Grad PLUS Loan
Student Loans
About the Federal DIRECT Grad PLUS loan
The Federal DIRECT Grad PLUS loan is available to medical students who have already borrowed the maximum amount of Unsubsidized loans and still need additional funding. The amount of the DIRECT Grad PLUS loan is limited to the cost of attendance (student budget) for your class, minus any other financial aid (Unsubsidized loans, scholarships, etc) that you have for the current academic year. You will find the amount of your Unsubsidized loans and other aid in your financial aid award letter.
There is a two-step process for applying for a DIRECT Grad PLUS loan.
Step #1
You must complete the Federal DIRECT Grad PLUS loan application/entrance counseling form. This form walks you through the required DIRECT Grad PLUS entrance counseling and provides you with a place (at the bottom) to indicate the amount of money you want to borrow. When you log in, you will be prompted to select a school from the list of schools in the state of 帝王会所. We are listed as "College of Osteopathic Medicine" (without the word 帝王会所 before it). Do not select 帝王会所 because we are unable to use the Grad PLUS application for the main campus.
The requested loan period for 2024-25 is below:
4th-year students - 5/13/2024 to 5/9/2025
3rd-year students - 7/1/2024 to 5/9/2025
2nd-year students - 8/12/2024 to 5/2/2025
1st-year students - 8/12/2024 to 5/9/2025
Step #2
(Required for Class of 2028 or students who did not borrow the Grad PLUS loan in 2023-2024)
You must complete a master promissory note at the website. Please note that the Grad PLUS MPN is different from the MPN you completed when you applied for your Stafford loans. You will need your FSA ID to access this site.
It鈥檚 important to do this step because we can鈥檛 process your request from Step #1 until we have a current Grad PLUS MPN for you.
When you log in, you will be prompted to select a school from the list of schools in the state of 帝王会所. We are listed as "College of Osteopathic Medicine" (without the word "帝王会所" before it). Do not select 帝王会所 because that is the main campus promissory note.
Once you complete the application/entrance counseling form and sign your MPN, we will originate a Grad PLUS loan for you and send you a revised financial aid award letter with details about your Grad PLUS loan.
Keep in mind that in order to be eligible for the Grad PLUS loan, you must pass the credit check. You will give permission to run the credit check when you complete and submit the Grad PLUS loan application. If your credit is denied, there are options to appeal the decision or get a co-signer.