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Sigma Sigma Phi

Student Organizations Cleveland


To conform to the Mission statement of the National Grand Chapter: Sigma Sigma Phi is an Honorary Osteopathic Service Fraternity. Its objectives and purposes are to further the science of osteopathic medicine and its standards of practice, to improve the scholastic standing and promote a higher degree of fellowship among its students, to bring about a closer relationship and understanding between the student bodies and the officials and members of the faculties of our colleges, and to foster allegiance to the American Osteopathic Association and to perpetuate these principles and the teachings through the maintenance and development of this organization.

Officers, 2024-2025

President    Zachary Winter
Vice PresidentSadie Salamone
TreasurerCaitlin Speyer
SecretaryNatalie Soliman
AdvisorKristin Guilonard, D.O.

Dues: $80 Annually

Services Provided

Our members contribute service hours each semester through a variety of opportunities, including with local food banks, churches, the Cleveland Metroparks, area hospitals, OU-HCOM, and more. We support Project Linus with a service project every Fall.

Tentative Schedule for 2024-2025

Fall 2024

  • Project Linus Blanket-Making
  • Service event

Spring 2025

  • Induction Ceremony
  • Service event- Medwish
  • DO Day of Service