Force Requirement/Create Pseudo Tab Instructions
This tab should not be used frequently. Mainly because the FR-Force to Completion code can waive a requirement and generate unearned credit hours for the waived requirement or course on the DARS. Most of the functions needed can be performed on the Requirement Modification tab.
If your program鈥檚 DARS was encoded to require the PC-Add pseudo course exception, the DARS Team will notify you.
Note: the FR-Force to completion exception was previously called 鈥淲S - Waive sub-requirement.鈥

FR - Force to Completion
The FR-Force to Completion code can be used to force a requirement or sub-requirement to completion. Courses that are listed in the sub-requirement prior to adding the FR exception will continue to be listed in the sub-requirement and will not be released for use in other requirements that might need them.
USE CAUTIOUSLY: This exception type can have unintended consequences. For example, if used in a sub-requirement that requires a minimum number of credit hours and the student still needs those hours, DARS will generate those hours and apply them toward overall hours at the sub-requirement and requirement level.
FR 鈥 Steps:
- Enter the Term Type: Semester
- Select the Exception Code dropdown: FR 鈥 Force to Completion
- Find and enter the Pseudo Name: (e.g., HTCECONMJ5)
(* ) Note for Audit:- Enter the Note for Audit: (maximum 27 characters). This may not appear on the audit.
- The Memo is optional but strongly recommended. Indicate who approved and the date of the approval.
- Don鈥檛 forget to Save and rerun the audit in the FAC to check your work!

In the example below, a dean has verified completion of all major requirements for an Honors Tutorial College (HTC) student. The FR exception code is appropriate in this instance since there are no minimum credit hour requirements.
Before Example

After Example

PC - Add Pseudo Course
The PC 鈥 Add pseudo course exception adds a pseudo name to the student鈥檚 record. Some sub-requirements have been coded to accept a pseudo name in place of a real course to automatically fulfill a requirement. Staff from the Office of the Registrar will inform staff from the college whenever this exception code should be used.
PC 鈥 Steps:
- Enter the Term Type: Semester
- Select the Exception Code dropdown: PC 鈥 Add pseudo course
- Find and enter the Pseudo Name: (e.g., PRENURS4)
- Enter the Note for Audit: (maximum 27 characters)
- * The Memo is optional but strongly recommended. Indicate who approved and the date of the approval.
- Don鈥檛 forget to Save and rerun the audit in the FAC to check your work!

In the example below, the pre-nursing requirement has been encoded to use pseudo names to reflect requirements as fulfilled. This student has completed comparable coursework in an external program to fulfill the Human Anatomy/Physiology requirement.
Before Example

After Example