Sabrina Curran

Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2009
B.A., Arizona State University, 2001
Research & Specialization
- Biological Anthropology
- Paleoanthropology
- Paleoecology
- Ecomorphology
- Shape Analysis
- Taphonomy
- Artiodactyla
- Eastern Europe (Romania)
- Eastern Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia)
Selected Publications
2025 Curran, S.C., Dr膬gu葯in, V., Pobiner, B., Pante, M., Hellstrom, J., Woodhead, J., Croitor, R., Dobo葯, A., Gogol, S.E., Ersek, V. and Keevil, T.L., 2025. Hominin presence in Eurasia by at least 1.95 million years ago. Nature Communications, 16(1), 836.
2024 Croitor, R., Robinson, C., Curran, S., Terhune, C., Popescu, A., Dr膬gu艧in, V., Pobiner, B., Popescu, A., Petculescu.A. Early Pleistocene Ruminants (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Dacian Basin (South Romania) before and after the Pachycrocuta event: implications for hominin dispersals in western Eurasia. Historical Biology doi=10.1080%2F08912963.2023.2167602
2023 Werdelin, L., Dr膬gu艧in, V., Robu, M., Petculescu, A., Curran, S., and Terhune, C.E. Carnivora from the early Pleistocene of Gr膬unceanu (Olte牛 River Valley, Dacian Basin, Romania). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 129(3).
2021 Gaudin, T., Terhune, C.E., Curran, S., Petculescu, A. The youngest pangolin (Mammalia, Pholiodota) from Europe. The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 41: e1990075.
2021 Curran, S., Terhune, C., Dragusin, V., Fox, D.L., Garrett, N., Ironside, L.B., Petculescu, A., Pobiner, B., Robinson, C., Robu, M., and Ungar, P. Multiproxy paleoenvironmental reconstruction of early Pleistocene sites from the Olte牛 River Valley of Romania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 574: 110445 (July 2021).
2020 Terhune, C., Curran, S., Croitor, R., Dr膬gu葯in, V., Gaudin, T., Petculescu, A., Robinson, C., Robu, M., and Werdelin, L. Early Pleistocene fauna of the Olte牛 River Valley of Romania: Biochronological and biogeographic implications. Quaternary International 553: 14-33.
2018 Curran, S. Three-Dimensional Geometric Morphometrics in Paleoecology. In Latest Methods in Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments and Ecological Communities (Croft, D.A., Su, D.F., Simpson, S.W., Eds), Springer, pp. 319-337.
2016 Curran, S. and Haile-Selassie, Y. Paleoecological Reconstruction of Hominin-bearing Middle Pliocene Localities at Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia. The Journal of Human Evolution 96: 97-112.
2016 Patton, P.E. and Curran, S. Late Archaic Period Plant Domestication in the Northern 帝王会所 Valley: Archaeobotonical Remains from the County Home Site (33AT40), Southern 帝王会所. Mid-Continental Journal of Archaeology 41: 127-158.
2015 Curran, S. Examining Eucladoceros Ecomorphology using Geometric Morphometrics. Anatomical Record 298: 291-313.
2012 Curran, S. Expanding ecomorphological methods: geometric morphometric analysis of Cervidae post-crania. Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 1172-1182.
2012 Ungar, P. S., Scott, J. R., Curran, S., Dunsworth, H., Harcourt-Smith, W., Lehmann, T., Manthi, F., and McNulty, K. Early Neogene environments in East Africa: Evidence from dental microwear of tragulids. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 342-343: 84-96.
Courses Taught
- ANTH 2010: Introduction to Biological Anthropology
- ANTH 3730: Perspectives in Anthropology (Human Variation, Controversies in Human Evolution)
- ANTH 4960: Human Diversity
- ANTH 4730: Human Evolution
- ANTH 4740: Zooarchaeology
- ANTH 4940: Seminar in Biological Anthropology (Research Methods)