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Faculty and Advising Center FAQ - Grades

What if I log into the system and my class is not listed?

Class lists for individual instructors come from the current PeopleSoft system listing of instructors of record. If your class is not listed, then you are not listed as the instructor of record for the class. Contact your department/school or regional campus to ask that they update the information in PeopleSoft. Once PeopleSoft is updated to reflect you as the instructor of record, the Faculty & Advising Center will update within approximately thirty minutes and you will be able to view your class list and/or proceed with entering your grades.

What if I teach classes on more than one campus?

Once you log into the Faculty & Advising Center you will see a list of all of the classes that you are teaching for that semester regardless of the campus on which they are taught.

If I teach a large class. Do I have to turn in all the grades at the same time?

No. The online grading system allows you to assign grades to some students on your class list and then save the list to continue working on it at a later time up until the grade deadline. You may either enter and save some grades and return to finish entering missing grades or you may save and submit them as you enter the grades.

Submitting grades will affect only students for whom you have entered a grade. If a student's grade was blank when you submitted, you may go back and enter the final grade online provided the grade deadline has not passed. Please note that once you submit grades you will not be able to change the grades submitted. After a grade has been submitted, if you need to make a change due to an error in calculation, the  must be submitted.

You will be permitted to enter grades for those students for whom you have not yet submitted grades, provided the grade deadline has not passed. Grades not submitted will result in a grade of "NR" being assigned, indicating no grade recorded. You will need to submit the  to change the NR grades to valid grades.

If there is more than one instructor of record for a course, does each one have authority for grade entry?

Yes, anyone listed in PeopleSoft as an instructor of record has the authority to enter grades. Once the grade submission deadline has passed, however, grade changes must be made via the the .

What do the icons mean on the class list and online grading pages?
Image of Magnifying Glass Icon
Allows the user to explore the given record in more detail.
Group image to view class roster or enter grades
Allows the user to view class roster or enter grades.
Icon to take action on pending class permission requests
Allows the user to take action on pending class permission requests.
Icon to view class permission request
Allows the user to view class permission requests.
Icon to create and approve new permission request
Allows the user to create and approve a new permission request for a student.
Image of Red Ribbon for Veterans Education Benefits Icon
Depicts students with veterans education benefits (may or not be a veteran)
Image of Shield Icon for Confidentiality Requested
Indicates the student has requested confidentiality.
Icon indicates student has a FERPA form on file
Allows the user to view the FERPA form on file (consent to release education records).
Image of thumbs-up icon for Enrollment with Class Permission Slip
Represents an enrollment that was performed using a class permission slip. By clicking on the thumbs up icon, an image of a class permission slip will appear if one exists.
Icon indicates student is enrolled in a different section for a course they've waitlisted
Indicates the student is already enrolled in a different section of a course for he/she is waitlisted.
Image of Icon for Upload Grades with Custom Spreadsheet
Allows for the insertion of a custom spreadsheet for the mass uploading of grades.


How do I add individual grades?

First you will need to find the class for which you want to enter grades and then click on the people icon. 

Image of Icon- People

After viewing the class list you can place letter grades in the empty fields in the "Grade" column. It is also possible to submit grades for multiple students or an entire class simultaneously.


Will I see the eligible grades for the students in my classes?

All eligible grades for a particular class list appear in the expanded view on the class list and on the class list page in the header. The online grading system permits only eligible grades to be entered for students.

What happens with W grades?

Any students who have withdrawn from your class will have a W grade in the "Grade" column on your class list. Grades of W require that you enter a P, F, or an N after the W. An error message will appear if you do not assign a WP, WF, or WN grade for a withdrawn student. If a P or F is entered, a calendar will appear after clicking enter or tab) to enter the last date of participation. 

Note: If you click on the magnifying glass next to the student's name, their information will expand and the drop date will be listed. You can use this date or any date before as the last day of participation for a WP or WF grade.

Why are some of my grades already completed on my roster and I can't change them?

Grades for students who are auditing ("AU" grade) will automatically be posted for the student. Most thesis (6950) and dissertation (8950) classes will be pre-populated with PR grades, which cannot be changed. Once the oral defense is completed and approved, registrar staff will change the PR grades to the grade indicated on the defense form. Please note there are a few 6950 and 8950 classes that will not have pre-populated PR grades and grades will need to be entered for these classes. Otherwise, once you have "submitted" the grades you will not be able to change the grades. After submission, please complete the  to change grades as a result of a grade calculation error or grade entry error.

Once the grades have been submitted, can I make changes online?

No. If you submitted a grade in error or discovered an error in calculating a student's grade after you submitted the grade, you must complete the  to change the grade. You may save your grades and return to edit them at any time prior to your submission of the grades or the grade deadline, whichever comes first. It is suggested that you save often and double-check before submitting.

Is it possible to see only the classes for which I need to submit grades?

Yes. When viewing your list of available classes, there is a Not Completely Graded checkbox just under the Check All Showing button. Check this box to filter and refresh your list to view classes only where one or more students are ungraded. This can be helpful at the end of the semester to double check that you have assigned grades for all students in your classes.

Is it possible to see only the students for whom I have not recorded any grades?

Yes, this can be done after viewing the class list. On the class list/grading page, check the No Grade Assigned box below the Back to Classes button to see the list of students for that particular class that still lack grades or have been assigned invalid grades.

Can I export/get a printout after I enter the grades?

Yes, this is available in a number of different forms both before and after grades are entered. When looking at a class list, you can export as an Excel file (the "Excel" button), a PDF that shows enrollment as a condensed list of students (the "PDF Listing" button), and a PDF that provides a much more detailed view of the enrolled students (the "PDF" button).

Can I enter grades from my computer at home?

Yes, you can enter grades from any computer connected to the Internet. As with any online application, faster Internet connections will permit you to complete the grading process more quickly.

If I complete only some of the grade roster, will the system automatically save my submissions?

No. You must save your work by clicking on the Save Grades button at the bottom of your class list. When you click on the Save Grades button, your grades will be saved in the online grading system, not on your computer. When you return to complete your grading or if something happens to break your connection to the online grading system, you can resume entering grades at the point of your last save. It is recommended that you use the Save Grades button regularly. You must submit your grades to finish the grade posting process.

If you have not used the application for 30 minutes, the online grading system will automatically log you out. If you are logged out and if you have not saved your grades, that information will be lost and must be re-entered.

When is the class list/grade roster generated?

Your class list will be available for grade entry approximately one week prior to the term end date (semester closing date) or the day prior to the last day for classes that do not meet the full term.

Can I see photos of my enrolled students?

Yes, click on the magnifying glass icon to view a photo.

Image of Icon Magnifying Glass
What if a student does not appear on the class list/grade roster?

Only students who have officially registered for the class will appear on your class list/grade roster. You are not able to add students to your class list/grade roster. The student must register for the class and be graded through the the . Please refer students to their college or regional campus student services office to register for the class.

What if a student on the class list/grade roster has never attended the class or turned in any work?

If a student appears on your class list/grade roster, but has neither completed any work for the class nor attended the class, the appropriate grade for this student is an "FN" (Failure, Never Attended). If a student appears on your class list/grade roster and stopped attending your class at some point in the term, the appropriate grade for this student is an "FS" (Failure, Stopped Attending). Grades of "FS" must include a stop-date, which is your best recollection of the last date they attended or participated in your class.

How do I find the date a student withdrew?

To find the date of withdrawal select the magnifying glass to the left of the student's name. The withdrawal date is listed as well as other student information.

Image of Magnifying Glass Icon
Is a signature required for each grade roster?

Given that you are required to authenticate using your OHIO ID and password, a written signature is not required for submitting grades. It is important that you do not share your OHIO ID and password with anyone to prevent unauthorized grade entry.

Will the system permit me to enter grades after the grading deadline has passed?

No. Once the grading deadline has passed grades must be submitted to the Registrar's Office via the . Note that the system automatically audits your submissions for eligible grades in reference to the grading basis for the class. For example, you are not permitted to enter a letter grade (A-F) for a class that only permits credit (CR) grades.

How do I upload a grade file that I have already created?

This is done by copying and pasting a spreadsheet into the provided text box after choosing the Import/Load Grades button from the class list. 

Image of Icon Import Grades

The spreadsheet should contain a "PID" column, "Grade" column, and an "FS Stop Date" column, with the headers labeled as such and should contain students for the selected class only. The dates must be in "mm/dd/yyyy" format. That is a two-digit month, two-digit day, and four-digit year. Extra columns are permitted. More detailed instructions are displayed when clicking on the button to initiate the process.

When are final grades due to the Office of the University Registrar?

Final grades are due at 12:00 noon on the Wednesday after the semester/session closing date.

Why are grades due so soon after the end of the term?

Students are always anxious to find out their grades for courses. In addition, several important processes depend upon final grades. The effects of late grades can be very serious. Students can:

  • face delay of graduation
  • face probation or suspension by their college
  • lose scholarships
  • lose athletic eligibility
  • face delay of tuition reimbursement
  • risk termination of veteran's educational benefits
  • have their admission to a graduate program postponed
  • lose their good-student insurance discount
  • lose job opportunities
When do students get notified of their grades?

Students may view their final grades in . The final grade for each class will appear shortly after the submission of the grade or the day following the grade deadline, depending on the time of submission. Grades submitted before the end of the semester (i.e., for flexibly scheduled classes) will be available to students within 24 hours of being submitted.

Why do I Save Grades and Submit Grades?

You should save your grades frequently by clicking the Save Grades button. After you enter the grades in the class list/grade roster they are not stored until you either Save Grades or Submit Grades. You should Save Grades if you plan to make edits to the grades later. You should Submit Grades after you have completed entering your grades for the class. Clicking Submit Grades will cause the grades to be posted to the students' permanent academic records and will be available for viewing by the student. Submitting grades will affect only students for whom you have entered a grade. If a student's grade was blank when you submitted, you may go back and enter the final grade online up until the posted deadline. After grades are submitted any changes must be processed using the .

Am I required to take attendance in my class?

No. Per the Faculty Handbook, "The weight given to class attendance in determining a student's grade is an academic matter; therefore, all instructors are responsible for their own attendance policies." (Faculty Handbook, Revised January 2024, p. 65)

Will I be notified when a student withdraws from class?

Yes. An email will be sent to the instructor(s) of record on a daily basis identifying the students who withdrew from class within the prior 24 hours. You will be able to record immediately the last date of attendance or participation in the Faculty & Advising Center, i.e., you will not need to wait until the end of the semester to record the withdrawn P/F/N indicator and last date of participation (for WP/WF grades).

How do I determine the last date of attendance or participation for WP/WF/FS grades?

The U.S. Department of Education provides the following examples of what is considered academic participation or academically-related activity:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between instructor and students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction;
  • Attending a study group assigned by the school;
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and
  • Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studies in the course.

The following are not to be considered as academically-related activities: living in institutional housing, participating in the institution's meal plan, logging into an online class without active participation, or participating in academic counseling or advisement.

A student attended at the beginning of the semester and then did not come back until the final. Did the student complete the course?

If the student was at the final then the student completed the course. Please assign the appropriate grade based on your grade policy as indicated on your syllabus.

If the University is audited, do I need to provide documentation for the date that I entered for the last date of attendance or participation?

It depends. If the audit is for the current academic year, then you may need to provide documentation per the Retention of Student Records policy in the 帝王会所 Faculty Handbook. However, if the semester being audited does not fall within the period indicated for the retention of records AND you have destroyed those records, then you will not need to provide documentation. However, if you retain records beyond what is required and have those records for the semester being audited then you will need to provide the documentation such as the record book indicating the last date of a quiz, homework assignment, attendance in class, submission of a paper, etc.

Per the 帝王会所 Faculty Handbook (Revised January 2024, pg. 63)

Instructors shall retain grades, tests, and assignments as well as any other material used in determining a student's grade for at least one academic semester, and until the end of the fall semester following spring semester classes unless the instructor returns the material to the student or provides an alternative policy to the class at the beginning of the semester. Persons with grading responsibilities who leave the university should make appropriate arrangements with their department chairs or school directors on the disposition of their student records.

How do I confirm that the Failing (F) grades indicates the student completed the course?

In the Faculty & Advising Center, you will upload or enter your grades as usual. After you click Save or Submit, you will be presented with a list of students for who you have recorded an F grade. For each student you will confirm that the student completed the course, or you may record a different grade (to replace the F). You will need to confirm the F grade for each student only once (not each time you save).

What date do I use for determining whether to assign a WP or WF, the date the student officially withdrew or the date of the last attendance or participation?

The date of last attendance or participation should be used when determining the appropriate withdrawal grade to assign. Neither grade will impact the student's grade point average, however, the grade will appear on the student's official transcript.

Where can I learn more about the grades available to assign?

Every course has an approved grade eligibility code that indicates which grades may be assigned. The Class List in the Faculty and Advising Center displays the eligible grades for the class. For more information about the University's official grades, please review 帝王会所 Policy 12.040: Grading.