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Environmental & Plant Biology Department

Environmental & Plant Biology Department

Plant Biology majors spend time in the lab and in the field, preparing for a variety of careers. They travel around the United States, and even send experiments to the International Space Station, as they explore species, study climates, and probe how plants respond to gravity.

They work in labs exploring algae in acid mine drainage, barcoding medicinal plants in Pakistan, or unlocking the secrets of cell walls. They help set up community gardens and preserve old growth forest.

Improving. Preserving. Producing. Discovering.

Our faculty have obtained and continue to seek substantial grant funding to support their research programs. They engage both undergraduate and graduate students in their research, as evidenced by the numerous co-authored papers and presentations at regional, national, and international scientific meetings and conferences.

Research Areas We Focus On

Our department is made of faculty from three complementary research programs to strategically foster research opportunities and education.



    Environmental & Plant Biology faculty are actively researching various aspects of forest biology, ranging from basic ecological processes to applied management concerns.


    Functional Genomics

    The plant cell wall biotechnology group studies the structure and function of plant cell wall components in hopes of exploiting this knowledge for the production of valuable biological products.


    Systematics & Evolution

    Researchers employ independent sources of data to infer phylogenetic relationships and to use the phylogeny as a framework to study character evolution and biogeography.


Careers with a Plant Biology Degree

Our alumni work in applied fields such as commercial greenhouses, sustainable agriculture, nurseries, landscaping, biofuels, and medicinal herbs. They also enter professions such as environmental monitoring, park management, biotechnology and conservation. 

Some pursue graduate degrees in natural resource management, public policy and law. Employers hiring plant biology students include the Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, environmental consulting firms, research laboratories, nonprofit organizations, treatment plants, zoos, and more.

Plant Biology Careers & Internships

Brian Atkinson

Alumni Engagement & Giving Opportunities

Alumni involvement drives innovation and impact in the Environmental and Plant Biology Department for both students and faculty. Explore the areas of highest need for our department, including scholarships, research and conference funding, and facilities.

Plant Biology Giving Opportunities

Carolee Bull

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