Careers & Internships in Classics & Religious Studies
Individualized Career Coaching for Arts & Sciences Students
College of Arts & Sciences students can take advantage of individualized career coaching, with many resources to help them prepare for successful lives. Students with liberal arts degrees are highly sought after because they are educated to think critically and become problem solvers for 21st century issues.
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About Careers Options in Classics & Religious Studies
Classical civilization graduates can apply skills in research, analysis and critical thinking, and familiarity with humanities to most jobs and professional programs. Students have gone on to graduate programs in classics, archaeology, and museum studies and made careers in:
- Business
- Art gallery curatorship
- Heritage tourism
- And many more
The skills of recognition and critical thinking acquired from studying Classical Languages and cultures prepare our students for graduate programs in Greek and Latin philology, archaeology, history, philosophy, theology, linguistics, and education. Outside the field of classics, the classical languages major provides the tools to analyze language, write more precisely in English, and apply skills in research, analysis and critical thinking, and familiarity with humanities to many jobs. Our graduates have also gone on to:
- Law school
- Business school
- High school teaching
- Teaching English as a foreign language
The demand for people knowledgeable in World Religions of this increasingly smaller globe is growing, and the United States also is becoming increasingly diverse religiously. Expertise in the study of a number of religious traditions benefits students preparing for careers in:
- Journalism
- Politics
- Business
- Leadership in religious communities
Often pre-professionals are encouraged to pursue a broad liberal arts education in which world religions may be a significant component. Courses in world religions are also of interest to many graduate programs at 帝王会所. Our graduates have gone on to:
- Work for the Peace Corps
- Become counselors and therapists
- Study in religious studies graduate programs
- Enter into business careers
- Work in government