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Student American Academy of Osteopathy

Student Organizations Dublin

Our Mission

The purpose of the Student American Academy of Osteopathy (SAAO) is to preserve and further develop the use of osteopathic principles and practices in osteopathic medical students. The objectives of the SAAO are for its members to:

  •    Be inspired by the spirit of osteopathy
  •    Acquire a better understanding of osteopathic principles and practices
  •    To foster in themselves and others, a clear concept of the clinical application of osteopathic principles and practices in health and disease

   Membership serves to broaden and expand students’ understanding of the osteopathic concepts in practice.

Officers, 2024-2025

PresidentShannon Daley
Vice PresidentNav Bedi
Treasurer        Diana Brown
SecretaryAlicia Weadock
National LiaisonTiffany Kelley
AdvisorShawn Kerger, D.O. 

No Dues

Services Provided

SAAO supports the college and the osteopathic profession by helping osteopathic medical students at the Heritage College acquire a better understanding of osteopathic principles and encourage exploration of OMM applications. SAAO jointly hosts the Dublin Heritage Gala and Auction with the Family Medicine club, and proceeds from this event defray student costs for attending conferences in the upcoming year.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025


  • Pie the Professor - A fun activity to bring students and faculty together with pies!
  • Night of the Stars - Invite physicians to share their practice of OMM with students.
  • Mock Practical - Practice OMM final for OMS-I in Dublin.


  • Dublin Heritage Med Gala - with Family Medicine Club
  • AAO Convocation - Support travel and participation of students in this conference.
  • Mock Practical - Practice OMM final for OMS-I in Dublin.