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Undergraduate Research Immersion Program (UGRIP)

The Undergraduate Research Immersion Program (UGRIP) is a learning community of OCEES faculty, post-docs, visiting professors, and graduate students that provides the opportunity to engage ecology and evolutionary biology (EEB) undergraduates in scientific inquiry-based learning and research.

UGRIP provides the opportunity for undergraduates with a strong interest in organismal or environmental biology to learn about conservation, ecological, evolutionary, or environmental research at OHIO.  Program graduates will receive research experience that improves their competitiveness for future employment and academic opportunities. 

Getting Into UGRIP

Application Requirements:

  1. Must be a freshman, sophomore or junior
  2. Must be a major in one of the participating OCEES Departments
  3. Statement of research interests
  4. Minimum GPA of 3.0

Applicant will be notified by mid-December and should register for BIOS 3880 for Spring Semester.

Apply Now

Program Overview

UGRIP consists of two components designed to engage students during freshman through senior years with research engagement and a formal research course experience.

Component 1: OCEES Seminar Series

BIOS (3880) Undergraduate Research Inquiry & Analysis in EEB — 2 Credit Hour course each spring semester

UGRIP students will attend research seminars weekly (which are also attended by the OCEES student body and faculty) and follow up each presentation with a tutorial discussing the research with the presenter. This new undergraduate seminar program will bring in visiting speakers to add more formal and more diverse research exposure. The goal is to immerses the UGRIP students into research thinking and methods early and throughout their undergraduate tenure. Because of the variety of speakers in the program (peers, graduate students, post-docs, faculty and visiting researchers) the participants are exposed to a wide variety of research areas, methods, and types of oral presentations. UGRIP students take BIOS 3880 their first time and can then retake the class as BIOS 2900.

Component 2: Formal Research Immersion Courses (3 Credit Hours)

This component of the UGRIP program involves active engagement in research offered in existing undergraduate research related or directed research courses. UGRIP students must complete 3 credit hours of directed undergraduate research courses during their sophomore though senior years.    

Component 2 course list:

PrefixCatalog NumberCourse
BIOS4910Biological internship
BIOS4930Topics in biological sciences
BIOS4940Undergraduate research
BIOS4940HHonors research
BIOS4941Senior research and thesis
BIOS4570Animal systematics
GEOG4660Principles of remote sensing
GEOG4730Principles of GIS
GEOG4800Senior seminar
GEOG4900Special topics in geography
GEOG4910Geography internship
GEOG4930Independent study
GEOG4990HHonors in geography
GEOL4910Field Camp I
GEOL4760Subsurface methods
GEOL4811Groundwater flow modeling
GEOL4900Seminar in geology
GEOL4901Geologic studies
GEOL3910Geology internship
GEOL4940Senior thesis
PBIO3935HThesis development
PBIO4090Plant systematics
PBIO4945HSenior thesis
PBIO4850Capstone in plant biology
PBIO4910Plant biology internship
PBIO4940Undergraduate research


Submit applications to Professor Shawn R. Kuchta, OCEES Director at kuchta@ohio.edu.