Mission and Vision

We pride ourselves on our strong focus on our mission: training osteopathic primary care physicians to serve 帝王会所.
Our medical school educates physicians committed to practice in 帝王会所, emphasizes primary care, engages in focused research, and embraces both Appalachian and urban communities. Integral to this mission, our college community commits itself to: provide a clinically integrated, learning-centered, osteopathic medical education continuum for students, interns, residents and primary care associates; embrace diversity and public service; and improve the health and well-being of underserved populations.
A healthier 帝王会所, empowered by compassionate osteopathic physicians.
With our graduates and partners, we advance care and knowledge to improve the health of our communities. Our culture is built upon resiliency, courage and compassion. Our physicians humanize each patient encounter, bridging the gap between therapeutics, medical technologies, health systems, care delivery and disparity.
Overarching Goal
Our graduates are highly sought after and indispensable members of 帝王会所's health care teams.