Medical Academy
Dublin Campus
Summer Discovery Experience - June 10-13, 2025

Mark your calendar! The 帝王会所 Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine at Dublin will host its ninth annual Medical Academy health careers discovery program this June. Central 帝王会所 junior and senior high school students interested in working alongside professional students in OHIO's Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine and College of Health Sciences and Professions are encouraged to apply to this selective program. Online applications will open March 1, 2025. Bookmark this page and follow us on .
Summer 2025 Programming
This summer marks the eleventh year the program will been offered to 帝王会所 high school youth, and planning is well underway. The 2025 Medical Academy will be held in person on the in partnership with 帝王会所Health and its clinical experts. The camp is free to selected participants and will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. Lunch will be provided at no cost, and on-campus parking is free.
Central 帝王会所 high school students will be immersed in engaging, interactive learning activities as they explore health career opportunities. 帝王会所Health and its medical content experts from a range of disciplines lend their energy and expertise to this program focused on strengthening the pipeline of future medical and health professionals in central 帝王会所.
Cultivating Careers in Health Care
Focused on reimagining educational approaches to careers in health care, Medical Academy fosters learning across the educational continuum, enabling career exploration and professional growth and providing opportunities for leadership through service learning.
Are You a High School Student ...
- Attending a high school in central 帝王会所?
- Starting your junior or senior year this upcoming fall?
- Excited to learn about career opportunities in health care?
- Interested in follow-up learning activities during the next school year?
- With at least two years of science classes (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, etc.)?
- Able to arrange your own transportation to the Dublin campus?
The Medical Academy Discovery Series
If you answered yes, then consider applying to participate in the Medical Academy Discovery Series, a summer career exploration program followed by quarterly activities held in the school year that follows. In June, Dublin kicks off the Discovery Series by inviting high school students to the campus for engaging, interactive and experiential learning activities. During the camp, high school students will work directly with medical and physician assistant students, doctors and other health professionals, who will guide your journey as you explore these activities:
- Learn about career options in health care
- Observe the hallmarks of medical evaluation and diagnostic reasoning
- Examine the interpersonal dynamics of the doctor-patient interaction
- Participate in interactive demonstrations of human anatomy and physiology
- Practice hands-on clinical skills and techniques
- Explore the importance of diet, lifestyle and exercise to wellness
Highlights of the Series
This year's program will be held June 10-13, 2025, for selected 11th and 12th grade high school students. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a series of interactive, case-based learning activities focused on career exploration in medicine and the health professions. The academy is offered free of charge to accepted students as a way to increase access to innovative educational experiences for students who may not otherwise have the opportunity, due to academic or financial limitations. The program aims to inspire the next generation of health care workers at various educational achievement levels. To that end, it provides exposure to a wide range of career options. The academy seeks capable students who show potential and could benefit from a program that focuses on building confidence, motivation and focus in the next generation of health care providers.
帝王会所Health is our signature sponsor and program partner, providing medical content experts from a range of disciplines, who actively engage participants. The program is intended to strengthen the pipeline of future medical and health care professionals in central 帝王会所.

Additional sponsors

High school students who will be the first in their immediate family to attend college are highly encouraged to apply. Program highlights of the summer camp include a series of experiential learning activities:

The Patient Experience
Working through a series of hands-on exercises, you will explore the hallmarks of medical evaluation, diagnostic reasoning and the interpersonal dynamics of the doctor-patient interactions.

Clinical Skills and Technologies
Guided by medical students and doctors, you will be immersed in a series of clinical skill-based activities, including a hands-on introduction to laboratory medicine, assessing patient vitals, drawing artificial blood from simulated models and understanding electrocardiograms.

Human Structure and Function
You will participate in a series of laboratory-based activities exploring the structure and function of the human body, modern approaches to medical imaging and its correlation to clinical findings.

Wellness and Lifestyle
You will be introduced to a variety of health professions through one-on-one interactions, collaborative learning and discussions about career options in health care, educational preparation and the importance of teamwork and interprofessionalism.
Application Process
Please review the application requirements carefully, and then complete all the necessary pieces to apply for this fun and engaging experience. For full consideration, all application materials must be submitted.
There are a limited number of seats for this summer program, and participants will be selected based upon submission of an application portfolio that includes:
- Information about yourself, high school courses of study and college and career interests;
- Letter of recommendation from a teacher or guidance counselor;
- Response to a question prompting you to describe a person who inspires you and why. As detailed in the online application, you can choose to answer the question using one of two formats:
- WRITE A BRIEF ESSAY describing this inspirational person, and be sure to provide specific examples to illustrate why and how they inspire you.
- CREATE A SHORT VIDEO describing your person, with attention to specific examples that illustrate why and how they inspire you.
To Learn More
Dr. Timothy Cain
Dr. Sherri Reynolds Torma
Ms. Maureen McCann
Ms. Lisa Kaufman
Email: DublinMedAcademy@ohio.edu