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Securing Data at Heritage College

Storing Data by Type

Data TypeAcceptable Tools and ServicesConsultation Required
Attorney-Client Privileged Information (ACP)NoneDepartmental NAS folders
OneDrive / O365 Groups
Research Computing Environment
Student Education Records (FERPA)BlackboardIndividual or Departmental NAS folders
eMedley (HCOM)OneDrive / O365 Groups
Salesforce (HCOM)Qualtrics
 Research Computing Environment
Student Loan Application InformationPeopleSoftIndividual or Departmental NAS folders
Salesforce (HCOM)OnBase
 OneDrive / O365 Groups
 Research Comptuting Environment
Payment Card Industry Information (PCI)NoneAll solutions require consultation from the Information Security Office
Export Controlled Research (ITAR/EAR)NoneAll solutions require consultation from the Information Security Office
Identifiable Human Subject ResearchQualtricsIndividual or Departmental NAS folders 
 OneDrive / O365 Groups
 Research Computing Environment
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)QualtricsIndividual or Departmental NAS folders
REDCapOneDrive / O365 Groups
OneDrive (Only as shared with clinical partners)Research Computing Environment
Salesforce (HCOM) 
Social Security NumbersSalesforce (HCOM) *for approved use casesIndividual or Departmental NAS folders
OneDrive / O365 Groups
Research Computing Environment
Salesforce (HCOM) (additional use cases)
Protected Health Information (PHI)QualtricsIndividual or Departmental NAS folders
Salesforce (HCOM) (Student Immunizations and Community Health Programs)OneDrive / O365 Groups
 Research Computing Environment
Federal Information Security Management Act Data (FISMA)NoneAll solutions require consultation from the Information Security Office
IT Security InformationNoneIndividual or Departmental NAS folders
OneDrive / O365 Groups
Research Computing Environment