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American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, Medical Student Section

Student Organizations Athens

Our Mission

The American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, Medical Student Section (ACOS-MSS) is a national organization affiliated with American College of Osteopathic Surgeon (ACOS). The OUHCOM Athens chapter of ACOS-MSS is dedicated not only to representing future osteopathic surgeons but also to promoting awareness of various fields of surgery, education with regards to scrubbing, gown & gloving, suture techniques, as well as foster mentorship relationships. Additionally, the chapter emphasizes learning about management of pre-operative and post-operative risks and complications associated with major/common surgeries, as well as advancements in treatment plans and surgical techniques.

Officers, 2024-2025

PositionOfficer Name
PresidentCaroline Coffey
Vice PresidentJenna Ginsberg
TreasurerMaham Naviwala
SecretaryConnor Osmond
2nd Year LiaisonJillian Kirby
AdvisorMary Carneval, D.O. 

Dues: $15 Annually

Services Provided

The ACOS-MSS Athens chapter plans to engage with community programs to educate and raise awareness about common health conditions, their associated risk factors, optimal treatment and surgical options, and early preventative measures. The chapter aims to organize educational workshops, lectures, and discussions that will provide students interested in surgery with valuable learning opportunities for instance common surgical procedures encountered during 3rd and 4th year. These sessional will also provide students an opportunity to learn from experienced surgeons and trainees about surgical outcomes, fundamental surgical techniques, managing complications, and preparation for core surgery rotations. These activities are critical for the professional development of the students. Additionally, the Executive Board is committed to promoting a strong community of practice among osteopathic students and professionals, fostering collaboration, and advocating for the osteopathic profession.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

Physician/Student Q&A session, Suture Clinic, Laparoscopy Clinic, Residency Application Q&A session, Board Review session