
Website Manager Directory

As subject matter experts, the website managers listed on this page are able to make the majority of content-related updates in their areas. We recommend reaching out to them before submitting update requests to University Communications & Marketing. They also submit or approve requests for editing access on their sites.

Questions or updates regarding the list? Email webcontent@ohio.edu.

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Searchable table that lists managers of 帝王会所 web content
WebsitePrimary Contact
Kathleen Pugh, Associate Registrar for Operations, Registrar's Office, brownk16@ohio.edu, 740.593.4183   
Beth M Quitslund, Director of Individual Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, quitslun@ohio.edu, 740.593.2829

Academic Programs (previously Majors)

+ Undergraduate Programs

UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Accessibility ServicesCrystal Hill, Assistant Dean for Accessibility and ADA/504 Coordinator, ada@ohio.edu
Secondary Contact: Jennifer Kirksey, Senior Director, Enterprise Marketing, University Communications and Marketing, kirkseyj@ohio.edu
Administrative SenateKaren L Petko, Associate Director and Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Student Process, Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, petkok@ohio.edu, 740.593.9140    
Secondary Contact: Lisa Dael, Director, Center for Technology and Online Programs, Patton College of Education Dean's Office, dael@ohio.edu, 740.593.9925
Alumni AssociationMichele Frick, Assistant Director for Project Management, Alumni Relations, frickm@ohio.edu 
Appalachian Writing ProjectLisa Dael, Director, Center for Technology and Online Programs, Patton College of Education Dean's Office, dael@ohio.edu, 740.593.9925
Arrival GuideNathan Chesser, Associate Director of Technology Operations, Housing & Residence Life, chessern@ohio.edu, 740.593.9155    
Secondary Contact: Ally Schatzer, Assistant Director for Engagement, armstroa@ohio.edu
Mike Scholze, scholze@ohio.edu
Board of TrusteesUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Bobcat CashJill A Sayre, Application Administrator, Auxiliaries, sayrej1@ohio.edu, 740.593.0069
Jordan Boudinot, Store Manager-Customer Resources, Bobcat Depot, boudinotj@ohio.edu, 740.593.1046
Building DirectoryUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Campus Climate Task ForceJenny Jordan, Benefits Manager, University Human Resources, jordanj5@ohio.edu, 740.593.1647
Student Engagement & LeadershipAlexandria Polanosky, Strategic Communications Coordinator, VP for Student Affairs, polanosk@ohio.edu
Campus RecreationMingran Ma, Associate Director, Communications & Engagement, VP for Student Affairs, mam1@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Anthony J Gregory, Assistant Director, Well-Being & Fitness, Fitness, gregorya1@ohio.edu, 740.593.9918
Campus Recycling & Zero WasteUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Center for Applied and Professional EthicsChristoph Hanisch, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, hanisch@ohio.edu
Center for EntrepreneurshipPaul C Benedict, Associate Professor of Instruction and Director, Center for Entrepreneurship, benedict@ohio.edu, 740.707.1303
Center for International Studies (CIS)Brianne Dowler, Administrative Specialist, Center For International Studies, dowlerb@ohio.edu, 740.593.1840
Center for Teaching, Learning, & AssessmentMelinda Rhodes, Executive Director, rhodes.melinda@ohio.edu
Cherry Blossoms at 帝王会所Diane Cahill, Director of International Services and Operations, Global Affairs and International Studies, International Student and Scholar Services, cahilld@ohio.edu,  740.593-4326
Chillicothe CampusJennifer Cochran, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, cochraj1@ohio.edu
CoLabPaul C Benedict, Associate Professor of Instruction and Director of Center for Entrepreneurship, benedict@ohio.edu, 740.707.1303
College of Arts and SciencesAnna Mather, Director of Academic Marketing Strategy, University Communications and Marketing, amather@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Jennifer Kirksey, Senior Director, Enterprise Marketing, University Communications and Marketing, kirkseyj@ohio.edu
College of Fine ArtsAnna Mather, Director of Academic Marketing Strategy, University Communications and Marketing, amather@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Todd A Jacops, Graphic Designer, College of Fine Arts Dean's Office, jacops@ohio.edu
College of Health Sciences and ProfessionsClaire Berlin, Director of Academic Marketing Strategy, University Communications and Marketing, berlinc@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Michelle Davidson, Administrative Specialist, Health Sciences Professions, Dean's Office, davidsonm@ohio.edu
CommencementErin M Wooten, Administrative Specialist, Event Services, dunne1@ohio.edu, 740.593.4020
Community-Engaged ResearchCourtney Lefebvre Little, Community Engagement Associate Director, lefebvrec@ohio.edu
Conference and Event ServicesErin Wooten, Administrative Specialist, Event Services, dunne1@ohio.edu, 740.593.4020
Corporate PartnersUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Counseling and Psychological ServicesStephanie Maccombs-Hunter, Assistant Director for Outreach & Consultation, Counseling and Psych Services, maccombss@ohio.edu, 740.593.1616    
Secondary Contact: Chad Wilt, Staff Counselor, Counseling and Psychological Services, cwilt@ohio.edu, 740.593.1616
Culinary Services (Food)Cassandra Meek, Culinary Services Marketing & Design Manager, meekc@ohio.edu, 740.556.0174    
Secondary contact: Kory Kasler, Assistant Manager-Marketing & Design, Culinary Services, kaslerk4@ohio.edu
Cutler Business ServicesHeather Dillinger, Resource Analyst, Provost Office, dillingh@ohio.edu
Cutler Herrold SocietyUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Distinguished Professor AwardNick Claussen, Executive Communication Specialist, President's Office, claussn1@ohio.edu, 740.593.2571
Division of Diversity and InclusionPat Bungard, Administrative Specialist, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, bungard@ohio.edu 
Secondary contact: Courtney Burton, Administrative Services Associate, burtonck@ohio.edu
Division of Finance and AdministrationIvy Crockron, Executive Assistant for Operations, VP For Finance and Administration, crockron@ohio.edu
Michele Frick, Assistant Director for Project Management, Alumni Relations, frickm@ohio.edu
Dual Enrollment Programs (College Credit Plus or CC+)Kaley Toth, Assistant Director for Communication, tothk@ohio.edu    
Secondary contact: Elaine D Goheen, Director of Communication, Admissions, goheene@ohio.edu, 740.597.7917
Dublin Extension CampusUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Eastern CampusDonielle L Flynn, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, flynnd@ohio.edu
EcohouseSamuel E Crowl, Associate Director of Sustainability, Facilities Management, crowls1@ohio.edu, 740.593.0460
Edison Biotechnology InstituteJennifer Parry, Accountant / Office Manager, Edison Biotechnology Institute, parryj@ohio.edu
Emeriti AssociationRichard Post, postr@ohio.edu
Enrollment ManagementKaley Toth, Assistant Director for Communication, tothk@ohio.edu    
Secondary contact: Elaine D Goheen, Director of Communication, Admissions, goheene@ohio.edu, 740.597.7917
Experience OHIOUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Facilities Management and SafetyTim S Trainor, Facilities Management Service Systems Coordinator, Facilities Management, trainor@ohio.edu, 740.597.2191    
Secondary contact: Shari L Gillispie, Manager, Facilities Work Center, AVP Facilities Administration, gillispi@ohio.edu, 740.593.4716    
Design and Construction: Tonia Reiber, Project Coordinator, Design and Construction, reiber@ohio.edu
Faculty SenateAngela D Brock, Administrative Services Associate, Provost's Office, brocka@ohio.edu, 740.593.2641
Fellowships and Research InternshipsRoxanne Male'-Brune, Director of Grant Development And Projects, Vice President Research, male-bru@ohio.edu, 740.597.1227
FinanceSamantha Smith, Administrative Specialist, Division of Finance, sd.smith@ohio.edu
Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of EducationClaire Berlin, Director of Academic Marketing Strategy, University Communications and Marketing, berlinc@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Lisa Dael, Director, Center for Technology and Online Programs, Patton College of Education Dean's Office, dael@ohio.edu, 740.593.9925
Global HealthDebra A McBride, Assistant Director, Global Health Initiative, Interdisciplinary Health Studies, mcbrided@ohio.edu, 740.593.2359
Gordon K. Bush 帝王会所 AirportVicki D Smith, Department Administrator, Airport Operations, smithv1@ohio.edu, 740.597.2602    
Secondary contact: Shawn P Wirick, Airfield Maintenance Supervisor, Airport Operations, wirick@ohio.edu, 740.597.2600
Graduate CollegeNathan Blackburn, Director of Communications and Professional Development, Graduate College, blackburnn@ohio.edu, 706-894-6146    
Secondary Contact: Jan Harmon, Graduate College Service Administrator, Graduate College, harmonj@ohio.edu, 740.593.9616
Graduate Student SenateHannah Bachert, Vice President, Graduate Student Senate, hb574322@ohio.edu 
Health AlertsUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Health PromotionMingran Ma, Associate Director, Communications & Engagement, VP for Student Affairs, mam1@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Anthony J Gregory, Assistant Director, Well-Being & Fitness, Fitness, gregorya1@ohio.edu, 740.593.9918
Heritage College of Osteopathic MedicineNolan Cramer, Digital Development & Coordination Specialist, HCOM-Communications, cramern@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Lisa Forster, Senior Community Research Project Manager, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, forsterl@ohio.edu
HomecomingUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Honors Tutorial CollegeClaire Berlin, Director of Academic Marketing Strategy, University Communications and Marketing, berlinc@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Breanne Sisler, Assistant Dean, Honors Tutorial College, sisler@ohio.edu, 740.566.9812
Housing and Residence LifeNathan C Chesser, Associate Director of Technology Operations, Housing & Residence Life, chessern@ohio.edu, 740.593.9155    
Secondary Contact: Ally Schatzer, Assistant Director for Engagement, armstroa@ohio.edu
Human ResourcesJenny L Jordan, Benefits Manager, University Human Resources, jordanj5@ohio.edu, 740.593.1647    
Secondary Contact: Ana Thomas, Specialist to the CHRO, University Human Resources, tomas@ohio.edu, 740.597.2699
Innovation CenterStacy L Strauss, Innovation Center Director, Innovation Center, strauss@ohio.edu, 740.593.1803 Secondary contact: Jennifer Logan, Executive Coach, Innovation Center, jlogan@ohio.edu, 740.593.9346
Institutional Effectiveness & AnalyticsJoni Y Wadley, Senior Director for Institutional Effectiveness,  Institutional Research, schallej@ohio.edu, 740.593.1054
Interior ServicesNathan C Chesser, Associate Director of Technology Operations, Housing & Residence Life, chessern@ohio.edu, 740.593.9155
International Education WeekDiane Cahill, Director of International Services and Operations, Global Affairs and International Studies, International Student and Scholar Services, cahilld@ohio.edu,  740.593-4326
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)Diane Cahill, Director of International Services and Operations, Global Affairs and International Studies, International Student and Scholar Services, cahilld@ohio.edu,  740.593-4326
International WeekDiane Cahill, Director of International Services and Operations, Global Affairs and International Studies, International Student and Faculty Services, cahilld@ohio.edu,  740.593-4326
Kennedy Museum of ArtLisa A Quinn, Registrar, Kennedy Museum Of Art, quinnl@ohio.edu    
Secondary contact: Lori A Spencer, stumpl@ohio.edu, Administrative Specialist, 740.593.0952, Kennedy Museum Of Art
Kids on CampusAmanda J Brooks, Assistant Program Manager, Kids On Campus, brooksa1@ohio.edu, 740.566.8543
Lancaster CampusKreig Prior, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, priorb@ohio.edu
Pride CenterPat Bungard, Administrative Specialist, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, bungard@ohio.edu 
Secondary contact: Courtney Burton, Administrative Services Associate, burtonck@ohio.edu
Mail ServicesTia Hysell, Director of VPFA Auxiliary Services, Transportation & Parking Services, prattt@ohio.edu, 740.597.3170    
Secondary contact: Gena Johnson, Mail Services Manager, Mail Services, johnsog1@ohio.edu, 740.597.2912
Marching 110Todd A Jacops, Graphic Designer, College of Fine Arts Dean's Office, jacops@ohio.edu
Margaret Boyd Scholars ProgramChris Fowler, Director of Women's Center, fowlerc1@ohio.edu
Moving and SurplusStaci M White, General Manager, University Moving Services, morriss1@ohio.edu, 740.593.0463
Multicultural CenterPat Bungard, Administrative Specialist, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, bungard@ohio.edu 
Secondary contact: Courtney Burton, Administrative Services Associate, burtonck@ohio.edu
Museum ComplexRoxanne Male'-Brune, Director of Grant Development And Projects, Vice President Research, male-bru@ohio.edu, 740.597.1227
Music Industry SummitRylee Roquemore, Freelancer
My 帝王会所 Success NetworkUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Office of Audit, Risk, and ComplianceLaura Myers, Director of University Compliance, Office of Audit, Risk, and Compliance, myersl@ohio.edu, 740.597.2562
Office of Community Standards and Student ResponsibilityCaitlin Oiler, Assistant Director, Community Standards & Student Responsibility, oiler@ohio.edu
Secondary Contact: Alexandria Polanosky, Strategic Communications Coordinator, VP for Student Affairs, polanosk@ohio.edu
Office of Equity and Civil Rights ComplianceKaren L Petko, Associate Director and Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Student Process, Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, petkok@ohio.edu, 740.593.9140    
Secondary contact: Kerri J Griffin, Director of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance and Title IX Coordinator, Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, griffink@ohio.edu, 740.593.9140
Office of Global Affairs (OGA)Diane Cahill, Director of International Services and Operations, Global Affairs and International Studies, International Student and Scholar Services, cahilld@ohio.edu,  740.593-4326
Office of Global Affairs and International Studies (OGAIS)Diane Cahill, Director of International Services and Operations, Global Affairs and International Studies, International Student and Scholar Services, cahilld@ohio.edu,  740.593-4326
Office of Global Opportunities (OGO)Emily G Englehart, Global Program Coordinator, Office of Global Opportunities, eengleha@ohio.edu, 740.593.4329    
Secondary contact: Keely Davin, Associate Director, Office of Global Opportunities, davin@ohio.edu, 740.593.1798
Office of Information Technology (OIT)Julie Chiki, Campus Engagement Specialist III, Campus Engagement, julie.chiki@ohio.edu    
Secondary contact: Scott Dills, Campus Engagement Specialist I, Campus Engagement, dills@ohio.edu
Office of Instructional Design (OID)Larry Hess, Instructional Designer, hessl@ohio.edu, 740.593.0110    
Secondary contact: Candi Morris, Executive Director, morrisc1@ohio.edu, 740.597.1339
Office of Legal AffairsShelly M Bean, Public Records Compliance Coordinator, Legal Affairs Office, beans1@ohio.edu, 740.593.2626    
Secondary contact: Beth F Kaufman, Associate General Counsel, Legal Affairs Office, kaufmanb@ohio.edu
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)Roxanne Male'-Brune, Director of Grant Development And Projects, Vice President Research, male-bru@ohio.edu, 740.597.1227
Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Leanne R LeMaster, Assistant Director of Outreach, Student Financial Aid, leanne.lemaster@ohio.edu, 740.593.2934    
Secondary contact: Melissa M Van Meter, Senior Associate Director of Operations, Student Financial Aid, vanmetem@ohio.edu, 740.593.9392
Office of SustainabilitySamuel E Crowl, Associate Director of Sustainability, Facilities Management, crowls1@ohio.edu, 740.593.0460
Office of the Dean of StudentsTammy Andrews, Administrative Specialist, Dean of Students, andrewt1@ohio.edu, 740.593.1800
Office of the Executive Vice President and ProvostMalissa Gilkey, Executive Assistant, Provost Office, gilkeym1@ohio.edu, 740.593.2501    
Secondary contact: Cary Frith, Chief of Staff to the Executive Vice President and Provost, Provost Office, frith@ohio.edu, 740.593.2496
Office of the PresidentTaylor Burris, Executive Communications Specialist and Board Relations Coordinator, Office of the President, burrist@ohio.edu
Secondary Contact: Carly Leatherwood, Chief of Staff, President's Office, leatherc@ohio.edu
Office of the University RegistrarJayme D Arnett, Technology Analyst and Communication Supervisor, Registrar's Office, arnettj@ohio.edu
Office of the Vice President for Student AffairsAlexandria Polanosky, Strategic Communications Coordinator, VP for Student Affairs, polanosk@ohio.edu
Office of the Bursar Tricia Barrick, Assistant Bursar, Bursar's Office, barrick@ohio.edu 740.593.9931    
Secondary contact: Maggie Williams, Assistant Bursar for Operations, Bursar's Office, williamsm1@ohio.edu, 740.593.4125
OHIO Experts DirectorySamantha E Pelham, Communications Specialist III - Media Relations, University Communications and Marketing, pelham@ohio.edu, 740.597.1939
OHIO FactsUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
OHIO Guarantee+UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Lio Mauron, Head Hockey Coach, mauron@ohio.edu
OHIO HomepageHalie Best, Director of Web and Digital Strategy,  hbest@ohio.edu
OHIO OnlineNeal Mohr, Web Content and UX Specialist, mohrn@ohio.edu
Secondary contact: Tommy Raimondi, Senior Director, Strategy and Operations for 帝王会所 Online, raimondi@ohio.edu
帝王会所 Police DepartmentTimothy M Ryan, 帝王会所 Police Department, ryant1@ohio.edu, 740.593.1911
帝王会所4EducatorsKreig Prior, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, priorb@ohio.edu
OmbudsMac M Stricklen, Ombudsman, Provost Office, strickle@ohio.edu,    
Secondary contact: Cary R Frith, Chief of Staff to the Executive Vice President and Provost, Provost Office, frith@ohio.edu, 740.593.2496
Parents and FamiliesMak Olaker, Assistant Dean, Parent & Family Engagement, VP For Student Affairs, olaker@ohio.edu
Secondary Contact: Alexandria Polanosky, Strategic Communications Coordinator, VP for Student Affairs, polanosk@ohio.edu
Performing ArtsAndrew J Holzaepfel, Senior Associate Director for Student Activities, Campus Involvement Center, holzaepa@ohio.edu, 740.593.1760
Phish BowlReagan Neviska, Information Security Analyst II, Office of Information Technology, rlneviska@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Jessi Greene, Information Security Analyst I, Office of Information Technology, crosbyj@ohio.edu
Public Health InformationUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Printing ServicesUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Real EstateJim Kaufman, Director of Real Estate, Real Estate, kaufmanj@ohio.edu, 740.593.2557
Regional Branch Campus Administrators (RBCA)Kreig Prior, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, priorb@ohio.edu
 Chillicothe Campus:    
Jennifer Cochran, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, cochraj1@ohio.edu    
Eastern Campus:    
Donielle L Flynn, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, flynnd@ohio.edu    
Lancaster Campus:    
Kreig Prior, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, priorb@ohio.edu    
Southern Campus:    
Sarah Simmons, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, simmonss1@ohio.edu    
Zanesville Campus:    
Heather Sands, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, hsands@ohio.edu
Research ComplianceWhitney Dutcher, Research Compliance Coordinator, dutcherw@ohio.edu
Research DivisionBrian T. Mershon, Special Projects Manager & Assistant to the Vice President of Research and Creative Activity, Research Division, mershon@ohio.edu, 740.593.0376    
Secondary Contact: Roxanne Male'-Brune, Director of Grant Development And Projects, Vice President Research, male-bru@ohio.edu, 740.597.1227
Russ College of Engineering and TechnologyJennifer Kirksey, Senior Director, Enterprise Marketing, University Communications and Marketing, kirkseyj@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Science CafeRoxanne Male'-Brune, Director of Grant Development And Projects, Vice President Research, male-bru@ohio.edu, 740.597.1227
Scripps College of CommunicationClaire Berlin, Director of Academic Marketing Strategy, University Communications and Marketing, berlinc@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Sigma XiKatherine L Cimatu, Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, cimatu@ohio.edu, 740.593.2308
Sorority and Fraternity Life (Greek)Christianne Medrano Graham, Director of Sorority & Fraternity Life, Sorority & Fraternity Life, cmedranog@ohio.edu
Southern CampusSarah Simmons, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, simmonss1@ohio.edu
StressLessAnn M Addington, Assistant Director for Health Promotion, Counseling and Psych Services, 740.593.4749, addingto@ohio.edu
Student Health InsuranceAnna M Casteel, casteel1@ohio.edu, Student Insurance Administrator, VP For Student Affairs
Student Organization StatusCarly M Leatherwood, Executive Director of Communication, University Communications and Marketing, leatherc@ohio.edu, 740.597.1940
Student Research & Creative Activity (Student Expo)Roxanne Male'-Brune, Director of Grant Development And Projects, Vice President Research, male-bru@ohio.edu, 740.597.1227
Student SenateTammy Andrews, Administrative Specialist, Dean of Students, andrewt1@ohio.edu, 740.593.1800
Student Success at OHIOJennifer Kirksey, Senior Director, Enterprise Marketing, University Communications and Marketing, kirkseyj@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: Hannah Hackworth, Event, Outreach, and Recruitment Coordinator, hackworthh@ohio.edu
Summer (Session)UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Survivor Advocacy ProgramKimberly D Rouse, Director of the Survivor Advocacy Program, VP For Student Affairs, kim.rouse@ohio.edu, 740.593.0167
Technology Transfer OfficeKorie Sell, Technology Commercialization Manager, Technology Transfer Office, sellk@ohio.edu, 740.593.0977    
Secondary Contact: Robert Silva Jr, Director, Technology Transfer Office, silvajr@ohio.edu, 740.593.0976
Transportation and ParkingKristen R Bunce, Planning and Logistics Manager, Transportation and Parking, mansfik1@ohio.edu, 740.597.3169    
Secondary contact: Tia A Hysell, Director of Transportation and Parking Services, Transportation and Parking, prattt@ohio.edu, 740.597.3170
Tun Abdul Razak ChairDiane Cahill, Director of International Services and Operations, Global Affairs and International Studies, International Student and Scholar Services, cahilld@ohio.edu,  740.593-4326
Undergraduate AdmissionsKaley Toth, Assistant Director for Communication, tothk@ohio.edu    
Secondary contact: Elaine D Goheen, Director of Communication, Admissions, goheene@ohio.edu, 740.597.7917
University CollegeJennifer Kirksey, Senior Director, Enterprise Marketing, University Communications and Marketing, kirkseyj@ohio.edu
University Communications and Marketing (UCM)UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
University LibrariesCarrie A Preston, Head of Web Services, University Libraries, prestonc@ohio.edu, 740.597.1973    
Secondary contact: Chad F Boeninger, Head of User Services, University Libraries, boeninge@ohio.edu, 740.597.1932
University PlanningAlicia Sweeney, Director of Space Planning, University Planning, sweeneya@ohio.edu    
University PolicyShelly M Bean, Public Records Compliance Coordinator, Legal Affairs Office, beans1@ohio.edu, 740.593.2626
University Safety and SecurityUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Veterans and Military Student Services CenterRay Dixson, Assistant Director of Veterans and Military Student Services, rdixson@ohio.edu, 740.593.9451
Secondary Contact: David W Edwards, Coordinator of Veterans Services/ Academic Advisor, edwardd1@ohio.edu,  740.593.0129    
Voinovich School of Leadership and Public ServiceAnna Mather, Director of Academic Marketing Strategy, University Communications and Marketing, amather@ohio.edu    
Secondary Contact: UCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
WebcamUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Website Manager DirectoryUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
Welcome WeekUCM Web Content Team, webcontent@ohio.edu
WellnessAnnie L Cadmus, Engagement and Marketing Coordinator, Wellworks, cadmus@ohio.edu, 740.593.9458
WellWorksAnnie L Cadmus, Engagement and Marketing Coordinator, Wellworks, cadmus@ohio.edu, 740.593.9458    
Secondary contact:  Jennifer A Bennett, Executive Director of Wellbeing, Wellworks, bennetj7@ohio.edu, 740.593.2662
Women's CenterPat Bungard, Administrative Specialist, Office of Diversity and Inclusion, bungard@ohio.edu 
Secondary contact: Courtney Burton, Administrative Services Associate, burtonck@ohio.edu
Women's ClubKaren Collins, Assistant Director of Research Administration, CORE Administration, collink3@ohio.edu, 740.593.2322
Zanesville CampusHeather Sands, Manager of Campus Communications and External Relations, hsands@ohio.edu