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Teaching Resources

General Teaching Resources 

  •  (NCFDD) 帝王会所 has an institutional membership with The National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. Individual membership is encouraged. The steps to register are available . (Requires an OHIO ID)
  • (MDL) - 帝王会所/Heritage College has an institutional subscription through July 2025. Registration and access instructions are available . (Requires an OHIO ID)

Preclinical (Years 1 & 2) Teaching Resources

  • Educator Professional Development
  • (requires OHIO ID)

Clinical (Years 3 & 4) Teaching Resources for Adjunct Clinical Faculty (Preceptors) 

  • (e.g., Bedside Teaching, Teaching Procedural Skills, Teaching in a Busy Practice)

Adjunct Clinical Faculty (Preceptor) Programs

The Academy of Clinical Educators (ACE) and The Academy of Clinical Educators - Osteopathic Principles and Practice (ACE OPP)

The ACE and the ACE OPP are available to all Heritage College clinical faculty/adjunct clinical faculty/preceptors. ACE focuses on strengthening teaching skills and enhancing knowledge of academic medicine, and ACE OPP includes an OPP track where participants enhance their OMM/OPP skills and knowledge. These programs are offered at no cost to Heritage College adjunct clinical faculty. Participation in ACE and ACE OPP includes AOA Category 1A CME credits, certificate of completion, and opportunity to be part of a clinical faculty cohort with similar interests and commitments to teaching.

Clinical Divisions

Clinical Divisions are the professional specialty-related academic homes for adjunct clinical faculty. Currently, there are 10 clinical divisions: family medicine, general surgery, internal medicine, OB/GYN, orthopedic surgery, osteopathic integration, palliative care, pediatrics, psychiatry, and a multispecialty clinical division comprising of other specialties not mentioned above. Why participate? To enhance the clinical learning environment, improve overall operations and quality in your setting and ours, receive faculty and professional development, address your challenges and explore solutions, promote partnering and collaboration, advance osteopathic principles to meet the demands of healthcare reform, and build a better continuum of medical education.

The Academy of Healthcare Leaders and Managers

The Academy of Healthcare Leaders and Managers (AHLM) is designed to train residency directors and medical education managers through an administration-focused curriculum concentrated on improving programs, leading trainees, and planning for leadership succession. Participation in AHLM includes AOA Category 1A CME credits, certificate of completion, and opportunity to be part of a clinical faculty leadership cohort with similar interests and commitments to program management and trainee development.

Miscellaneous Teaching Resources

Contact Us

Email: HCOM-OFLA@ohio.edu