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OUHCOM New Organization

Create a New Organization for Medical Students

Students who are interested in creating a new student organization should consider the following:

  • Can your campus meet the minimum requirements to be a student organization?
  • Will this organization exist on all three campuses or only one?
  • Can this org combine with an already existing organization to create more members and better programming?
  • Is there sufficient interest in this organization to sustain for more than one year?
  • Is there someone affiliated with HCOM who is able and willing to serve as your advisor?
  • Would my organization idea work better as an interest group instead? Interest groups are defined as a group of students who want to create a new organization but may not meet the criteria below (ie: not enough members, does not host and organize 3 events per semester, etc.). Interest groups do not need to be medically focused. Interest groups can hold meetings, collaborate with other organizations, fundraise, etc. but will not be listed as an official organization nor will they receive priority scheduling for their events, nor with they recruit new members at the organization fair. Interest groups cannot have university financial accounts. Interest groups are asked to register so that they can be added to the website. Registration for interest groups is open during the same period as student organizations without the use of a password.
  • Once student organization registration closes, interest groups may still register themselves by requesting the registration password from their campus Student Affairs contact.
  • Is organization registration open for the school year in question? Registration opens during April each year and closes in early summer. If registration is closed:
    • OMS I Students – Cannot create a new organization before registration opens in their OMS I year. Please consider starting an interest group in the meantime. You can register as an organization in April.
    • OMS II Students - Please reach out to your campus Student Affairs representative to discuss your options if you have questions about registration and the deadline.


Please read the to familiarize yourself with the requirements to maintain a student organization, and reach out to your campus Student Affairs representative when you’re ready to discuss your idea:


After the initial meeting, you will be expected to gather the following information to submit during the required annual student organization registration: 

  • A copy of the organization by-laws and constitution
  • Prepare a listing of the org dues
  • Define a tentative schedule of events
  • Identify an advisor
  • Complete a roster list of officers and members

Students who are pursuing registration will be invited to a training meeting in April to explain this process further.