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Professor Cory Crawford at work on a dig
Classics & Religious Studies Department

Classics & Religious Studies Department

Classics and Religious Studies students study the texts and artifacts produced by people living in the civilizations of the ancient Mediterranean and areas further east — where the major religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism originated.

We also examine how those civilizations and their beliefs have affected our modern perceptions of the world, both within the United States and abroad.

Major Religions emerged from the Mediterranean: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism
Questions about human cultures and religions have complex answers.
Sometimes we only have fragments of surviving evidence to put a puzzle back together.
We all learn much about our own preconceptions, which then allows us to see outside ourselves.

Careers with a Classics & Religious Studies Degree

Classical civilization graduates can apply skills in research, analysis and critical thinking, and familiarity with humanities to most jobs and professional programs.

Students have gone on to graduate programs in classics, archaeology, and museum studies and made careers in business, art gallery curatorship, heritage tourism, and much more.

Classics & Religious Studies Careers and Internships

OHIO student in front of ancient ruins

Discovering the Roots of Human Beliefs and Cultures

We deal with human beliefs, emotions and interactions — and how to study these objectively. These are big questions about human existence:

  • What does it mean to be human in different places and times?
  • What are the root factors behind the differences that characterize various cultures?
  • How do religious beliefs shape cultural choices?
  • How do different classes of people interact within a culture and why?

It's all about the evidence! We examine what people wrote, the cities in which they lived, their objects of daily life, and even inscriptions on their tombstones. Sometimes we only have fragments of surviving evidence, so the challenge (and the fun) is to figure out how to put a partial puzzle back together to create an overall understanding of the culture.

Research Areas We Focus On


    Why Study Archaeology?

    Unearth new pieces of the puzzle, from the Bronze Age to Alexander the Great.


    Why Study the Classics?

    Because questions of democracy, justice, power and empire remain unanswered, even today.


    Why Study Classical Greek?

    Their bodies are dead, but their voices live on—for those who long to hear them.


    Why Study Hindi?

    To understand a place as complicated as South Asia, one must understand its languages.


    Why Study Latin?

    Romance, the Renaissance and Rome still resonate today, from comic books to science.


    Why Study Religions?

    Because some dialogue is difficult, and world views differ.

Alumni Engagement & Giving Opportunities

Alumni involvement drives innovation and impact in the Classics & Religious Studies Department for both students and faculty. Explore the areas of highest need for our department, including supporting students, experiential learning and investing in faculty.

Classics & Religious Studies Giving Opportunities

Dr. Grace Eberly

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