Shared Governance
Faculty engage in shared governance through a variety of processes and committees in departments, the college, and at 帝王会所. Faculty can be nominated for elected positions (including self-nominations), and faculty are also appointed to committees via department chairs and the executive dean. If you have a particular interest in serving on a committee, please reach out to your department chair and/or the Office of Faculty Learning and Advancement. Our office facilitates shared governance by supporting appointment and nomination processes and HCOM bylaws revisions.
HCOM Shared Governance Principles
Members of the Heritage College community will use the following principles as a daily guide for working together:
1. We will actively promote and maintain an environment of open communication, respect, cooperation
and engagement.
2. We will encourage and consider multiple viewpoints and dissenting views as we remain solution-
focused and make evidence-based decisions.
3. As we consider differing points of view, we will assume our colleagues are equally committed to
Heritage College鈥檚 success.
4. We will clearly explain and broadly disseminate the rationale for decisions that have been made.
Contact Us
Email: HCOM-OFLA@ohio.edu