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Student Funding

In an effort to support educational programs at the Heritage College, campus-specific funds are available. These events include but are not limited to: attendance at national conferences and community outreach programs.

All interested students and student organizations are encouraged to apply as early as possible for funding during the academic year. Requests are granted on a first-come-first-serve basis; there are limited funds available to support national conference attendance.

The college has agreed to automatically approve absence requests for this . Campus Deans will have the final determination on adding additional conferences to the approved list. Approved absence does not guarantee funding. 


Things to consider before applying:

A.     Applications for funding must be submitted a minimum of 30 days in advance of the conference/event. Please contact your campus Assistant Director of Student Affairs to discuss your options if you have missed the deadline. 

B.     Approval for funding does not excuse a student from any required activity. If the proposed activity requires a student to miss required class(es), a professional absence request must also be submitted via eMedley a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the activity.

C.      Funding disbursements cannot be made until after the event/conference has taken place and itemized receipts have been submitted to the Student Affairs or Campus Dean office along with proof that your absence from any required courses was approved. Please consider how you will pay for the conference upfront and/or how you will fund the remaining balance. Remember, funding is not guaranteed.

D.      Items that can be reimbursed include lodging, transportation (including flights and ground transportation - IRS mileage rate/rideshare), and conference registration. There is no reimbursement for food or purchases made with points/rewards. 

E.      Requests for funding will not be approved for events that have not been registered. To register your event, click the following link: . If you are applying for conference attendance, there is no need to register your attendance as an event.

F.      Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-serve rolling basis, and funding may be suspended for the year at any time. 

G.     All funding determinations are final. Funding is NOT guaranteed.    

* Please Consider: All reimbursements must be requested 30 days prior to the end of the fiscal year (6/30) or your award will apply to the following fiscal year.


Please have the following ready before beginning your application if applicable:

A.      Students applying for travel related to their organization and organizations applying for funding to support community outreach programs must submit a copy of their 帝王会所 banking statement that is up to date with the most recent balance. Log into OBI (), go to Dashboards, Student Funds Available, enter your account number in both of the Organization Between fields, Hit Apply, click the link for your account number under the Cost Center column, Click Cost Center Income Statement, Click Print, and Printable PDF. A document will be created that you can download and save.

B.      Students required to travel for their organization will need to upload a copy of their bylaws, charter, or other documentation that indicates their role is required to travel.

C.      One student who is submitting an application for group travel should obtain the following about each person included in their application from their specific campus: name, year, position in the organization, whether their travel is required, proof that this travel is required (if applicable)

D.      Students presenting research will need to upload the acceptance letter from their conference.

Heritage College - Student Funding Request Guidance

Funding Level and Criteria

  • Presenting Research or Required Org/Club Travel:                                                  $650 (Max)
  • Elective Travel (Not Required/Not Presenting Research):                                        $450 (Max)
  • Student Attending Conference Less Than 90 Minutes Away:                             Registration Only
  • Presenting Research:                                                                                                $450 (Max)
  • Required Travel (National Position Held)                                                                  $300 (Max)


General Application Notes:
  • One (1) professional funding request will be considered per student per academic year with consideration to special exceptions and circumstances for class leaders/officers.
  • Requests should be submitted prior to travel to ensure available funds and approval.
  • OMSI-II Group Applications should be submitted with All anticipated/known attendees.
    • Anticipated funding for Required Attendance $650 and General Attendance $450
    • Group Applications (not to exceed 8 travelers) to be reviewed by administration
    • Groups larger than 8 should work with campus Assistant Director of Student Affairs staff to discuss the circumstance before submitting a request
    • Group Applications will additionally be reviewed by Heritage Student Affairs staff at all sites to establish consistency with the range of funding support offered.
  • OMS I-II students seeking a Second Award (2 Requests) within an academic year can be considered on a case-by-case basis pending available funds.
  • At campus discretion, funding levels may be reduced depending on budget availability within the fiscal year.
  • Potential funding opportunities and additional sources:
    • Office of Research and Grants (if presenting research) - Students are permitted to have up to two Research Posters printed through the Office of Research and Grants per fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) at no cost to them.
    • ORUP (if presenting research on rural and urban underserved health)
    • Office of Inclusion (provides funding to SNMA Executive Boards for AMEC)
  • Non-travel funding requests for club and organization programming to be reviewed as applicable by the Dean鈥檚 Office on a case-by-case basis pending available funds.
Funding request forms are available for , , and .
Information regarding are located on the Medical Education Policies and Procedures webpage.

Additional Student Funding Resources

The Heritage College Office of Research and Grants also has information on funding resources, including those that are outside of the Heritage College. See the Office of Research and Grants Student Resources Webpage for additional information.

ORUP Medical Education Research RFP - The Office of Rural and Underserved Programs is committed to promoting medical education research and scholarship in rural and/or urban underserved settings and with students learning in and about those communities. Through the ORUP Medical Education Research Fund, ORUP funds awards to faculty, staff and medical students for medical education research projects. See ORUP Medical Education Research Webpage for additional information.