Academic Integrity

In February 2008, the Russ College formally adopted its honor code, comprising the honor pledge, statement of student responsibility, and statement of faculty responsibility. Created by the Student and Faculty Academic Honesty Honor Councils with feedback and support from the rest of the Russ College, the honor code reinforces how we create for good as models of academic integrity, fairness and the pursuit of scholarly excellence.
Questions? Associate Dean of Academics Deb McAvoy, 740.593.1468
Honor Pledge:
We members of the Russ College pledge to act with integrity and expect the same from each other.
Statement of Student Responsibility
- Students: As a student you should be dedicated to the process of learning and be willing to explore and research novel ideas and concepts. You should be willing and able to evaluate your own performance as a student and take the necessary effort to better it in the future. You should inform the instructor of any discomfort you experience with the course structure, make suggestions for its improvement, and make an effort to go beyond the course material to learn the subject.
- Advisee: As an advisee, you should value the role of your advisor, develop an educational/ research plan parallel to your expectations from the degree, optimize the use of campus resources, and ensure that lines of communication between you and your advisor are always open.
- Aspiring professionals: As individuals who intend to work as professionals in an environment governed by ethics, you must educate yourself on the expectations of you from the organization you are affiliated with. You are encouraged to avail yourself of an appropriate number of professional development opportunities. Your work and conduct in the professional world is a reflection of your preparation in the academic world. Ethical standards expected of a program apply to each student who is a part of that program.
- Researchers: As a researcher or as a person conducting laboratory experiments you are solely (or jointly with your co-researchers) responsible for all aspects of your research. You must accord credit where it is due and refrain from misreporting, falsifying, forging, and/or fabricating experimental data.
- Tutors: As teaching assistants, teachers, or peer mentors you should provide equal opportunity to all students under your instruction. You should maintain objectivity in all performance evaluation activities. You should be approachable and available to students and be willing to extend help to them on matters related to the course. You should strive to uphold integrity and honesty in all activities related to the course.
Statement of Faculty Responsibility
The faculty of the Russ College of Engineering and Technology acknowledge and accept the Statement on Professional Ethics in section I.A.1. of the µÛÍõ»áËù Faculty Handbook. With this Statement of Faculty Responsibility, the faculty of the Russ College of Engineering and Technology reaffirm their dedication to teaching and learning, to academic and professional integrity. They actively promote dedication to these values and expect the same from all members of the Russ College community. Faculty are teachers and mentors, and continuously learning to increase their effectiveness in both roles.
- As instructors, faculty identify the crucial outcomes for an education in engineering and technology, implement learning experiences that encourage and challenge students to achieve those outcomes, and assess students’ progress based on the merits of their work. They regularly improve and update courses and programs.
- As advisors, faculty familiarize their students with the requirements of the program and the expectations of the profession and help students develop strategies to meet them. Recognizing that the quality of graduate education, in particular, depends on the quality of advising, faculty regularly assess their graduate students’ professional achievements based on the merits of their work and invite others to advise and instruct when needed.
- As researchers in a university environment, faculty pursue research to educate their students and themselves, as well as to reveal the truth. They require that research under their direction be conducted and reported honestly and that credit be given where it is due. They mentor their research students towards becoming competent, independent researchers themselves.
- As colleagues, faculty search for examples of best practices and advocate for their wider adoption. Faculty offer and accept advice with respect. They offer and accept help willingly. They offer and accept praise gracefully. They give credit where it is due.
- As professionals, faculty follow the Code of Ethics established by a professional society in their discipline, and the policies and procedures of µÛÍõ»áËù and the Russ College. Their performance in professional work outside the university reflects positively on the Russ College and µÛÍõ»áËù, and does not interfere with their university responsibilities. Faculty have a responsibility to act when they discover academic or professional misconduct. Examples of action to take include conversation with the individual, a group discussion of appropriate conduct, a report to a higher authority, or referral to an adjudication process, in accordance with personal judgment and university policy. Inaction is not acceptable.