kerkar, S., Khan, G., Khatami, M., Ko, Y., Kucuk, O., Kulathinal, R., Kumar, N., Kwon, B., Le , A., Lea, M., Lee, H., Lichtor, T., Lin, L., Locasale, J., Lokeshwar, B., Longo, V., Lyssiotis, C., MacKenzie, K., Malhotra, M., Marino, M., Martinez-Chantar, M., Matheu, A., Maxwell, C., McDonnell, E., Meeker, A., Mehrmohamadi, M., Mehta, K., Michelotti, G., Mohammad, R., Mohammed, S., Morre, D., Muralidhar, V., Muqbil, I., Murphy, M., Nagaraju, G., Nahta, R., Niccolai, E., Nowsheen, S., Panis, C., Pantano, F., Parslow, V., Pawelec, G., Pedersen, P., Poore, B., Poudyal, D., Prakash, S., Prince, M., Raffaghello, L., Rathmell, J., Rathmell, W., Ray, S., Reichrath, J., Rezazadeh, S., Ribatti, D., Ricciardiello, L., Robey, R., Rodier, F., Rupasinghe HPV, ., Russo, G., Ryan, E., Samadi, A., Sanchez-Garcia, I., Sanders, A., Santini, D., Sarkar, M., Sasada, T., Saxena, N., Shackelford, R., Shantha Kumara HMC, ., Sharma, D., Shin, D., Sidransky, D., Siegelin, M., Signori, E., Singh, N., Sivanand, S., Sliva, D., Smythe, C., Spagnuolo, C., Stafforini, D., Stagg, J., Subbarayan, P., Sundin, T., Talib, W., Thompson, S., Tran, P., Ungefroren, H., Vander Heiden, M., Venkateswaran, V., Vinay, D., Vlachostergios, P., Wang, Z., Wellen, K., Whelan, R., Yang, E., Yang, H., Yang, X., Yaswen, P., Yedjou, C., Yin, X., Zhu, J., Zollo, M. (2015). Designing a broad-spectrum integrative approach for cancer prevention and treatment.. Seminars in cancer biology; 35 Suppl: S276-S304.
- Yang, X., Zhu, J. (2015). Singular Perturbation Margin and Generalized Gain Margin for Nonlinear Time-Invariant Systems. 3. International J. of Control; 89: 451-468.
- Zhu, J., Yang, X., Hodel, A. (2014). Singular Perturbation Margin and Generalized Gain Margin for Linear Time Invariant Systems. International J. of Control; 88: 11-29. .
- Xu, X., Zhu, J., Zhang, P. (2014). The Optimal Solution of a Non-Convex State-Dependent LQR Problem and Its Applications. 4. PLoS ONE; 9: .
- Zhu, J. (2013). Attitude tracking control of a quadrotor UAV in the exponential coordinates. 8. Journal of the Franklin Institute; 350: 2044-2068.
- Huang, R., Liu, Y., Zhu, J. (2009). Guidance, Navigation and Control System Design for a Tri-Propeller Vertical-Take-Off-and-Landing Unmanned Air Vehicle. 6. AIAA; 46: 1837-1856.
- Liu, Y., Zhu, J., Williams II, R., Wu, J. (2008). Omni-Directional Mobile Robot Controller Based on Trajectory Linearization. 56. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems; 461-479.
- Liu, Y., Wu, M., Zhu, J., Lawrence, D., Gutmark, E., Myatt, H., May, C. (2008). Reactive Flow Control of Delta Wing Vortex. 3. AIAA Journal of Aircraft; 45: 880 – 892.
Patent (44)
- Zhu, J., Sempertegui-Rosa, M. Marine Surface Vessel Trajectory Tracking Control. 18/902,224.
- Zhu, J., Lin, L. Path planning by line of sight for tractor-trailer autonomous parking. 24009.
- Zhu, J., Lin, L. Path planning by line of sight for tractor-trailer autonomous parking. 24009-PROV.
- Zhu, J., Lin, L. Obstacle avoidance guidance for ground vehicles. US 11,904,938 B2.
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Wheeled ground vehicle rollover protection control. 23008-PCT.
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Wheeled ground vehicle rollover protection control. 23008-US.
- Zhu, J., Sempertegui Sosa, M. Marine Surface Vehicle (MSV) Trajectory Tracking control. TEC-24/00124.
- Zhu, J., Sempertegui Sosa, M. Marine Surface Vehicle (MSV) Trajectory Tracking control. 24001-PROV.
- Zhu, J., Liu, Y. Neuromorphic Motion and Process Controller. TEC-24/00125.
- Zhu, J., Liu, Y. Neuromorphic Motion and Process Controller. 24002-PROV.
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Wheeled ground vehicle rollover protection control. TEC-23/00112.
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Wheeled ground vehicle rollover protection control. 23008-PROV .
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. 2. Autonomous Automobile Guidance and Trajectory Tracking. ZL 201780082135.9.
- Zhu, J., Sempertegui-Rosa, M., Randle, S. Air Data Probe. US11,566,892.
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Wheeled ground vehicle rollover prevention and mitigation control. 23008-PROV.
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Wheeled ground vehicle rollover prevention and mitigation control. TEC-23/00100 .
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Autonomous Automobile Guidance and Trajectory-Tracking. US 11,366,478.
- Zhu, J., Zhao, Y. Loss-Of-Control Prevention and Recovery Flight Controller. US 11,360,491.
- Zhu, J., Lin, L. Autonomous Parking and Obstacle Avoidance Guidance for Wheeled Ground Vehicles. OU18015.
- Zhu, J., Lin, L. Autonomous Parking and Obstacle Avoidance Guidance for Wheeled Ground Vehicles. OU18015.
- Zhu, J., Zhao, Y. Loss-of-Control Prevention and Recovery Flight Controller. OU15003.
- Zhu, J., Adami, T. Trajectory Tracking Flight Controller. OU09028.
- Zhu, J., Adami, T. Trajectory Tracking Flight Controller. OU09028.
- Zhu, J., Adami, T. Trajectory Tracking Flight Controller. OU09028.
- Zhu, J., Chen, Y. Autonomous Automobile Guidance and Trajectory Tracking, Provisional patent application. OU17014.
- Zhu, J., Sempertegui, M., Randle, S. Integrated Air Data Probe, Provisional patent application. OU17012.
- Zhu, J., Zhao, Y. Loss-of-Control Prevention and Recovery Flight Controller.
- Zhu, J., Wilhelm, J., Williams II, R., Uijt de Haag, M., Bartone, C., Liu, J., Chelberg, D., Liu, C., DiBenedetto, M. An Integrated, Scalable All-Weather, All-Terrain, All-Time, Autonomous Perimeter Monitoring and Ground Inspection System, Provisional patent application. OU16018.
- Zhu, J. Loss-of-Control Prevention and Recovery Flight Controller. OU15003 (Refiled).
- Zhu, J. Mutil-Modal Vehicle. US 9,132,915 B2.
- Zhu, J. Foldable Wing System for a Vehicle. OU9020CO (Continuation of OU9020).
- Zhu, J. Trajectory Tracking Flight Controller. ZL 2010 8 0022039.3.
- Zhu, J. Loss-of-Control Prevention and Recovery Flight Controller.
- Zhu, J. Loss-of-Control Prevention and Recovery Flight Controller.
- Zhu, J., Adami, T. Trajectory Tracking Flight Controller. US 8,761,966 B2.
- Zhu, J. Multi-Modal Vehicle. PCT/US11/35746.
- Zhu, J. Elastic Cable Driven Robotic Joint. 61515485.
- Zhu, J. Elastic Cable Driven Robotic Joint. OU11027.
- Zhu, J. Multi-Modal Vehicle. PCT/US11/35746.
- Zhu, J. MULTI-MODAL VEHICLE. 61/332,247 .
- Zhu, J. Trajectory Tracking Flight Controller. PCT/US2010/028632.
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book (1)
- Ding, X., Wang, Z., Rovetta, A., Zhu, J. (2010). Locomotion analysis of hexapod robot. Rijeka: InTech; 291-309. .
Conference Proceeding (46)
- Sempertegui, M., Zhu, J. (2024). Integrated 3DOF Trajectory Tracking Control for Under-actuated Marine Surface Vehicles By Trajectory Linearization. 2024. 445 and 501 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141 USA: 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Proceedings; 1228-1235.
- Chen, Y., Zhu, J. (2022). Singular Perturbation Margin Assessment for LTI System with Zero Dynamics. Atlanta GA: Proceedings of 2023 American Control Conference; 2023: 3164-3171.
- Chen, Y., Zhu, J., Lin, L. (2019). Integrated forward and reverse trajectory tracking control for car-like ground vehicles. Park City, UT: ASME; DSCC2019-9104.
- Lin, L., Zhu, J. (2019). Line-of-sight pure pursuit guidance stability analysis and design guideline. Park City, UT: ASME; DSCC2019-9108.
- Lin, L., Zhu, J. (2018). Path Planning for Autonomous Car Parking. Atlanta, GA: ASME; DSCC2018-9195.
- Chen, Y., Zhu, J. (2018). Trajectory Tracking And Control for Nonholonomic Ground Vehicle: Preliminary And Experimental Test. Atlanta, GA: ASME; DSCC2018-9148.
- Chen, Y., Zhu, J. (2017). Car-like ground vehicle trajectory tracking by using trajectory linearization control. Athens: ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference; 2017: DSCC-2017-5372, 10 pp.. .
- Chen, Y., Zhu, J. (2017). Pure pursuit guidance for ground vehicle trajectory tracking. Tyson Center: ASME Dynamic Systems and Controls Conference; 2017: DSCC-2017-5372, 10 pp. .
- Zhu, J., Sempertegui Rosa, M., Randal, S. (2017). Air Data Probe Design by Circulation Theory. 2017. Denver, CO: AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Expo; AIAA-2017-3234, 16 pp. .
- Zhao, Y., Zhu, J. (2016). An Autonomous Flight Management System for Prevention and Recovery of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Loss-of-Control. Sacramento, CA: Digital Avionics Systems Conference; 2016: 10 pp.
- Williams II, R., Lucas, R., Zhu, J. (2016). Forward And Inverse Position Kinematics For The Rrssr Parallel Robot With Hardware Validation. DETC2016-59290. Charlotte, NC: ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 2016: 7 pp.
- Williams II, R., Kljuno, E., Zhu, J. (2016). Spatial 3-SUR 1-RU Platform Robot Inverse Orientation Kinematics. DETC2016-59291. Charlotte, NC: ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 2016: 9 pp.
- Zhao, Y., Zhu, J. (2016). Aircraft Loss of Control Recovery Autopilot Using Trajectory Linearization Control. WeB20.6. Boston, MA: American Control Conference; 2016: 8 pp.
- Zhu, J., Zhao, Y. (2016). Bandwidth and Phase Margin of Singularly Perturbed Multiple-Time-Scale Nested Loop Control Systems. WeC19.6. American Control Conference; 2016: 8 pp.
- Yang, X., Wang, X., Xie, C., Zhu, J. (2016). On Structural Property Metrics for Model Error of Linear Systems. WeB08.3. Boston, MA: American Control Conference; 2016: 8 pp.
- Zhao, Y., Zhu, J. (2016). Aircraft Loss-Of-Control Autonomous Recovery: Mission Trajectory Tracking Restoration. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems; 2016: 794-803.
- Zhao, Y., Zhu, J. (2016). Automatic Prevention of Loss of Control Due to Winds by Bandwidth Adaptation. AIAA-2016-1145. San Diego, CA: AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference; 2016: 20 pp.
- Zhu, J., Yang, X. (2014). Generalized Gain Margin Assessment of Nonlinear Time-Invariant Systems Via Lyapunov’s Second Method. Portland, Oregon: 2014 American Control Conference.
- Zhu, J., Yang, X. (2012). Chang Transformation for Decoupling of Singularly Perturbed Linear Slowly Time-Varying Systems,. Maui, Hawaii: Proceedings, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
- Zhu, J., Yang, X. (2012). Singular Perturbation Margin Assessment of Linear Slowly Time-Varying Systems. Maui, Hawaii: Proceedings, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
- Zhu, J., Yang, X. (2012). Singular Perturbation Margin Assessment of Linear Time-Invariant Systems via the Bauer-Fike Theorems. Maui, Hawaii: Proceedings, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
- Zhu, J., Xu, X. (2012). Biopsychically Inspired Cognitive Control for Autonomous Mobile Agents Based On Motivated Learning. Miedzyzdroje, Poland: Plenary Presentation, Proceedings, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Methods & Models in Automation & Robotics.
- Zhu, J., Kljuno, E., William II, R. (2012). Bipedal Walking Robot Driven by Elastic Cables. Chicago, Illinois : ASME 2012 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences, DETC2012-70292.
- Jiang, H., Yu, Y., Ding, X., Zhu, J. (2012). A fault tolerant control strategy for quadrotor UAVs based on trajectory linearization approach. New Jersey: Procedings, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (ICMA); 1174-1179.
- Zhu, J., Xu, X., Graham, J., Basawaraj, B., Stazyk, J., Zhang, P. (2012). A Biopsychically Inspired Cognitive System for Intelligent Agents in Aerospace Applications. Garden Grove, California: 2012 AIAA InfoTech Conference.
- Zhu, J., Yang, X. (2012). Generalized Gain Margin for Nonlinear Systems. Montreal, Canada: 2012 American Control Conference.
- Zhu, J., Yang , X. (2012). Singular Perturbation Margin for Nonlinear Time-Invariant Systems. Montreal, Canada: 2012 American Control Conference.
- Liu, S., Vancouver, J., Zhu, J. (2012). Modeling the Goal Gradient Effect: Reconciling a control theory dilemma. San Diego: Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
- Kljuno, E., Zhu, J., Williams II, R., Reilly, S. (2011). A Biomimetic Elastic Cable Driven Quadruped Robot The Robocat. 2011. Denver, CO: ASME ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition; 2011: IMECE2011-63534, 18 pp.
- Carpenter, S., Yu, X., Altun, M., Graham, J., Zhu, J., Starzyk, J. (2011). Vision Guided Motion Control of a Biomimetic Elastic Cable Driven Quadruped Robot -The RoboCat. Denver, CO: IMECE, Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress.
- Adami, T., Zhu, J. (2011). 6DOF Flight Control of Fixed-Wing Aircraft by Trajectory Linearization. 2011. San Francisco, CA: American Control Conference; 2011: 1610-1617.
- Ding, X., Yu, Y., Zhu, J. (2011). Trajectory Linearization Tracking Control for Dynamics of a Multi-Propeller and Multifunction Aerial Robot - MMAR. 2011. Shanghai: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 2011: 757-762.
- Yang, X., Zhu, J. (2010). A Generalization of Chang Transformation for LTV Systems. Atlanta, GA: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control; 2010.
- Zhu, J., Yang, X. (2010). A Singular Perturbation Approach for Time-Domain Assessment of Phase Margin. Baltimore, MD: American Control Conference; 2010.
- Adami, T., Zhu, J., Ishihara, A., Yeh, Y., Ippolito, C. (2009). Six-DOF Trajectory Tracking for Payload Directed Flight Using Trajectory Linearization Control. AIAA Infotech@Aerospace Conference and Exhibit.
- Adami, T., Zhu, J. (2008). Control of a Flexible, Hypersonic Scramjet Vehicles Using a Differential Algebraic Approach. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit.
- Liu, Y., Wu, M., Zhu, J., Lawrence, D., Gutmark, E., Myatt, J., May, C. (2006). Reactive Flow Control of Delta Wing Vortex. Keystone, Colorado: Proceedings of the 2006 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
- Adami, T., Zhu, J. (2006). Flight Control of Hypersonic Scramjet Vehicles Using a Differential Algebraic Approach. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit.
- Adami, T., Sabala, R., Zhu, J. (2004). Time-Varying Notch Filters For Control Of Flexible Structures And Vehicles. Indianapolis, IN: 22nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference.
- Fisher, J., Bevacqua, T., Lawrence, D., Zhu, J., Mahoney, M. (2003). Integrated G&C Implementation within IDOS – A Simulink Based Reusable Launch Vehicle Simulation. Austin, Texas: Proceedings of the 2003 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
- Fisher, J., Lawrence, D., Zhu, J. (2002). Autocommander – A Supervisory Controller for Integrated Guidance and Control for the 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle. Monterey, California: Proceedings of the 2002 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
- Zhu, J., Lawrence, D., Fisher, J., Shtessel, Y., Hodel, A., Lu, P. (2002). Direct Fault Tolerant RLV Attitude Control – A Singular Perturbation Approach. Monterey, California: Proceedings of the 2002 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
- Zhu, J., Lawrence, D., Fisher, J., Shtesssel, Y. (2002). Direct Fault-Tolerant RLV Attitude Control – A Simgular Perturbation Approach. Huntsville, Alabama: Proceedings of the 34th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory.
- Fisher, J., Lawrence, D., Zhu, J. (2002). Stateflow Autocoder. Huntsville, Alabama: Proceedings of the 34th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory.
- Gutmark, E., Zhu, J., Lawrence, D., Jacques, D. (2000). High Angle of Attack Flight Control of Delta Wing Aircraft using Vortex Actuators. Huntsville, Alabama: Army/NASA Workshop on Advances in Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technology.
Manuscript (1)
- Vancouver, J., Morris, S., Morse, B., Smart, M., Tamanini, K., Fried, D., Zhu, J., Lui, S. Developing a new goal: A control theory approach to goal origin.