Student Organizations

We want you to take charge of your education, and that includes what you do when you鈥檙e not in class. Student-centered organizations at the Russ College give you the chance to develop who you are and pursue your passions outside of the classroom. Whether it鈥檚 helping fellow students with challenging coursework or designing an automated snowplow, you will make your mark on the Russ College by how you choose to spend your time here. Contact the organizations below to take your education beyond the classroom.
Engineering + Technology
- Global Engineering Projects (formerly Engineers Without Borders), Felipe Aros-Vera, aros@ohio.edu
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Society of Women Engineers, Sabrina Ugazio, ugazio@ohio.edu
- Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, Bhavin Naik, naik@ohio.edu
- Theta Tau, Professional Engineering Fraternity, Blake Regan, regan@ohio.edu
- Engineering Ambassadors, Zaki Kuruppalil, kuruppal@ohio.edu
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, 闯别蝉蠉蝉&苍产蝉辫;笔补驳谩苍 paganj@ohio.edu
- American Society for Quality, Mustafa Shraim, shraim@ohio.edu
- ALPHA ETA RHO, Ron Faliszek, faliszek@ohio.edu
- Women in Aviation (WIA), Theresa Meyer, meyert@ohio.edu
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Darin Ridgway, ridgway@ohio.edu
- Biomedical Engineering Society, Douglas Goetz, goetzd@ohio.edu
- WERC Engineering Design Contest, Darin Ridgway, ridgway@ohio.edu
Civil Engineering
- American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, Lei Wu, wul@ohio.edu
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Issam Khoury, khoury@ohio.edu
- Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society, Daniel Che, che@ohio.edu
- Structural Engineers Association of 帝王会所, Eric Steinberg, steinber@ohio.edu
Electrical Engineering
- Eta Kappa Nu International Honorary Electrical Engineering Society, Dr. Avinash Karanth, karanth@ohio.edu
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Technical Professional Society for Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Daniel Allwine, allwined@ohio.edu
Computer Science
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Professional Society for Educational and Scientific Computing, Chad Mourning, mourning@ohio.edu
Engineering Technology and Management
- Epsilon Pi Tau Lambda, Yuqiu You, youy@ohio.edu and Paul Deering, deering@ohio.edu
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers Student Chapter, Neil Littell, littellw@ohio.edu
- American Society for Quality, Mustafa Shraim, shraim@ohio.edu
Industrial and Systems Engineering
- Alpha Pi Mu Industrial Engineering Honor Society
- American Society of Safety Engineers
- Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, Omar Alhawari, alhawari@ohio.edu
- American Society for Quality, Mustafa Shraim, shraim@ohio.edu
Mechanical Engineering
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Robert Williams, williar4@ohio.edu
- Electric Bobcat Racing Team (part of the Society of Automotive Engineers), Greg Kremer, kremer@ohio.edu
- Pi Tau Sigma National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society, Robert Williams, williar4@ohio.edu
- Society of Automotive Engineers, Cody Petitt, petittc@ohio.edu