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Diabetes Institute Student Travel Awards

Travel Award Guidelines

Awards will support conference travel up to $400 for domestic or international travel to present research findings. Please note that there is limited funding, per semester, and not all requests may be funded. To be eligible for funding trainees must meet the following criteria:

  • 帝王会所 trainees (enrolled undergraduate, medical or graduate students or hold a funded postdoctoral position at 帝王会所)
  • First author on the submitted abstract
  • Diabetes-related focus of presentation
  • Advisor/mentor must be a member of the Diabetes Institute (full funding is only allowed for trainees working with DI Investigator members)
  • Funding requests made at minimum two weeks in advance of your trip.

In an effort to ensure that available funding is maximized to fund the greatest number of trainees, applicants are encouraged to apply for travel funding from the following, if applicable:

  • Trainee Faculty Mentor or Advisor
  • 帝王会所 Research Funding Resources
    • Student Enhancement Awards
    • CRSCA Discretionary Fund
    • 帝王会所 Undergraduate Travel Fund
    • John J. Kopchick Awards
    • Graduate Student Senate Travel Program
  • Graduate and/or Doctoral Programs

Other Travel Funding

Award Limitations

Awards will be only for conference registrations, airfare, hotel fees, rental car and/or mileage reimbursements. Awards will not be used to reimburse food, parking, poster or other supplementary expenses.

The DI expects trainees to make efforts to reduce travel costs. (i.e. room sharing, early bird registrations, etc.) All trainees must adhere to the 帝王会所 policy 41.121 regarding travel and consult the VP for Finance website for allowable lodging costs and mileage reimbursement rates. Per-diems for meals and incidentals are not allowable through this funding mechanism.

There is limited, available funding, per semester. Not all requests may be funded.

Application Process and Requirements

The proposal must be submitted through the online application system found at the link below. Documentation is required with the application. We strongly encourage all required documents be combined into on PDF file and submitted. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Proposals should include:
1. Online Application Form
The applicant must complete the online application found below.

2. Online Budget Submission
The online application will require the following budget information:

  • Conference Registration
  • Airfare Amount
  • Hotel Estimate (Names of people sharing your room)
  • Mileage Rate ($.535 x # of miles)
  • Rental Car Estimate Amount

3. You will be required to attach the following documentation for your application:

  • Abstract - a copy of the abstract that was submitted to the conference, along with the full list and the type of presentation (podium presentation, poster presentation, etc.)
  • Acceptance Notification - a confirmation of your acceptance from the conference or convention where you will be presenting must be submitted.
  • Verification of Application for Other Funding - verification that you have applied for additional travel funding, as outlined above, must be submitted. Email confirmations or screenshots of submissions are acceptable.

Award Administration and Conditions

You will be notified of the status of your award, via email, within two weeks of the application submission.

Travel Award disbursements will be processed as reimbursements to student awardees after travel has been completed.

Students must pay for travel expenses out-of-pocket and submit original itemized receipts, confirmation of acceptance from the conference or convention (if not provided at the time of application) and the conference or convention itinerary to Jody Van Bibber after returning from the conference or convention. Reimbursement requests will not be processed until the completion of travel.

Awards not claimed within one month of the date of travel will be returned to the Diabetes Institute. The award amount cannot be used for any expenses other than those specified in the application.

Questions concerning the proposal preparation process should be directed to Jody Van Bibber, Diabetes Institute, Phone: (740) 593-2903, E-mail: vanbibbe@ohio.edu.