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Obstetrics and Gynecology Club

Student Organizations Dublin

Our Mission

The mission of the NSS-ACOOG is to: 

  • Familiarize and educate osteopathic medical students about the mission, vision and core values of the ACOOG 
  • Provide opportunities for fellowship among osteopathic medical students interested in osteopathic obstetrics and gynecology 
  • Educate osteopathic medical students of opportunities for postgraduate education and research in the field of women's health

Officers, 2024-2025

PresidentDebora Robinson
Vice PresidentElizabeth Klein
TreasurerLayken Imundo
SecretarySydney Coppin
AdvisorAndre Bown, D.O.

Dues: $10 annually 

Services Provided

This organization, as an interest group of NSS-ACOOG, will strive to raise awareness of women's health issues, provide information about training and careers in obstetrics and gynecology, provide key resources and pre-record modules to be successful for the required OB/GYN Year 3 clinical rotation, provide guidance about navigating through Year 4 audition rotations and the application process, and give students an opportunity to interact with professionals in the field.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

FALL - introduction event and journal club

SPRING - journal club and skills lab