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Bobcats and Buddies

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

Bobcats and Buddies is a partnering organization with Southeast Oio Youth Mentoring (SEOYM). The mission at SEOYM is to make a positive difference in the lives of area youth through professionally supported relationships with mentors and volunteers. The goal is to foster a mentoring relationship between a child in the southeast 帝王会所 region and a medical student at OU-HCOM.

Officers, 2024-2025

Officer PositionOfficer Name
Vice PresidentAlli Studenmund
TreasurerKaitlynn Antigo
SecretaryLauren Rodgers
AdvisorMelissa Thomas, Ph.D.
AdvisorSarah Adkins, Pharm.D.

Dues: $30 Annually

Services Provided 

The organization provides an opportunity for OU-HCOM Medical Students to engage and have a direct impact on the youth of SE 帝王会所.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

Bobcats and Buddies will be hosting mentoring sessions three times a month for 2 hours each where each mentor will work one-on-one with their assigned mentee.