Location | Where the class is taught. Location is one of the six µÛÍõ»áËù campuses, one of its two centers, or online. |
College (of the course) | The college at the University that is offering the course. Clicking on the college takes you to the Undergraduate Catalog section for that college. |
Instructors | The instructor(s) who are teaching the class. If there is more than one instructor of records for a class, will be listed. Clicking on the instructor's name will allow you to view his/her µÛÍõ»áËù contact information. |
Department (of the course) | The department/school at the University that is offering the course. Clicking on the department/school name takes you to the Undergraduate Catalog section for that department/school. |
Permission Required | Indicates whether instructor permission is required in order to register for this class. If this value is yes, you should contact the instructor in order to get permission to register for this class. If no is listed for the class, click the class title to view course detail information. In this detail information, the department or school offering the class is listed. Contact this department/school for information about enrolling in this class. |
Requisite | The minimum requirements that must be met in order to enroll in this class. |
Repeat/Retake Information | Indicates whether the course may be repeated or retaken. A repeatable course may be taken more thank one time to earn additional credit. A retakable course may be taken more than one time to replace the impact for the original grade. See for additional information. |
General Education Tier (Gen. Ed. Tier) | Indicates the General Education requirement category the course counts toward. Codes in  this field are applicable for students who  complete their first µÛÍõ»áËù classes  during or after Fall Quarter 2008-09. |
OHIO Bricks | Indicates the General Education requirement  category the course counts toward. Codes in  this field are applicable for students who  complete their first µÛÍõ»áËù classes  during or after the fall of 2021-2022 |
Eligible Grades | Grades that are eligible to be assigned to students who enroll in a section of this course. |
Dual-Listed | A yes in this field indicates this class is part  of a group of undergraduate and graduate  classes that meets together. |
Alternative Delivery | Courses may be offered through the eCampus division (e.g., correspondence, course credit  by exam, etc.). For more information, visit  http://www.ohiou.edu/ecampus/print. |
Last Day to Add | The last day to add this class, with instructor permission. Deadlines to add without instructor permission are earlier. |
Last Day to Drop | The last day to drop this class and to have the course removed from your record with possible fee adjustment. |
Last Day to Withdraw | The last day to drop this class, with the class remaining on your record as a WP (withdrawn passing) or WF (withdrawn failing). Whether a WP or WF is assigned is up to the instructor of the class. WP and WF grades remain on your record, but are not calculated into your GPA. Deadlines to drop the class and have it completely removed from your record are earlier. |
Meeting Times (Day, Time, Dates, Building, room) | The dates, day(s), times, building, room of the class meetings, and room capacity. If a day e.g., Monday) is listed more than once, the class might have more than one time, date, and/or building and room for that day. Review meeting times and class notes closely for classes that have start and/or end dates different from the semester start and end dates. If "Arranged" appears in the Meeting Times field, it means the class has no set meeting pattern. Contact the instructor for more information. In the search results, click on the instructor's name to get his/her contact information. |
Course Description | The description of the course, as approved by the University Curriculum Council. |
Textbooks and Materials | The required and optional textbooks and materials for this class. |
Last Updated | Indicates the data that the textbooks and materials information was last updated. |