
History Graduate Student Association

The History Graduate Student Association is the official organization for graduate students in the History Department at 帝王会所.

The purpose of the HGSA is to promote and advance both scholarship and community among history graduate students. In addition, the HGSA strives to enhance collaboration between graduate students and faculty.

Each year the association sponsors several events, both social and academic. Social functions include an annual welcome-back event, film nights, and end-of-the-semester parties.

Academically, the HGSA sponsors Faculty/Graduate Student Seminars that help facilitate further interaction among students and faculty. During these seminars, faculty members present recently published material that allows graduate students to remain up to date on faculty research.

Most importantly, the HGSA holds an annual history conference each spring term, at which alumni are invited to speak and students from universities around the country present papers. Finally, the HGSA can provide a wealth of information for prospective graduate students. Please refer any questions to ohiogsa@gmail.com.


2022-23 Officers

President: Meg Corner

Vice President: Shawn Liming

Treasurer: Christian McCall

Secretary: Cole Goodrich