Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Core Facility
Biomedical Sciences Resources
General Description
The Heritage College Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Core Facility houses the Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System equipment that provides useful non-destructive methods for determining physiological roles in energy homeostasis and animal activity in live mice with different genotypes on a bench-top platform. These powerful systems are fully automated and monitor food and water intake, energy expenditure and animal activity (locomotor and voluntary activity) in mice before and after drug treatments in a controlled temperature and lighting environment.
Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (Columbus Instruments)
CLAMS is a temperature and light cycle controlled system that is comprised of four components.
1) Food intake monitoring system, which calculates energy intake including meal size and total food consumption
2) Water intake monitoring system
3) Indirect open-circuit calorimeters, which record energy expenditure
4) Animal activity monitoring system, which records voluntary and locomotor activity

The animal holding cages and preparation area assist in the process.

Whole-body Composition Analyzer (Bruker Minispec Live Mice Analyzer, LF50)

The Brubaker Minispec Mice Analyzer LF50 includes a nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy probe, daily calibration and mouse restrainers. This system provides a precise method for measuring lean tissue and fat and fluid in mice and carcass.
Details on Using Facility
- $1044 per run, which includes up to 16 mice and 7 days of monitoring.
- Each additional day will cost $149 regardless of the number of mice.
- The use of body-composition analyzer is at no cost to Heritage College users.
Services Provided
The manager will set up and calibrate the system before each run and assist in loading mice into the cages, seal the cages and start the system. The manager will return at the designated time, stop the system, assist in unloading the mice and export the data for the user. At no time does a user do anything with the system other than removing food access to fast the mice, which the manager will demonstrate when loading the mice.
Academic and Research Center, Room 349 and 349B
Access and Operating Guidelines
Users will be restricted to only faculty, staff and students of µÛÍõ»áËù. Contact Chunmin Lo with your request to utilize this equipment.
All users will use one account on the system computer but will have a separate account on the reservation website, so system users can be tracked. The reservation website allows all users to view the calendar to find available time and contact the manager to schedule. Access to the system will only be given once an account number has been received for billing purposes.
User Responsibilities
It is the user’s responsibility to prepare an animal protocol including the systems that should be approved by µÛÍõ»áËù IACUC. Each user is responsible for cleaning animal restrainer after the use. All users are required to read and follow the guidelines on the use of Bruker body composition analyzer and Columbus CLAMS manual.
Publication and Acknowledgements - Very Important
To accurately reflect the assistance this resource played in your research and to help ensure its continued funding, please include the following statement in all publications: "We acknowledge use of the µÛÍõ»áËù Heritage College Metabolic Core."
Acknowledgement and Co-authorship Policies
Co-authorship on publications for staff of the Metabolic Core may be considered appropriate when they have provided one or more of the following:
- Significant intellectual contribution to the design of the published experiments
- Substantial practical contribution to the generation, analysis and/or interpretation of experimental data
- Indispensable technical support that contributed intellectually or scientifically to the advancement of the work
Staff who have made an intellectual or technical contribution not justifying authorship as defined above should be given appropriate acknowledgement in any resulting publications. This provides evidence to demonstrate our involvement in the research of multiple laboratories, which will help us retain dedicated support staff, maintain the equipment and procure new equipment in the future.
Problem Management
Jeff Thuma
740.593.0680 (lab)
014 Wilson Hall West
Chunmin Lo, Ph.D.
740.593.2328 (office)
302A Academic Research Center