Grades General Information
(Special Grade Report) - INSTRUCTORS ONLY
Grade Reports
Grade Appeals
Grading System (for Faculty)
Academic Status
Auditing a Class
Pass/Fail Grading Option
President's List/Dean's List/Provost's List
Departmental Honors
Retaking a Course
Grading Policies
General FAQs
Grade Reports
Final grade reports are available online in . Students will receive notification when grades are available. Student grade information is maintained online allowing students to obtain any updated grade, GPA, and academic status information as soon as it changes.
You can view a how to video on Viewing and Printing grades through your MyOHIO Student Center.
- Sign in to
- click on "other academic..." drop-down box
- choose "Grades"
- click
Grade Appeals
Once grades are submitted to the University Registrar, they are final and cannot be changed unless evidence of an error can be presented or a formal grade appeal process is completed in accordance with µÛÍõ»áËù's official grade appeal policy (see the Faculty Handbook section 'Final Examinations and Change of Grade').
Grading System
(video for instructors only)
(video for instructors only)
Frequently Asked Questions
Classes that end prior to the semester closing date:
Classes that end prior to the semester closing date may have their final grades submitted beginning the last day of the class. Grades are to be entered through the (see detailed instructions below). The grade deadline remains the same. All semester grades must be submitted by Wednesday, following the close of the semester, at noon.
Important notes regarding your grades:
- Once you enter the grades and click submit they are recorded on the students' records and are available to the student within 24 hours.
- If you click submit and have not recorded a grade for a student you may enter a grade for that student through the Faculty & Advising Center until the final grade deadline for the semester.
- After a grade has been submitted, if you need to make a change due to an error in calculation, the must be submitted.
- It is important to submit grades as soon as possible, but you do have until the grade deadline to submit all of your semester grades.
Full semester classes:
The grading system for reporting semester final grades will be available Monday, of finals week, at 10:00 AM. Note: grades CANNOT be entered using Internet Explorer 8; please ensure your browser is updated. Instructions for using the system:
- Log in to the using your OHIO ID and password.
- On the Teaching tab select "Class List/Grading." Note: Only the faculty/instructors listed in PeopleSoft as the instructors for the class may enter and submit grades.
- Two options for entering final grades:

View class roster to enter grades:

Import/Load grades:
- Click the Save Grades button to save the grades if you will need to make changes later. Click the Submit Grades button after you have completed entering your grades to finalize the submission of grades for the class. Submitting grades will affect only students for whom you have entered a grade. If a student's grade was blank when you submitted, you may go back and enter the final grade online. After grades are submitted any changes must be processed using a Special Grade Report form.
- If you do not finalize the submission of grades by clicking the Submit Grades button, what you have saved as of the grade deadline will be submitted automatically for you.
Instructions are available on how to download the Grade Center from Blackboard and import final grades into the µÛÍõ»áËù Online Grading System at the following link. Additional information on the Blackboard Grade Center is available .
A student is eligible to return unless otherwise notified. Academically dismissed undergraduate students may petition for reinstatement under certain conditions. Graduate students with academic deficiencies may be denied permission to continue enrollment in certain programs. If this happens, a student must apply and be admitted to a different degree or nondegree graduate program before continued graduate enrollment is allowed.
Disciplinary expulsion, which can apply both to graduate and undergraduate students, prohibits the student from ever attending µÛÍõ»áËù and from being present, without permission, on any campus of µÛÍõ»áËù.
Students are informed of academic drop actions by their academic deans and of nonacademic suspensions by the Office of Community Standards and Student Responsibility. These offices place holds on students' academic records. It is not possible for a student to register while such holds exist. Failure to receive notification by mail does not affect a student's status.
President's List/Dean's List/Provost's List
At the end of each semester undergraduate students are evaluated based on their semester GPA and hours to determine placement on the President’s List, Dean’s List, or Provost’s List. The lists are available on Student Academic Achievement Lists webpage.
President’s List
The President’s List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes the names of all undergraduate students whose GPA for the semester is 4.0 for a minimum of 12 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate the GPA; or students who have earned 12 hours with no GPA, (i.e., hours were not taken for letter grades), 4.0 GPA for any courses attempted for letter grades, and were on the President’s list the previous semester of enrollment.
Dean’s List
The Dean’s List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes the names of all undergraduate students whose GPA for the semester is 3.5 – 3.999 for a minimum of 12 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate the GPA; or students who have earned 12 hours with no GPA, (i.e., hours were not taken for letter grades), a minimum GPA of 3.5 for any courses attempted for letter grades, and were on the Dean's or President’s List the previous semester of enrollment. NOTE: Prior to Spring Semester 2022-23, the Dean's List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes the names of all undergraduate students whose GPA for the semester is at least 3.5 for a minimum of 15 semester hours of credit earned, including at least 12 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate the GPA.
Provost’s List
The Provost’s List, compiled at the end of each semester, includes the names of all undergraduate students whose GPA for the semester is at least 3.5 or greater and has 6 – 11.99 hours attempted for letter grades that are used to calculate the GPA.
Departmental Honors
Students in a recognized departmental honors program may take a maximum of three (3) graduate courses in their major department during their senior year (i.e., after earning 90 or more semester hours). Semester hours earned in these courses will count toward total semester hours required for graduation and the grades will be calculated into the undergraduate GPA. Registration in graduate courses requires permission from the instructor. Participation in this option is at the discretion of the department or school. Graduate courses taken in this manner will not apply to graduate credit at a future time.
For Athens campus students, permission slips for departmental honors students may be obtained through the academic departments where the courses are taught. Return the signed permission slip for processing to Registrar Services, first floor, Chubb Hall no later than the second Friday of the semester.
Grading Policies
For information about grading policies, please consult the current edition of the Undergraduate or Graduate .
Academic Records
Office of the University Registrar
Chubb Hall 118
Athens, OH 45701