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OCEES Members

The 帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES) resides in the College of Arts and Sciences. It serves as an interdisciplinary learning and research community integrating researchers and students interested in ecology and evolution from across campus. 

Currently, faculty and students from the following 10 departments participate in the Center:

Application for OCEES Research Support Funds

OCEES has limited emergency funds, especially for members who are active in OCEES, run their grants through OCEES, and are investing in projects that support the mission of OCEES. If you have a funding request, please fill out the Application for OCEES Research Support Funds. The OCEES directors will read, evaluate, and vote on the funding request.

Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Quantitative Biology Institute
Life Science Building 219, Athens Campus
Professor & Internships Coordinator
Molecular Cellular Biology
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter 406
Professor of Geography & Interim Associate Dean in the Honors Tutorial College for 帝王会所 Honors and 1804 Scholars
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
35 Park Place, Room 204, Athens Campus
Professor Emeritus
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter 433
Associate Professor & Chair
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Ellis 210, Athens Campus
Associate Professor of Anthropology
College of Arts and Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Sociology and Anthropology
Bentley Annex 137
Professor and Associate Dean Voinvovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Research Associate Professor
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
224 Building. 22, The Ridges
Professor & Chair
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter 419
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Clippinger 367, Athens Campus
Professor Emeritus
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Ellis 211
Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Irvine 310, Athens Campus
Professor, Social Medicine; Director, Global Health
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Associate Professor
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Wilson 101, Athens Campus
Associate Professor Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Associate Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences
Earth and Environmental Geosciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
129 Life Science Building, Athens Campus
Professor of Environmental and Plant Biology
International Studies
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter 405, Athens Campus
Senior Associate Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences
Dean's Office
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
College of Arts and Sciences
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Quantitative Biology Institute
Life Sciences Building 131, Athens Campus
Associate Dean for Industry Partnerships Russ College of Engineering and Technology
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Life Science Building 243, Athens Campus
Professor of Environmental Health Science College of Health Sciences and Professions
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Professor of Anatomical Sciences Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Professor Emeritus
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Life Science Building 129
Professor & Vice Chair
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Quantitative Biology Institute
Life Sciences Building 247, Athens Campus
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Assistant Professor
Molecular Cellular Biology
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter 401
Associate Professor & Graduate Chair
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Porter 411
Professor, Functional Morphology & Vertebrate Paleontology Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Associate Professor Emeritus
College of Arts and Sciences
Biological Sciences
Molecular Cellular Biology
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Associate Dean for Research, Faculty & Graduate Studies
Dean's Office
Molecular Cellular Biology
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Environmental and Plant Biology
Wilson Administrative 204A and Porter 400, Athens Campus
Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences
Molecular Cellular Biology
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Wilson West 201
Professor, Anatomy; Associate Dean of Faculty Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Associate Professor of Instruction
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Irvine 430, Athens Campus
Professor, Anatomy; Chang Ying-Chien Professor of Palentology Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Assistant Professor
Biological Sciences
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)
Irvine 423, Athens Campus
Associate Professor Emeritus
帝王会所 Center for Ecology and Evolutionary Studies (OCEES)