Robert Williams

Robert L. Williams II is professor and assistant chair of mechanical engineering at 帝王会所, focusing on robotics, biomechanics and haptics research and education. Previously he worked for 5 years at NASA Langley Research Center as a space roboticist. He earned the Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Virginia Tech. Williams has published 47 refereed journal articles and 136 conference papers (mostly refereed) in dynamics, control, robotics, biomechanics and haptics. He is a reviewer for many international conferences and journals including for the ASME and IEEE. He has attracted externally-funded projects totaling over $4M. During his time at 帝王会所, he has worked two summers each at NASA Kennedy Space Center and Wright-Patterson AFB. During his 2002-2003 sabbatical he worked for the NIST Intelligent Systems Division in Gaithersburg, MD. During his 2014 sabbatical he researched and taught in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Dr. Williams is the ASME advisor for the 帝王会所 student chapter, he has taught summer robotics programs to middle school students, was the MathCounts coach for Athens Middle School, and was the TEAMS JETS coach for Athens High School. He served as lead guitarist in a praise band for a local church.
Research Interests: Parallel robots, cable-suspended robots, mobile robots, and haptics for simulation, education and training.
All Degrees Earned: Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1988; M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, 1985; B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 帝王会所, 1984
Active Research
- Arecibo Reclamation Project
- Agricultural Cable-Suspended Robots
- Walking / Rolling Robots
- Portable Stewart Platform 6-dof Simulator
Courses Taught
- ME 3011 Mechanism Kinematics & Dynamics, Intro to Mechanical Vibrations (required)
- ME 3012 Systems Analysis & Control, Mechanical Vibrations (required)
- EE/ME 4290 / 5290 Robotic Manipulators (elective)
- ME 4670 / 5670 Biomechanics of Human Motion (elective)
- R.L. Williams II, 2022, 鈥淔lying Robots Used as Haptic Interfaces鈥, International Journal of Engineering and Robot Technology, 8(2): 58-71.
- R.L. Williams II and H. Lu, 2022, 鈥淧ortable Eight-Cable Robot Used in Large-Scale Outdoor Agriculture鈥, International Journal of Engineering and Robot Technology, 8(1): 42-57.
- D. Ferguson, J.K. Breakall, P.A. Berhardt, F.O. Fernandez, C. Brum, A. Santoni-Ruiz, R.B. Kerr, and R.L. Williams II, A Preliminary Plan to Quickly Restore Utility to the Arecibo 305m Telescope, Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, May 2022.
- R.L. Williams II and D.A. Lawrence, 2007, Linear State-Space Control Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 978-0-471-73555-7.
- R.L. Williams II, J.N. Howell, and R.R. Conatser Jr., 2008, 鈥淒igital Human Modeling for Palpatory Medical Training with Haptic Feedback鈥, in Handbook of Digital Human Modeling for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering, Chapter 48, ISBN 978-0-8058-5646.
- J. Wu, R.L. Williams II, and J.Y. Lew, 2006, 鈥淰elocity and Acceleration Cones for Kinematic and Dynamic Constraints on Omni-Directional Mobile Robots鈥, ASME Transactions on Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 128(4): 788-799.
- R.L. Williams II, J.S. Albus, and R.V. Bostelman, 2004, 鈥3D Cable-Based Cartesian Metrology System鈥, Journal of Robotic Systems, 21(5): 237-257.
- R.L. Williams II, B.E. Carter, P. Gallina, and G. Rosati, 2002, ""Dynamic Model with Slip for Wheeled Omni-Directional Robots"", IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 18(3): 285-293.
Complete list:
- R.L. Williams II and P.M. Bosscher, ""Contour Crafting Cartesian Cable Robot"", U.S. Patent No. 7,753,642, July 13, 2010.
- R.L. Williams II, J.N. Howell, R.R. Conatser Jr., D.H. Noyes, and J.M. Burns, ""Methods for Measurement of Human Tissue Properties In Vivo"", 帝王会所 Invention Disclosure, July 26, 2005.
- J.S. Albus, R.V. Bostelman, and R.L. Williams II, 鈥淪elf-Contained, Economical Construction Crane鈥, 帝王会所/NIST Invention Disclosure, May, 2003.
- R.L. Williams II, F. van Graas, and J.J. Hall, 鈥淕PS/IMU Calibration Platform鈥, Provisional Patent, April 4, 2000.
- R.L. Williams II, 鈥淎ctive Scaffolding Systems鈥, U.S. Patent No. 5,803,203, September 8, 1998.
- Best Research Paper Award, International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare, 2009
- P&G Best Paper Award, Applied Mechanisms & Robotics Conf., 1999
- Promising Young Investigator, Applied Mechanisms & Robotics Conf., 1997
- Russ Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, 2011
- Mechanical Engineering White Research Award, 2008
Something you may not know about me: Williams plays guitar, bass and sings in 2 rock bands
Journal Article, Academic Journal (50)
- Williams II, R. (2019). Six-Cable RoboCrane Adapted to Eight Cables. 2. International Journal of Engineering and Robot Technology; 5: 25-36. .
- Williams II, R. (2018). 3-dof Windmobile Orientational Platform Robot. 1. International Journal of Engineering and Robot Technology; 5: 13-24.
- Williams II, R. (2018). Algae Harvesting from Large Outdoor Ponds using a Novel Parallel Robot System. Journal of Computer Sciences and Applications; 10. .
- Williams II, R. (2017). Kinematics and Statics including Cable Sag for Large Cable-Suspended Robots. 1. Global Journal of Research in Engineering, Robotics and Nano; 17: 18. .
- Williams II, R. (2017). The 2-dof RRSSR Parallel Robot: Forward and Inverse Position Kinematics Solutions. 2. International Journal of Engineering and Robot Technology; 3: 29-38.
- Williams II, R. (2016). A Biomimetic Elastic Cable-Driven Quadruped Robot: Design, Dynamics, and Controls. Austin Journal of Robotics & Automation.
- Williams II, R., Karadogan, E. (2013). Elusive Achievement Effects of Haptic Feedback. 24(3). JILR; 329-347.
- Williams II, R., Karadogan, E. (2013). Haptic Modules for Palpatory Diagnosis Training of Medical Students. 17(1). Virtual Reality Journal; 4.
- Williams II, R. (2013). Improved Robotics Joint-Space Trajectory Generation with Via Point. Article ID 735958,. Hindawi Journal of Robotics; 6. .
- Williams II, R., Karadogan, E. (2013). The Robotic Lumbar Spine (RLS): Dynamics and Feedback Linearization Control. 10.1155/2013/985248. Journal of Computational and Mathematical Models in Medicine; 12.
- Williams II, R. (2012). Three-Dimensional Static Modeling of the Lumbar Spine. 8. New York NY: Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Transactions of the ASME; 134: 084504-1-084504-5.
- Williams II, R., Wu, J. (2011). Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for an Omni-Directional Mobile Robot. Article ID 901365. Hindawi Journal of Robotics; 14.
- Williams II, R. (2010). Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for an Omni-Directional Mobile Robot. 901365. Hindawi Journal of Robotics; 2010: 14.
- Williams II, R., Kljuno, E. (2010). Humanoid Walking Robot: Modeling, Inverse Dynamics, and Gain Scheduling Control. Article ID 278597. Hindawi Journal of Robotics; 2010: 19.
- Williams II, R., Karadogan, E., Howell, J., Conaster, A. (2010). A Stiffness Discrimination Experiment including Analysis of Palpation Forces and Velocities. 5. The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare; 5: 279-288.
- Liu, Y., Zhu, J., Williams II, R., Wu, J. (2008). Omni-Directional Mobile Robot Controller Based on Trajectory Linearization. 56. Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems; 461-479.
- Howell, J., Conatser Jr., R., Williams II, R., Eland, D., Burns, J. (2008). Palpatory Diagnosis Training on the Virtual Haptic Back: Performance Improvement and User Evaluations. 108(1). The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association; 29-36.
- Kljuno, E., Williams II, R. (2008). Vehicle Simulation System: Controls and Virtual-Reality-Based Dynamics Simulation. 52. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems; 79-99.
- Howell, J., Conatser Jr., R., Williams II, R., Burns, J., Eland, D. (2008). The Virtual Haptic Back: A Simulation for Training in Palpatory Diagnosis. April. BMC Medical Education; 8-14.
- Bosscher, P., Williams II, R., Bryson, L., Castro-Lacouture, D. (2007). Cable-Suspended Robotic Contour Crafting System. 17. Journal of Automation in Construction; 45-55.
- Williams II, R., Ji, W., Howell, J., Conatser Jr., R. (2007). Device for Measurement of Human Tissue Properties In Vivo. 1(3). ASME Journal of Medical Devices; 197-205.
- Williams II, R., He, X., Franklin, T., Wang, S. (2007). Haptics-Augmented Engineering Mechanics Educational Tools. 6(1). World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education; 27-30.
- Trevisani, ., Gallina, P., Williams II, R. (2006). Cable-Direct-Driven Robot (CDDR) with Passive SCARA Support: Theory and Simulation. 46. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems; 73-94.
- Wu, J., Williams II, R., Lew, J. (2006). Velocity and Acceleration Cones for Kinematic and Dynamic Constraints on Omni-Directional Mobile Robots. 128(4). ASME Transactions on Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control; 788-799.
- Williams II, R. (2005). Novel Cable-Suspended RoboCrane Support. 32(4). Industrial Robot: An International Journal; 326-333.
- Williams II, R., Albus, J., Bostelman, R. (2004). 3D Cable-Based Cartesian Metrology System. 21(5). Journal of Robotic Systems; 237-257.
- Williams II, R., Srivastava, M., Conatser Jr., R., Howell, J. (2004). Implementation and Evaluation of a Haptic Playback System. 3(3). Haptics-e Journal, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society; 1-6.
- Holland, K., Williams II, R., Conatser Jr., R., Howell, J., Cade, D. (2004). Implementation and Evaluation of a Virtual Haptic Back. 7. Virtual Reality Society Journal; 94-102.
- Williams II, R., Albus, J., Bostelman, R. (2004). Self-Contained Automated Construction Deposition System. 13. Automation in Construction; 393-407.
- Williams II, R. (2003). Haptics-Augmented Simple Machines Educational Tools. 1. Journal of Science Education and Technology; 12: 16-27.
- Williams II, R., Gallina, P. (2003). Translational Planar Cable-Direct-Driven Robots. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems; 37: 69-96.
- Williams II, R., Gallina, P. (2002). Dynamic Model with Slip for Wheeled Omni-Directional Robots. 3. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 18(3): 285-293.; 18: 285-293.
- Williams II, R. (2002). Kinematics, Design, and Control of the 6-PSU Platform. 5. Industrial Robot: An International Journal; 29: 443-451.
- Williams II, R., Gallina, P. (2002). Planar Cable-Direct-Driven Robots: Design for Wrench Exertion. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems; 35: 203-219.
- Williams II, R. (2001). Haptics-Augmented High School Physics Tutorials. 1. International Journal of Virtual Reality; 5: 1-17.
- Williams II, R. (2001). Spherically-Actuated Platform Manipulator. 3. Journal of Robotic Systems; 18: 147-157.
- Williams II, R. (2000). Evaluation of Rate-Based Force-Reflecting Teleoperation in Free Motion and Contact. 1. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments; 9: 25-36.
- Williams II, R. (2000). Inertial Measurement Unit Calibration Platform. 11. Journal of Robotic Systems; 17: 623-632.
- Williams II, R. (2000). Prototype Trailer-Loading Robot. 4. Industrial Robot: An International Journal; 27: 288-298.
- Williams II, R. (1999). A Numerical Algorithm for Solving Manipulator Forward Dynamics. Mechanism and Machine Theory; 34: 843-855.
- Williams II, R. (1999). Inverse Kinematics and Singularities of Manipulators with Offset Wrist. 1. International Journal of Robotics and Automation; 14: 1-8.
- Williams II, R. (1999). Naturally-Transitioning Rate-to-Force Control in Free and Constrained Motion. 3. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Transactions of the ASME; 121: 425-432.
- Williams II, R. (1999). Singularities of a Manipulator with Offset Wrist. 2. Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME; 121: 315-319.
- Williams II, R. (1998). Cable-Suspended Haptic Interface. 3. International Journal of Virtual Reality; 3: 13-21.
- Williams II, R. (1998). Maximizing Kinematic Motion for a 3-DOF Variable Geometry Truss Module. 2. Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME; 120: 333-336.
- Williams II, R. (1998). Optimal Shape Control of Composite Thin Plates with Piezoelectric Actuators. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures; 9: 458-467.
- Williams II, R. (1997). Control of Kinesthetic Haptic Interfaces in VR Applications. 1. International Journal of Virtual Reality; 3: 18-26.
- Williams II, R. (1997). Kinematics, Statics, and Dexterity of Planar Active Structure Modules. Automation in Construction; 7: 77-89.
- Williams II, R. (1987). Mechanism Link Rotatability and Limit Position Analysis Using Polynomial Discriminants. 2. Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, Transactions of the ASME; 109: 178-182.
- Williams II, R. (1986). Proof of Grashof's Law Using Polynomial Discriminants. 4. Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, Transactions of the ASME; 108: 562-564.
Patent (18)
- Williams II, R. Unmanned Rotorcraft used as Haptic Interfaces. TTO-Bob-3.
- Zhu, J., Wilhelm, J., Williams II, R., Uijt de Haag, M., Bartone, C., Liu, J., Chelberg, D., Liu, C., DiBenedetto, M. An Integrated, Scalable All-Weather, All-Terrain, All-Time, Autonomous Perimeter Monitoring and Ground Inspection System, Provisional patent application. OU16018.
- Williams II, R. An Integrated, Scalable All-Weather, All-Terrain, All-Time, Autonomous Perimeter Monitoring and Ground Inspection System. TTO-Bob-4.
- Williams II, R. Algae-Harvesting Cable-Suspended Robot. TTO-Bob-1.
- Williams II, R. The Haptic Modules for Palpatory Diagnosis Training, 2011. TTO-Bob-1.
- Williams II, R. The Medical Manual Exam: Haptic Simulator for Medical Training, 2011. TTo-Bob-2.
- Williams II, R. The Virtual Haptic Human Upper Body for Palpatory Diagnosis Training, 2011. TTO-Bob-3.
- Williams II, R. Contour Crafting Cartesian Cable Robot, US Patent No. 7,753,642, 2010. 7,753,642.
- Williams II, R. Whole-Body Haptics Vehicle Simulator System, 2006.
- Williams II, R. Methods for Measurement of Human Tissue Properties In Vivo, 2005.
- Williams II, R. Rapidly-Deployable Cable/Mobile Robot System, 2005.
- Williams II, R. The Virtual Haptic Back, 2004.
- Williams II, R. Walking/Rolling Chair, 2004.
- Williams II, R. Haptics-Augmented Educational Systems and Methods, 2003.
- Williams II, R. Self-Contained, Economical Construction Crane, 2003.
- Williams II, R. GPS/IMU Calibration Platform, 2000.
- Williams II, R. Active Scaffolding Systems, US Patent No. 5,803,203, 1998. 5,803,203.
- Williams II, R. Cable-Suspended Haptic Interface, 1998.
Book, Textbook (1)
- Williams II, R., Lawrence, D. (2007). Linear State-Space Control Systems. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Book, Chapter in Textbook (2)
- Williams II, R., Howell, J., Conatser Jr., R. (2008). Digital Human Modeling for Palpatory Medical Training with Haptic Feedback, in Handbook of Digital Human Modeling for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering. Chapter 48.
- Williams II, R. (2007). Digital Human Modeling for Palpatory Medical Training with Haptic Feedback. 6(1). Handbook of Digital Human Modeling for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering; 27-30.
Conference Proceeding (39)
- Williams II, R. (2021). Flying Robots Used as Haptic Interfaces.
- Williams II, R. (2020). Cable-Suspended Robot for Algae Harvesting.
- Williams II, R. (2020). Eight-Cable Robocrane Extension for NASA JSC ARGOS.
- Williams II, R. (2017). ARGOS 8-Cable Suspended Robot. Cleveland OH: 2017 OSGC Student Research Symposium.
- Williams II, R. (2016). Forward and Inverse Position Kinematics for the RRSSR Parallel Robot with Hardware Validation. NY: Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R., Lucas, R., Zhu, J. (2016). Forward And Inverse Position Kinematics For The Rrssr Parallel Robot With Hardware Validation. DETC2016-59290. Charlotte, NC: ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 2016: 7 pp.
- Williams II, R. (2016). Kinematics and Statics including Cable Sag for Large Cable-Suspended Robots. NY: Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2016). Spatial 3-SUR 1-RU Platform Robot Inverse Orientation Kinematics. NY: Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R., Kljuno, E., Zhu, J. (2016). Spatial 3-SUR 1-RU Platform Robot Inverse Orientation Kinematics. DETC2016-59291. Charlotte, NC: ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 2016: 9 pp.
- Williams II, R. (2015). Haptics Modules to Augment Undergraduate Mechanics Education. NY: Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2015). Haptics Modules for Training in Undergraduate Mechanics. NY: Proceedings of the ASEEE.
- Williams II, R. (2014). Cable Robotic Deployment for Advanced Algae Harvesting and Dewatering. OH: First 帝王会所 Conference on the Sustainable Use of Greenhouse Gases.
- Williams II, R. (2014). New Simplified Three-Spheres Intersection Algorithm for the Forward Pose Kinematics of Cable-Suspended Robots. NY: Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2013). Interactive Virtual Haptics-Augmented Training System for Undergraduate Engineering. NSF TUES/CCLI Grantees Conference.
- Williams II, R. (2013). Surface Electromyographic Control of a Humanoid Robot. NY: Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2012). Design, Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Virtual Haptics-Augmented Training System for Undergraduate Engineering. Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Convention.
- Williams II, R. (2012). Bipedal Walking Robot Driven by Elastic Cables. NY: Proceedings of the 2012 ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2012). DARwIn-OP Humanoid Robot Kinematics. NY: Proceedings of the 2012 ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2012). Design of a Robotic Gripper based on a Psittacus Erithacu Beak. NY: Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2012). Dynamics and Control of the Robotic Lumbar Spine. NY: Proceedings of the 2012 ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2012). Haptics-Augmented Training Software for Undergraduate Engineering Mechanics. NY: Proceedings of the 2012 ASME IDETC/CIE.
- Williams II, R. (2012). Haptic Modules for Training in Palpatory Diagnosis. NY: IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012.
- Williams II, R. (2011). 7-DOF Cable-Driven Humanoid Robotic Arm. DETC2011-48276. Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington DC, August 28-31, 2011.
- Williams II, R. (2011). A Biomimetic Elastic Cable-Driven Quadruped Robot: The Robocat. ASME IMECE, Denver CO, November 11-17.
- Williams II, R. (2011). Capstan as a Mechanical Amplifier. DETC2011-48262. Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington DC, August 28-31, 2011.
- Williams II, R. (2011). Formative Research: Design and Evaluation of Interactive Virtual Haptics-Augmented Training Suite for Undergraduate Engineering. E-LEARN 2011, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare & Higher Education, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, October 18-21.
- Williams II, R. (2011). Haptic Modules for Palpatory Diagnosis Training. OSEAN (European Osteopathic Palpation), Potsdam, Germany, September 29-30.
- Williams II, R. (2011). Improved Robotics Joint-Space Trajectory Generation with Via Point. DETC2011-47592. Proceedings of the ASME IDETC/CIE, Washington DC, August 28-31, 2011.
- Kljuno, E., Zhu, J., Williams II, R., Reilly, S. (2011). A Biomimetic Elastic Cable Driven Quadruped Robot The Robocat. 2011. Denver, CO: ASME ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition; 2011: IMECE2011-63534, 18 pp.
- Williams II, R., Karadogan, E. (2010). A Cable-Actuated Robotic Lumbar Spine for Palpatory Training of Medical Students. Paper # DETC2010-28863. CD Proceedings of the ASME International Design Technical Conferences, 34th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference.
- Williams II, R., Cyders, T. (2010). Analysis of a New Form of Intrinsically Automatic Continuously Variable Transmission. Paper # DETC2010-28729. CD Proceedings of the ASME International Design Technical Conferences, 34th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference.
- Williams II, R. (2010). Tools to Assist Teaching and Learning of Mechanisms, Robotics, and Biomechanics. Paper # DETC2010-28537. CD Proceedings of the ASME International Design Technical Conferences, 34th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference.
- Williams II, R. (2010). Haptic Simulation of the Feel of the Body Surface for Training in Palpatory Diagnosis. AAA Surface Anatomy Workshop, April, Anaheim CA.
- Williams II, R., Chen, M. (2010). K-12 Haptics-Augmented Science Education. e-Tech 帝王会所 Conference.
- Williams II, R. (2009). Haptics and their use in Medical Simulation, Invited Presentation. PACCAR Medical Simulation Conference.
- Williams II, R. (2004). Recent Work in Parallel Robots, Mobile Robots, and Haptics-Augmented Education, Invited Paper. Proceedings of the US-Korea Conference (UKC 2004): Symposium on Robotics Technology, Research Triangle Park, NC, August 12-14.
- Williams II, R. (1998). Kinesthetic Force/Moment Feedback via Active Exoskeleton, Invited Paper. Proceedings of the 1998 Image Society Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, August 2-7.
- Williams II, R. (1996). Manipulator Path Planning for Redundant Arms, Invited Paper. Proceedings of the AIAA Forum on Advanced Developments in Space Robotics, Madison, WI, August 1-2.
- Williams II, R. (1990). Forward and Inverse Kinematics of Double Universal Joint Robot Wrists, Invited Paper. Fourth Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research, NASA Conference Publication 3103, Vol. I, Albuquerque, NM, June, pp. 23-29.
Online Article (3)
- Williams II, R. (2015). Five-Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) Cable-Suspended Robot Model and Comparison with the Arecibo Observatory. Internet; .
- Williams II, R. (2015). The Delta Parallel Robot: Position Kinematics Solutions. Internet; .
- Williams II, R. (2015). A Bulleted/Pictorial History of 帝王会所. Internet; .
Other (1)
- Craig, J., Dworkin, A., Williams II, R. (2005). Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control. 3rd.
Report (2)
- Williams II, R. (2018). Center for International Studies 7-year review. OU Provost and Board of Trustees; 17.
- Williams II, R. (2017). Film School 7-year review. OU Provost and Board of Trustees; 10.