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Faculty and Advising Center FAQ - Advisors

What is a priority registration advising hold?

A priority registration advising hold prevents undergraduate students from performing self-service registration, allowing the advisor to require the student meet with him or her prior to registering. The hold can be released through the Faculty & Advising Center, which will immediately clear the student to register at or after his or her enrollment appointment time, assuming there are no other holds on the student's account that prevent registration.

What information about my advisees does the Advisee List display?

The advisee list has two basic views: simple and detailed. In the simple view, students are listed as simple table rows with columns including name, PID, academic level, college, major/minor/certificate, campus, enrollment appointment time, and a description of your relationship to that student. 

Clicking the magnifying glass icon will display more detailed information about the student, including photo, preferred name (if any), major catalog year, academic probation status (if any), will display more detailed information about the student, including photo, preferred name (if any), major catalog year, academic probation status (if any), GPA, email address, hours attempted/earned (quarter and semester, if applicable), last term enrolled, phone number, academic career (undergraduate, graduate, or medical), term of graduation, applied for graduation term, and name and email address of the student's advisor(s).

Magnifying Glass

There are also several icons that could appear next to each student. See "What do the icons mean on my advisee list" below for an explanation of each icon.

How do I find the students that need to have their priority registration advising holds released?

The lock icon indicates a student has a priority registration advising hold. To see only the students who still have advising holds, set the "Hold Released" drop-down box to "Not Released." The screen will be refreshed automatically. Please note this might take a few seconds, but you do not need to refresh the screen. Likewise, choosing "Released" will filter to those for whom the holds have already been released.

Image of Lock Icon
How do I release a priority registration advising hold?

A lock icon signifies a priority registration advising hold. Click the lock to release the priority registration advising hold for the student. The lock will not display for students who do not have a priority registration advising hold or for those students for whom you have just released their hold. You can also check the boxes next to several students and use the "release advising holds" button to release multiple holds at once.

Image of Lock Icon
Can I release multiple holds at once?

Yes. By checking the boxes on the far left of the advisee list and choosing Release Advising Holds button below the list, the holds on all selected students will be released. By clicking Check All Showing every student in the current view will be checked. To see how many are in your current view, look just below the advising list to the left to find the "Showing X to Y of Z entries." Also, note that if you attempt to check multiple students on one page and then travel to the next advisees in your list (hitting Next or Previous, for example), your previously checked advisees will be unchecked.

Can I email a single advisee? How about multiple advisees?

To email one or more advisees simply check the box just as you would to release multiple holds and choose the Email Selected Students button just below the advisee list. On the following page you have the option to add To, CC or BCC addresses at will. Likewise, you may change the subject of the email from the default message to one of your choosing. Multiple attachments can also be made. The email addresses of students you have added to the email list will be displayed on the left. Clicking one of these will allow you to email that student directly using your chosen email client.

How can I view my advisees' DARS reports?

DARS reports can be accessed for individual advisees by clicking on the icon located to the left of the student's name. This will direct you to a page allowing you to view all the student's DARS reports.

Image of icon to view students DARS report
How do I enter exceptions (substitutions, waivers, etc.) on the student鈥檚 DARS?

Access to enter DARS exceptions is limited. Dean-level approval is needed to access the tools necessary to process exceptions. Individuals with appropriate access may contact the DARS Team at dars@ohio.edu to schedule exception processing training and consult the for more information.

There are other holds on my advisee's account. What are these and can I release them?

Students might have registration holds other than priority registration advising holds. In the Faculty & Advising Center you are permitted to release the priority registration advising hold for your designated advisees. Clicking on the exclamation point icon will allow you to view a description of other holds (often including contact information), but you may not release them unless you have access to do so through PeopleSoft. Students should be instructed to visit their for more information regarding how to rectify these holds, or you can provide them with the details of the holds.

Image of Exclamation Point
Can I see photos of my advisees?

Yes, photos are available by clicking on the magnifying glass icon. 

Image of Magnifying Glass Icon
Why are students on my list without enrollment appointments?

Enrollment appointments appear on your advisee list if the student has an appointment for the upcoming registration semester (i.e., the student is intending to register for the upcoming semester). The student should contact the Office of the University Registrar if he/she does not have an appointment and is planning to attend next term, or if he/she believes the enrollment appointment time is incorrect.

Why does the same student appear on my list more than once?

If you are a faculty advisor, it is possible that you are advising that student in more than one major, or both a major and a minor. Additionally, college/department/campus designees may see a student multiple times if they are pursuing multiple majors, minors, and/or certificates.

What does relationship mean?

The relationship field displays your relationship to that student. If you are a CAP advisor for a student, the relationship field would display CAP. Likewise, if you are a college staff member, it would display the college code. You can use the drop-down menu at the top of the Relationship column to filter your list to only students with whom you have a particular relationship (i.e., filter out CAP or University College advisees to view only your academic advisees).

How current is the information?

Most information in the advisee list is updated approximately every four hours. However, all hold information is real-time. This includes priority registration advising holds and other registration hold information.

There are no students showing on my advisee list. What can I do?

First try to reset your filters. Click either the Reset button to the right of the advisee list (next to the Excel export button) or the smaller reset button at the bottom left of the advisee list. This will reset your view to default and display all advisees with whom you have a relationship. If this does not rectify the problem, try restarting your browser.

If the problem persists, please call 740.593.4182 or email registration@ohio.edu.

What do the icons mean on my advisee list?

There are several possible icons that could show up next to each student on your advisee list. A brief description of each icon is available at the top of the advisee list page and also as hover hint text. Below are additional descriptions:

Click on to view additional information
Click on to view additional student information.
Indicates the student has a priority registration advising hold on his/her record. Click on the icon to release a priority registration advising hold.
Click on to view a student's DARS report.
Additional holds
Indicates the student has one or more additional holds on his/her record that will prevent registration. Click on the icon to view detailed information about the hold(s).
Indicates the student completed a TDCP. Click on the icon to view the TDCP.
Student did not complete a TDCP
Indicates the student did not complete a TDCP.
Indicates the student is identified as being a part of a special population. Click on the icon to view the special population information. Currently, first generation students, athletes, Veterans benefits, and OHIO Honors program students are the populations identified.
first generation
First generation student: Any student who indicates on his/her admissions application that no parent or guardian has earned a college degree. Because this information is dependent on the admissions application the student completed, and when the application was completed, not all first generation students will be identified. For example, parent degree information was not always collected at the time of application to the University.
Athlete: This student is part of a Division I intercollegiate athletics team.
Veterans benefits: The student is receiving veterans educational benefits. This may or may not mean the student is a veteran.
no notes
No advising notes currently exist for this student. Click this icon to add advising notes for this student. Please note that by adding an advising note in this system, the note becomes part of the student's official education record. It is viewable to any person who can view this student's information in this system (i.e., an advisor for another major can see you note, if the student changes majors, the note will stay with the student, etc.), and the student may request to view these notes at any time. This should only be used for notes related to academic advising, and it is generally not appropriate to include references to things such as medical information.
advising notes
Indicates advising notes exist for this student. Click on the icon to view the advising notes.
I want to contact my advisees, but only the ones enrolled this semester. How can I do that?

To see a list of advisees enrolled only for the current semester, you can use the Enrolled Term filter at the top of the advisees list. By selecting one of the terms in the list, you can filter your advisees to only those enrolled in the selected term.

What are advising notes?

Advising notes are an optional way of tracking information about students' advising sessions. You can use advising notes to track things such as which elective you advised a student to take, what major(s) the student is considering, agreements you made about how the student will improve study techniques, etc.

Please note that by adding an advising note in this system, the note becomes part of the student's official education record. It is viewable to any person who can view this student's information in this system (i.e., an advisor for another major can see your note, if the student changes majors, the note will stay with the student, etc.), and the student may request to view these notes at any time. This should only be used for notes pertaining to academic advising, and it is generally not appropriate to include references to things such as medical information.

What students are included on my advisee list?

Not all students you have ever advised are included on your advisee list. Only the most current students are on your list. That includes students who may enroll (i.e., are term activated in PeopleSoft) for the current term or any future terms, as well as any students who have applied for graduation (but for whom a confer/deny decision has not been recorded).