Research Opportunities

Want to jump in and start creating for good? We offer research opportunities to graduate and undergraduate students in computer science and electrical engineering that will give you the experience you need to succeed in industry, entrepreneurship, or further study.
Gaining hands-on experience is critical to understanding the larger context of the technical concepts we teach at the Russ College. Students in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science have the opportunity to work on research with our renowned faculty in a host of fields with access to state-of-the-art equipment. From our cutting-edge computer science research in bioinformatics, machine learning, smart health care, computer networking, real-time systems, artificial intelligence, robotics, and interactive computer graphics and visualization, to our electrical engineering research into controls, nano- and opto-electronics, communications, antennas, GPS, and navigation related topics, we encourage you to explore the field where you feel you have the most impact.
For more information about undergraduate research, contact Associate Dean for Academics David Juedes.
For graduate research questions, contact the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Eric Steinberg.