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Course Offerings FAQ

The µÛÍõ»áËù Course Offerings site permits you to search for classes being offered for current and future terms. Once you select your search criteria you click "Search," and the classes that meet your criteria are displayed. If you select multiple locations, each location appears in the results as a separate tab, and each tab identifies the number of classes (for that location) that met your criteria.

Click anywhere in the line of the class section to reveal details about the individual class section. The section details include the following information (see Class Details question below for a detailed description of each field):

  • General Education Tier (Gen. Ed. Tier)
  • OHIO Bricks
  • Location
  • Instructors
  • Course Name
  • College (of the course)
  • Department (of the course)
  • Eligible Grades
  • Alternate Delivery
  • Dual-Listed
  • Permissions Required
  • Last Day to Add
  • Last Day to Drop
  • Last Day to Withdraw
  • Repeat/Retake Information
  • Requisite
  • Course Description
  • Meeting Times (Days, Time, Building, Room, Room Capacity)
  • Resources and Materials (Textbook)
How do I find classes offered online?

By default, online classes are included in your search results, and they are listed with the campuses that are offering them. If you do not want online classes to be included in your search, uncheck the box to the left of Online classes in the Delivery Method section on the search page. To view all online classes (regardless of the campus offering them), click on the checkbox next to Online in the campus section of the search form. 

How can I search for an eCampus course?

Click the box to the right of eCampus (eCampus students). Once this box is selected, an eCampus Program drop down menu will appear. Choose your program from the drop-down menu. All undergraduate courses are grouped under ‘Undergraduate Program’. Then proceed to enter the course information for a specific class. You can also search for all courses being offered for the specified term and program by not entering specific course information in the Class Information tab. Note: if the eCampus campus is selected, you will not be able to select additional campuses. Additionally, if a campus other than eCampus is selected, you will not be able to select eCampus.  

Do I have to search by General Education code?

No. The General Education search is listed as one of many search criteria. Please consult your DARS report for the official list of courses that may apply toward the General Education requirements based on your University catalog of entry.

How do I find the requisite for the class?

In the search results, click anywhere within the class section and more details are provided about the class, including the requisite information. 

How do I find the course description?

In the search results, click anywhere within the class section and more details are provided about the class, including the course description. 

Is there a way to save a frequent search that I perform?

Yes. Perform your search, and on the resulting page, create a bookmark or add it to you favorites. The next time you go to your saved link (bookmark), the search will be re-executed and the current results will be returned. 

How do I search by credit hours?

The general class information search page includes many search criteria, including credit hours. This search allows you to search for a fixed credit hour amount or a range (i.e., 1-4), and it will return exact matched, as well as classes with variable credit hour ranges that will accommodate your search value. 

How do I find a class when I do not know the course subject?

The course name text box enables you to search by the class title. Thus, you can search for a class by its title or any portion thereof. Also, you can click within the Course Subject field, to view a complete list of course subjects.

How current is the information in the Course Offerings system?

The number of students enrolled, and the class status are updated in real-time. The rest of the class data is updated at least every 30 minutes for current and future terms. Current and future terms are defined as those semesters for which the second Friday of the semester has not passed (or the first Friday of the second summer session). Check the academic calendar for specific dates. To find the exact time the data was refreshed look just below the tabbed area of the search results. Past term information that is still available on Course Offerings is updated once per day, at approximately 6:30 a.m. 

What if I want to simply tweak a completed search and not have to start from scratch?

On the search results page, click on the green arrow to scroll to the top to make changes as necessary and click search. It will refine your search with your most recent criteria selected.  

Why are classes listed as open in the Course Offerings system, but when I try to add through MyOHIO Student Center, the class is full?

The seats that you saw available were taken by other students during the time you were reviewing the Course Offerings.

How can I print my search results?

You can print directly from your browser, using the browser's print function. This will print the results as they are displayed in your browser (i.e., expanded or collapsed) and will only print what is currently being viewed (i.e., 1 to 50 of 421).

How do I know where the class meets?

In the search results, you can click anywhere within each class section and more details are provided about the class, including the building and room where it meets. If you click on the link a map will display with a yellow arrow identifying the building. 

Who do I contact if the class requires permission?

The instructor. In the search results, click on the instructor's name to get their contact information. If no instructor is listed, contact the department/school office. In the search results, click on the course title to view the department/school offering the course. Permission can be requested through the My OHIO Student Center. Please refer to the following link to obtain more information about the class permission process: /registrar/class-permission.  

What does it mean if the class days and times say "Arranged?"

The class has no set meeting pattern. Contact the instructor for more information. In the search results, click on the instructor's name to get their contact information. If no instructor is listed, contact the department/school office. In the search results, click on the course title to view the department/school offering the course. 

How can I display more than 50 results per page?

The maximum results per page is 50. Click next to view additional results.  

What does it mean if the status of a class is "Majors Only?"

The status "majors only" means the remaining seats in a class are open to students only in specific majors, based on the course (i.e., a journalism class is open only to journalism students). If you have questions about whether your major qualifies, contact the department/school offering the class. In the search results, click on the course title to view the department/school offering the course.

How can I find a class based on its content, not necessarily based on its title or subject?

There are several search features available. On the search page, you can search by course description (the description from the undergraduate or graduate catalog). This will search special topics, workshops, and other variable content course for the specific topic being offered. 


How can I search for courses from previous terms?

In the Terms and Campus screen, click beneath where it says Previous Terms and a menu will drop down with terms from previous academic years. Click on the box to the left of the desired term(s) and click search. If searching for offerings prior to academic years not showing in the drop-down menu, please refer to the Registrar dashboard in OBI.  


What does "alternative delivery" mean?

A "Yes" in this field indicates this course may be offered through the Office of Instructional Innovation (OII) as a print-based course. This does not mean that this particular section of the course is offered in this manner, but instead that OII might make the course available through alternative delivery means. Click the "Yes" or visitwww.ohio.edu/ecampus/print for addition information.

Class Details
Field NameDescription
LocationWhere the class is taught. Location is one of the six µÛÍõ»áËù campuses, one of its two centers, or online.
College (of the course)The college at the University that is offering the course. Clicking on the college takes you to the Undergraduate Catalog section for that college.
InstructorsThe instructor(s) who are teaching the class. If there is more than one instructor of records for a class, will be listed. Clicking on the instructor's name will allow you to view his/her µÛÍõ»áËù contact information.
Department (of the course)The department/school at the University that is offering the course. Clicking on the department/school name takes you to the Undergraduate Catalog section for that department/school.
Permission RequiredIndicates whether instructor permission is  required in order to register for this class. If this  value is yes, you should contact the instructor in  order to get permission to register for this class.  If no is listed for the class, click the class title  to view course detail information. In this detail  information, the department or school offering the  class is listed. Contact this department/school for  information about enrolling in this class.
RequisiteThe minimum requirements that must be met in order to enroll in this class.
Repeat/Retake InformationIndicates whether the course may be repeated or  retaken. A repeatable course may be taken more  thank one time to earn additional credit. A retakable course may be taken more than one time  to replace the impact for the original grade. See  for additional information.
General Education Tier (Gen. Ed. Tier)Indicates the General Education requirement category the course counts toward. Codes in   this field are applicable for students who   complete their first µÛÍõ»áËù classes   during or after Fall Quarter 2008-09. 
OHIO BricksIndicates the General Education requirement  category the course counts toward. Codes in  this field are applicable for students who  complete their first µÛÍõ»áËù classes  during or after the fall of 2021-2022
Eligible Grades Grades that are eligible to be assigned to students who enroll in a section of this course.
Dual-Listed A yes in this field indicates this class is part  
of a group of undergraduate and graduate  
classes that meets together. 
Alternative DeliveryCourses may be offered through the eCampus division (e.g., correspondence, course credit  by exam, etc.). For more information, visit  http://www.ohiou.edu/ecampus/print
Last Day to AddThe last day to add this class, with instructor permission. Deadlines to add without instructor permission are earlier.
Last Day to DropThe last day to drop this class and to have the course removed from your record with possible fee adjustment.
Last Day to WithdrawThe last day to drop this class, with the class remaining on your record as a WP (withdrawn passing) or WF (withdrawn failing). Whether a WP or WF is assigned is up to the instructor of the class. WP and WF grades remain on your record, but are not calculated into your GPA. Deadlines to drop the class and have it completely removed from your record are earlier.
Meeting Times
(Day, Time, Dates, 
Building, room)
The dates, day(s), times, building, room of the class meetings, and room capacity. If a day e.g., Monday) is listed more than once, the class might have more than one time, date, and/or building and room for that day. Review meeting times and class notes closely for classes that have start and/or end dates different from the semester start and end dates. If "Arranged" appears in the Meeting Times field, it means the class has no set meeting pattern. Contact the instructor for more information. In the search results, click on the instructor's name to get his/her contact information.
Course DescriptionThe description of the course, as approved by the University Curriculum Council.
Textbooks and MaterialsThe required and optional textbooks and materials for this class.
Last UpdatedIndicates the data that the textbooks and materials information was last updated.
Basic Search Criteria
Field NameDescription
TermTerm in which you wish to search for classes. Summer (Any) will return all summer classes, regardless of session, but Summer (1st session), Summer (2nd session), and Summer (full), will return classes for that respective section. Multiple terms may be selected.
Previous TermCan search for a previous term by clicking within the search bar and choosing from the drop-down. 
CampusLocation of classes for which you wish to search. Select one or multiple locations. On the results page, locations are displayed in separate tabs. 
SubjectSubject of the classes for which you want to search. You can type the subject or name (i.e., AH or Art History, or click on "Show List" to view a complete, sortable list of subjects. 
Catalog NumberThe catalog number. Enter a complete catalog number or part of the catalog number (i.e., entering "2" will return all catalog numbers that
contain "2.").
Course NameTitle of the course. Enter all or part of the course title.
Course TopicThis will search special topic, workshop, and other variable content course for the specific topic being offered.
Course Description Description of the course as stated in the college catalog. Enter all or part of the course title. 
Class Start/End TimeEnter the desired beginning and end time of the course. This will populate all courses within the entered time range.
InstructorsInstructor of the course. Enter all or part of an instructor’s name.
RoomRoom number associated with building where classes meet.
BuildingDrop down menu for buildings where classes meet
Minimum Credit
Credit hours
Enter the desired minimum and maximum credit hours of the course. This will populate all courses within the entered credit hour range.
Eligible GradesDrop down the menu to search classes with specified allowable grades.
Begin/End DateEnter the desired beginning and end date of the course. This will populate all courses within the entered date range.
Delivery MethodCheck/uncheck if you want to view online classes, in-person/onsite classes, or both.
Meeting PatternCheck/uncheck if you want to view courses that meet at a specific time, do not meet at a specific time, or both.
Course LevelLevel of classes (undergraduate or graduate).
Course StatusStatus of classes that will be searched. Optionally, check "Include Canceled Classes." Canceled sections are not included (e.g., open, full, etc.) by default.
General Education
Code (Includes both
Tiers and OHIO
Allows you to search for classes, based on General Education Code.
Class DaysAllows you to search for classes based on days they meet
What is the standard definitions for course components?

You can find the standard definitions for course components on the Individual Course Committee (ICC) website: /faculty-senate/committees/individual-course-committee. The document is titled Guidelines for Submission of New Course Proposals and Course Changes. The definitions will be under Appendix C of the Word document.