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Colonialism & Postcolonialism History Research

Africa and Asia world map

The nature and experiences of colonialism and post-colonialism are key dynamics in the making and remaking of the modern world. At their heart, they are defined by power relations and their legacies. Some historians researching this topic explore the various manifestations of the colonial encounter in a specific or comparative geographic context. Others focus on the process of decolonization and analyze how post-colonial processes remake identities, social relations, and institutional arrangements. More detailed information about below-listed faculty can be found on their faculty biography pages.

Patrick Barr-Melej

  • Modern Latin America
  • History of Chile
  • Cultural Politics; History of Ideas

John Brobst

  • British Empire since 1783
  • Geopolitics and Grand Strategy
  • Naval and Intelligence History

Mariana Dantas

  • Early Modern Atlantic World
  • History of Slavery and the African Diaspora
  • Family History and Urban History

Alec G. Holcombe

  • Southeast Asia; Modern Period
  • Vietnam
  • Colonialism; Socialist Construction, Constitutionalism

Victoria Lee

  • Science and Technology; Modern Period
  • Japan
  • East Asia; Environment; Craft and Political Economy