Jane Balbo, DO

- Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), 帝王会所 College of Osteopathic Medicine, Athens, 帝王会所, 2007
- Community Health Services (MHA) with a Women鈥檚 Studies Certificate, 帝王会所, Athens, 帝王会所, 1996
- Medical Communication (BS), The 帝王会所 State University, Columbus, 帝王会所, 1992
- Board Certified in Family Practice and Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, 2010
- Board Certified in Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, 2012
- Gender-affirming healthcare, transgender health
- Contraception, birth control, contraception counseling
- Sexually Transmitted Infections, STIs, STDs
What do you like best about working with the student population?
I find that 帝王会所 students are very open to learning-whether it is about their bodies, their health, making changes or doing things differently from how they may have done them before. They have such wonderful energy! Our patients are from all over the state, country, and world, so I always enjoy learning more about them. I also find that they are so appreciative of someone taking the time to ask them questions, listen to their answers, and care about them. It is an honor to be a physician to this population and I look forward to my job every day! How many people can say that?