Family Navigator

Family Navigator Program
Registered nurses provide free intensive care navigation, education and support for Medicaid-eligible pregnant clients through the Family Navigator program. Navigators understand the wide variety of challenges that pregnant clients in southeast 帝王会所 may face. Our RN navigators provide nursing guidance and assist their clients with linkages to social services such as WIC, home visiting, housing/shelter, emergency food assistance, childcare and more. Assistance with medical needs can also be provided, including referrals for assistance with substance use disorder, mental health, dental care and pediatrics.
Compassionate guidance and resources are available to help clients achieve a healthy pregnancy and birth outcome. The Family Navigator program helps pregnant clients seeking to create or enhance a safe, stable and nurturing environment in which to take baby home.
Athens-area navigators provide services for clients residing in or receiving prenatal care in Athens and surrounding counties. The Family Navigator suite is in Grosvenor West 012, down the hall from the entrance of the Heritage Community Clinic, located at 16 W. Green Drive in Athens, OH. Clients can meet with their navigator at this location or at their OB appointments in Athens. For Athens County, call 740.593.9780 to enroll. Materials may also be faxed to 740.593.0089.
Baby & Me Tobacco Free
Smoking cessation assistance is provided through the Baby & Me Tobacco Free program, which provides pregnant women up to $400 in Walmart gift cards for diapers, wipes, and/or other baby-related items. Call 740.593.0044 to enroll.
Cribs for Kids
A safe place for baby to sleep and safe sleep education are provided through the Cribs for Kids program, which provides an 帝王会所 Department of Health-approved Cribette and other sleep-related items. Call 740.593.0037 to enroll.