
History Department Awards

History Professor Emeritus Dr. Alfred Eckes established a prize for the senior with the highest GPA.
History Professor Emeritus Dr. Alfred Eckes established a prize for the senior with the highest GPA.

Al Eckes Prize in History

In 2013 Retired Professor Dr. Alfred Eckes, a long-time member of the Department of History, , a $5,000 prize to be given each year to the senior history major with the highest GPA. The Top Graduating History Major, with the highest GPA, in 2013-14 was Jackson Lavelle.

  • 2014 Recipient: Jackson Lavelle
  • 2013 Recipient: Kyle Collins

Randolph Stone Paper Prizes

Long Essay 2014 Recipients

  • Katie Conlon, first place
  • Nicholas Koehling, second place
  • Ryan Bartlett, third place

2013-14 Scholarship Recipients

Wilmer C. Harris Scholarship: Grace Konyar, Katie Conlon, Steven Taylor, Ryan Bartlett, Sarah Hinkelman

Roger Feinthal: Katie Conlon, Eric Buckenmeyer

The Arthur J. and Kathleen A. Marinelli History Scholarship: Olivia Bower, Sarah Hinkelman

Frederick H. Boston History Fund: Nicholas Koehling, Ashley Potter

Carl Gustavson Scholarship: Steven Taylor

Anthony Holland Churchville Memorial Scholarship: Katie Conlon, Olivia Bower, Emily Irwin

John and Alexandra Preston Scholarship in History: Olivia Bower

The Jean Finsterwald Sprague Scholarship: Olivia Bower

The Elizabeth Grover Beatty Scholarship: Emily Irvin

Phi Beta Kappa

History majors nominated for Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society.

2014 Inductees

  • Lucas Anthony Schofield ’14, History Pre-Theology
  • Eric Micha Burke ‘14, HTC History
  • Sarah Ann Hinkelman ‘14, History
  • Justin Scott Robe ‘14, History
  • Seth J. Snyder ‘14, History