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American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry

Student Organizations Cleveland, Dublin, and Athens

Our Mission

The American Academy of Developmental Medicine & Dentistry's (AADMD's) mission is "to provide a forum for health care professionals who provide clinical care to people with intellectual & developmental disabilities (IDD) and improve the quality of health care for individuals with IDD." Leadership is shared by Cleveland, Dublin and Athens students.

Officers, 2024-2025

PositionOfficer Name
President (Cleveland)Melanie Dube  
Vice President (Dublin)     Faith Roop
Vice President (Athens)Sophia Thompson
Treasurer (Dublin)  Izzy Puri
Secretary (Dublin)Elizabeth Klein
Advisor (Cleveland)Carl Tyler, M.D.

Dues: $5 Annually

Services Provided                   

OU-HCOM's student chapter of AADMD will strive to raise awareness of developmental medicine and promote the education of our medical students to learn about the needs of those with developmental disabilities in medicine. This student chapter will do so through education activities and volunteering activities in the community surrounding each of OU-HCOM's three campuses.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

   1. Educational meeting: discussing first person language, practical tools for working with people with IDD, and biases. 
   2. Guest speakers of physicians in the community who specialize in working with developmental differences as well as those personally affected by developmental differences - Dr. Carl Tyler 
   3. Combined meeting with OBGYN club on sexual education, advocacy, consent, and safety for people and patients with IDD.
   4. Multiple volunteering opportunities in the community with organizations that support and assist members of our community with developmental differences, such as Passion Works and Special Olympics.