Chris Bartone

Prior to joining 帝王会所 as a professor, Chris Bartone worked for the Naval Air Warfare Center-Aircraft Division from 1983-1998, where he performed research, development, test and evaluation on communication, navigation, and surveillance (CNS) systems. He is a member of the Institute of Navigation, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the Association of Old Crows.
Research Interests: electrical engineering and computer science, electronic navigation system, GPS augmentation, electromagnetic wave propagation and antennas
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, 帝王会所, 1998; M.S., Electrical Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School; B.S., Electrical Engineering, Pennsylania State University
- Fellow of The Institute of Navigation (ION), awarded on January 31, 2019
- Recipient of the Captain P.V.H. Weems Award, sponsored by The Institute of Navigation in recognition of continuing contributions to the art and science of navigation, awarded on January 31, 2019
- Recipient of William E. Jackson Award by the RTCA, 鈥淩anging Airport Pseudolite for Local Area Augmentation Using the Global Positioning System,鈥 awarded on September 30, 1998
Journal Article, Academic Journal (10)
- Dickman, J., Zhen, Z., Bartone, C. (2009). Carrier Phase Multipath Error Characterization and Reduction in Single Aircraft Relative Navigation. GPS Solutions Journal, Springer-Verlag.
- Dickman, J., Bartone, C. (2007). Smoothing GPS carrier phase double differences using inertial measurements for high performance applications. 2. GPS Solutions Journal, Springer-Verlag; 12: 119-133.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2005). A Real-time MET-based Hopfield Troposphere Correction with Integrity Bound for Long Baseline DGPS. 4. GPS Solutions Journal, Springer-Verlag; 9: 256-272.
- Bartone, C., Zhang, Y. (2005). A General Concept and Algorithm of Projected DGPS for High Accuracy DGPS Based Systems. 4. NAVIGATION Journal of The Institute of Navigation; 51: 293-309.
- Bartone, C., Kiran, S. (2004). Verification and Mitigation of the Power-Induced Measurement Errors for Airport Pseudolites in LAAS. 4. GPS Solutions Journal, Springer-Verlag; 7: 241-252.
- Kiran, S., Bartone, C. (2004). Flight-Test Results of an Integrated Wideband-Only Airport Pseudolite For The Category II/III Local Area Augmentation System. 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems; 40: 734-741.
- Thornberg, D., Thornberg, D., DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M., Van Graas, F., Bartone, C. (2003). The LAAS Integrated Multipath Limiting Antenna (IMLA). 2. Journal of the Institute of Navigation; 50.
- Slivinsky, S., Nesbit, C., Bartone, C., Phillips, R., Roxrode, R. (2002). Development and Demonstration of a Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology System. 2. NAVIGATION Journal of The Institute of Navigation; 49: 91-102.
- Bartone, C., Kiran, S. (2001). Flight-Test Results of an Integrated Wideband-Only Airport Pseudolite for the Category II/III Local Area Augmentation System. 1. NAVIGATION Journal of The, Institute of Navigation; 48: 35-48.
- Bartone, C., Van Graas, F. (2000). Airport Pseudolite for Local Area Augmentation. 1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems; 36: 278-286.
Journal Article, Professional Journal (3)
- Bartone, C. (2022). Prototype Collision-Avoidance System for Small Multirotor Unmanned Aircraft at Low Altitude. 12. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems (JAIS); 19: .
- Bartone, C. (2018). High-efficiency Water-loaded Microwave Antenna in Ultra-high Frequency Band. 11. Applied Physics Letters; 112: .
- Bartone, C., Vogelhuber, T., Fleming, G., Moore, L., Haggerty, M., Hanlon, P. (2017). Prize-Winning 帝王会所 Students Present Their Work on an Antenna for Body Area Networks. 1. IEEE Antenna and Propagation Magazine; 59: 116-126. .
Patent (18)
- Bartone, C., Lele, K. Multi-band and Wideband High Impedance Surface with Wideband Antenna Configuration.
- Bartone, C., Milluzzi, A. System and Method for Detection and Reporting of Targets with Data Links. US 11,531099 B2.
- Bartone, C. SINGLE ELEMENT ANTENNA BEAM CONTROL. US Patent No. 10,770,794.
- Bartone, C., Drummond, C., Milluzzi, A. System and Method for Detection and Reporting of Targets with Data Links. PCT/US2018/014877, PCT publication number: WO/2018/136947, July 26, 2018.
- Bartone, C. A Terrestrial Positioning and Timing System (TPTS)-US. US 9,851,429.
- Bartone, C. SINGLE ELEMENT ANTENNA BEAM CONTROL. US National State Application from PCT WO2016190907.
- Bartone, C. A Terrestrial Positioning and Timing System (TPTS)-US. US 9,429,639 B2.
- Bartone, C. A Terrestrial Positioning and Timing System (TPTS)-US. PatApp2481-007E.
- Bartone, C. BROADBAND FLEXIBLE ANTENNA. ProvApp2481-014.
- Zhu, J., Wilhelm, J., Williams II, R., Uijt de Haag, M., Bartone, C., Liu, J., Chelberg, D., Liu, C., DiBenedetto, M. An Integrated, Scalable All-Weather, All-Terrain, All-Time, Autonomous Perimeter Monitoring and Ground Inspection System, Provisional patent application. OU16018.
- Bartone, C. SINGLE-ELEMENT PATCH ANTENNA WITH PATTERN CONTROL. PCT-Pub. No.: WO/2016/190907, Publication Date: 01.12.2016, International Application No.: PCT/US2016/014128, International Filing Date: 02.01.2016..
- Bartone, C. A Terrestrial Positioning and Timing System (TPTS)-PCT. Utility Patent App. 2481-007.
- Bartone, C. A Terrestrial Positioning and Timing System (TPTS)-US. US 2013/0293421 Al.
- Bartone, C. 1. A Terrestrial Positioning and Timing System (TPTS). Prov. App. OU-12020P.
- Bartone, C. A Multi-Circular Ring Controlled Receiption Pattern Antenna for Robust GNSS.
Book, Textbook (3)
- Mohinder, G., Angus, A., Bartone, C. (2020). GNSS, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Fourth. Hoboken, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 568. .
- Grewal, M., Angus, A., Bartone, C. (2020). GNSS, Inertial Navigation, and Integration. Third. Hoboken, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 568. .
- Bartone, C. (2016). GNSS, Inertial Navigation, and Integration-Chinese Edition. 3rd Edition. Publishing House of Electronic Industry; 561. .
Conference Proceeding (58)
- Qin, X., Song, S., Brengman, J., Bartone, C., Liu, J. (2024). Robust FOD Detection using Frame Sequence-based DEtection TRansformer (DETR). Singapore : 2024 IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI鈥24).
- Lele, K., Bartone, C. (2024). Progressive Ultra-Wideband Circularly Periodic High Impedance Surface Integrated with a Spiral Antenna. Glasgow, United Kingdom/IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP); 3950-3954.
- Lele, K., Bartone, C. (2024). Contiguous Broadband Circularly Periodic Progressive High Impedance Surface Integrated with a Spiral Antenna. Glasgow, United Kingdom/IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2024 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP); 598-602.
- Lele, K., Bartone, C. (2024). Circularly Periodic Progressive Multi-Band High Impedance Surface Integrated with a Wideband Spiral Antenna for GNSS Applications. Long Beach, CA: Institute of Navigation International Technical Conference; 987-997. .
- Song, S., Qin, X., Brengman, J., Bartone, C., Liu, J. (2023). Holistic FOD Detection Via Surface Map and Yolo Networks. 2023 IEEE 33rd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP); 1-6. .
- Parkinson, B., Bartone, C. (2023). Enhancements Enabled by Multi-Element Antennas for GPS Anti-jamming Capabilities in Civil Applications. Proceedings of the 36th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2023); 3731 - 3743.
- Bartone, C., Parkinson, B., Stansell, T. (2023). Multi-Circular Ring CRPA with Robust GNSS Performance for Civil Applications. Proceedings of the 36th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2023); 3709 - 3730.
- Lele, K., Bartone, C. (2023). A Circularly Periodic Multi-band High-Impedance Surface Integrated with a Spiral Antenna. 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI); .
- Hahn, E., Gunawardena, S., Bartone, C. (2023). Live-Sky GNSS Signal Processing Using a Dual-Polarized Antenna Array for Multipath Mitigation. Proceedings of the 2023 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation; 286-302.
- Bartone, C., Hahn, E., Gunawardena, S. (2022). GNSS Antenna Array Calibration for Spatial and Polarization Domain Based Multipath Mitigation. Proceedings of the 2022 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation; 96-111.
- Hahn, E., Gunawardena, S., Bartone, C. (2021). Simultaneous Exploitation of Time, Spatial, and Polarization Domain Techniques to Mitigate Multipath and Inauthentic Signals for Civilian Satnav Applications. FOUO.
- Bartone, C., Appleget, A. (2019). A Consolidated GNSS Multipath Analysis Considering Modern GNSS Signals, Antenna, Installation, and Boundary Conditions.
- Bartone, C., Drummond, C., Milluzzi, A. (2018). Bird Strike Risk Mitigation Using Avian Radar and ADS-B. IEEE Integrated Navigation and Surveillance Conference; .
- Uijt de Haag, M., Bartone, C., Braasch, M. (2016). Flight-Test Evaluation of Small Form-Factor LiDAR and Radar Sensors for sUAS Detect-and-Avoid Applications. IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference.
- Bartone, C., Kohli, M. (2016). An e-Textile Antenna for Flexible Body Area Network. IEEE Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), 2016 IEEE International Symposium; .
- Bartone, C., Kohli, M. (2016). An e-textile edge-fed spiral antenna for flexible wearable applications. IEEE Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), 2016 IEEE International Symposium; .
- Bartone, C. (2016). Single-aperture patch antenna with pattern control. Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), 2016 IEEE/ION; .
- Bartone, C., Joel, S. (2015). Patch Antenna Asymmetry Performance Considerations & Mitigation. Institute of Navigation; 907-914.
- Bartone, C., Joel, S. (2015). Single-element Patch Antenna with Pattern Control. Institute of Navigation; 3272-3283. .
- Bartone, C. (2012). 1. A Terrestrial Positioning and Timing System (TPTS). Digital Object Identifier : 10.1109/PLANS.2012.6236973. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE; 1175-1182. .
- Bartone, C. (2011). A Multi-Circular Ring CRPA for Robust GNSS Performance in an Interference and Multipath Environment. Alexandria, VA: Institute of Navigation; .
- Diggle, D., Bartone, C., Narins, M. (2008). Loran Performance in a GPS Non-Precision Approach Environment. London, England: International Loran Association 37; 1-22.
- Blazyk, J., Bartone, C., Alder, F., Narins, M. (2008). The Loran Propagation Model: Development, Analysis, Test, and Validation. London, England: International Loran Association 37; 1-14.
- Bartone, C., Pelgrum, W., Narins, M., Lilley, B., Bridges, K. (2008). H-field Antenna Considerations for eLoran Aviation Applications. Monterey, California: IEEE/ION PLANS.
- Bartone, C., Narins, M., Pelgrum, W., Chen, L. (2008). H-field Antenna Considerations for eLoran Aviation Applications. Monterey, CA: IEEE PLANS; 810-823.
- Dickman, J., Bartone, C. (2007). Considerations for Sensor Stabilization Using Stand-alone GPS Velocity and Inertial Measurements. Big Sky, MT: IEEE Aerospace Conference; 1-16.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2006). Single-site Carrier Phase Based Troposphere Integrity Monitoring. Institute of Navigation 鈥 National Technical Meeting; 530-542.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2005). A Prototype Long Baseline DGPS Concept Demonstration for NDGPS High Performance Land Applications. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Global Navigation Satellite System Conference; 362-375.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2005). A GPS Orbit and Clock Correction Analysis for Long Baseline High Performance DGPS. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Annual Meeting; 1062-1072.
- Bartone, C., Barton, I., Zhang, Y., Cleveland, A., Parsons, M. (2005). Antenna Performance Analysis for a High Performance NDGPS Architecture. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Annual Meeting; 1116-1130.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2005). Improvement of High Accuracy Positioning with Real-time WaveSmoothTM Multipath Mitigation Technique. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Aerospace Conference; 1-12.
- Bartone, C., Van Graas, F., Arthur, T. (2005). A High Accuracy Relative DGPS Antenna Baseline Measurement System for Sensor Stabilization. San Diego, CA: Institute of Navigation 鈥 National Technical Meeting; 980-992.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2005). Comparison of Real-time Troposphere Correction Techniques for High Performance DGPS Application. Institute of Navigation 鈥 National Technical Meeting; 666-684.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2004). A Real-Time Hybrid-Domain WaveSmooth Code Processing Using Wavelets. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Global Navigation Satellite System Conference 2004; 436-446.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2004). Real-Time Multipath Mitigation with WaveSmooth Technique Using Wavelets. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Global Navigation Satellite System Conference 2004; 1181-1194.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2004). Multipath Mitigation Using an Electromagnetic Fence for Ground Reference Stations. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Annual Meeting; 271-280.
- Bartone, C., Nair, S. (2004). Multiple Antenna GPS Configuration for Enhanced Performance. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Annual Meeting; 188-199.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2004). Multipath Mitigation in the Frequency Domain. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Positioning, Location, And Navigation Symposium (PLANS); 486-495.
- Bartone, C., Zhang, Y. (2004). A High Performance Projected DGPS Ambiguity Resolution Technique. Institute of Navigation 鈥 National Technical Meeting; 428-440.
- Van Graas, F., Bartone, C., Arthur, T. (2004). GPS Antenna Phase and Group Delay Corrections. San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the National Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation; 399-408.
- Zhang, Y., Bartone, C. (2003). A General Concept and Algorithm of Projected DGPS for High Accuracy DGPS Based Systems. Institute of Navigation 鈥 GPS Conference 2003; 1248-1257.
- Kiran, S., Bartone, C. (2003). A Viable Airport Pseudolite Architecture for LAAS. Institute of Navigation - Global Positioning System Conference 2003; 2326-2336.
- Bartone, C., Shetty, R. (2003). A Real-time Bi-directional Differential Global Positioning System. Annapolis, MD: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Integrated Communications, Navigation, and Surveillance Workshop; 213-228.
- Slivinsky, S., McWhorter, M., Samson, J., Bartone, C., Schofield, L. (2003). Demonstration of the Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) Mobile GPS-Based System for the QRLV-2 Launch. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Aerospace Conference; 1-15.
- Dickman, J., Bartone, C., Zhang, Y., Thornberg, B. (2003). Characterization and Performance of a Prototype Wideband Airport Pseudolite Multipath Limiting Antenna for the Local Area Augmentation System. Institute of Navigation, National Technical Meeting; 783-793.
- Thornberg, D., Thornberg, D., DiBenedetto, M., Braasch, M., Van Graas, F., Bartone, C. (2002). The LAAS Integrated Multipath Limiting Antenna (IMLA). Portland, OR: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS-2002).
- Kiran, S., Bartone, C. (2002). Flight-Test Results of an Integrated Wideband-Only Airport Pseudolite For The Category II/III Local Area Augmentation System. Palm Springs, CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Position Location and Navigation Symposium; 204-211.
- Bartone, C., Schofield, R., Ostroff, R. (2001). Challenges in the Acceptance/Licensing of a mobile Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) System. The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 鈥 Space 2001 Conference; 1-11.
- Bartone, C., Wilson, A., Nesbit, C., Phillips, R. (2001). Aircraft Flight Evaluation of a Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) System. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Annual Meeting 2001; 829-840.
- Dickman, J., Bartone, C. (2001). Antenna Techniques to Optimize Pseudorange Measurements for Ground Based Ranging Sources. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Annual Meeting 2001; 263-274.
- Nesbit, C., Huff, D., Croopnick, S., Ostroff, R., Bartone, C., Slivinsky, S., Wilborn, C., Schofield, L. (2001). Development of the GPS-Based Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) System. Institute of Navigation 鈥 Annual Meeting 2001; 816-823.
- Bartone, C., Kiran, S. (2000). Flight Test Results of an Integrated Wideband Airport Pseudolite for the Local Area Augmentation System. Institute of Navigation - Global Positioning System 2000; 1172-1179.
- Bartone, C., Kiran, S. (2000). Development of a Wideband Airport Pseudolite for GPS Augmentation. Institute of Navigation National Technical Meeting 2000; 50-57.
- Bartone, C. (1999). Multipath Consideration for Ground Based Ranging Sources. Institute of Navigation - Global Positioning System 1999; 1491-1498.
- Bartone, C., Van Graas, F. (1998). Airport Pseudolite for Local Area Augmentation. Palm Springs, CA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Position Location and Navigation Symposium (IEEE PLANS-98); 479-486.
- Bartone, C., Van Graas, F. (1997). Airport Pseudolite for Precision Approach Applications. Kansas City, Missouri: Institute of Navigation - Global Positioning System 1997; 1841-1850.
- Bartone, C. (1996). Advanced Pseudolite for Dual-Use Precision Approach Applications. Institute of Navigation - Global Positioning System 1996; 791-797.
- Bartone, C., Ventrone, F., Green, Jr., G. (1994). Near Real-Time GPS Simulator Integrated with the Manned Flight Simulator. Institute of Navigation - Global Positioning System 1994.
Magazine/Trade Publication (2)
- Bartone, C. (2006). Expert Advice: What鈥檚 New: ION GNSS 2006. GPS World Magazine; 12. .
- Bartone, C. (2006). GNSS Solutions: Will I need a new antenna for the new GPS and Galileo signals?. 2. InsideGNSS Magazine; 1: 21-23.
Newsletter (4)
- Bartone, C. (2008). From Sextants to Digital GPS Receivers: The Virtual Navigation Museum Invites Submissions. 2. ION Newsletter; 18: 15.
- Bartone, C., Horowitz, A. (2007). REACHING OUT! ION Outreach Helps Young Engineers Reach for the Sky. 4. ION Newsletter; 16: 4-5, 22.
- Bartone, C. (2006). Making the Virtual (Museum) Real. 2. ION Newsletter; 16: 3.
- Bartone, C., Stephens, C. (2006). REACHING OUT! ION, Smithsonian Join Forces in Time & Navigation Exhibit. 1. ION Newsletter; 16: 5, 19.
Other (1)
- Bartone, C. (2006). Antenna. The World Book Encyclopedia, World Book, Inc; 543-544.
Technical Report (13)
- Needham, T., DiBenedetto, M., Haws, C., Bartone, C. (2016). TEST PROCEDURES FOR A DOPPLER VERY HIGH FREQUENCY OMNIDIRECTIONAL RANGE (DVOR) ANTENNA. Athens, OH: 帝王会所, OU/AEC TM15-06/00020/18-03.
- Bartone, C. (2003). Advanced Navigation Terminal System Using The Global Positioning System, Final Report. Athens, 帝王会所: OU/AEC 03-13TM-F29601-00-C-0212, AFRL.
- Bartone, C., Schofield, L., Ostroff, R. (2002). Challenges In Acceptance And Licensing Of A Mobile Ballistic Missile Range Safety Technology (BMRST) System, Technical Memorandum. 帝王会所 OU/AEC 01-20TM-AIAA, Published by AFRL as AFRL-VS-TR-2001-1099.
- Bartone, C. (1998). Ranging Airport Pseudolite for Local Area Augmentation Using the Global Positioning System, Ph.D. Dissertation. Athens, 帝王会所: 帝王会所.
- Bartone, C. (1997). Implementation of the Mark XII AN/APX-76A/B IFF Interrogator System into Various Navy Airborne Platforms,. Naval Air Test Center.
- Bartone, C. (1987). Evaluation of the AN/APX-72 IFF Transponder System as Installed in the P-3 Aircraft. Naval Air Test Center.
- Bartone, C. (1987). Measured Noise Performance of a Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum System and a Comparison of Single-vice Dual-Channel Delay-Lock Loops, MSEE Thesis. The Naval Postgraduate School.
- Bartone, C. (1987). Joint Tactical Information Distribution System/Identification Friend or Foe Interference Laboratory Testing on the AN/APX-100, MM/UPX-709, AN/APX-72 Transponders and RT-988 (AN/APX-76) IFF Interrogator. Naval Air Test Center.
- Bartone, C. (1986). Mark XV Interference Laboratory Testing. Naval Air Test Center.
- Bartone, C. (1986). F/A-18A Joint Tactical Information Distribution System/Identification Friend or Foe Antenna Isolation Measurements. Naval Air Test Center.
- Bartone, C. (1986). Joint Tactical Information Distribution System/Identification Friend or Foe Interference Laboratory Testing. Naval Air Test Center.
- Bartone, C. (1984). SH-60B AN/APX-76 IFF Interrogator Antenna Patterns. Naval Air Test Center.
- Bartone, C. (1984). Mark XV Combat Identification System X-Band/L-Band Prototype Transponder Antenna Evaluation. Naval Air Test Center.