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Student American Academy of Osteopathy

Student Organizations Cleveland

Our Mission

The purpose of the SAAO is to preserve and further develop the use of osteopathic principles and practices in osteopathic medical students. The objectives of the SAAO are for its members to acquire a better understanding of osteopathic principles and practices; to attain maximum efficiency in osteopathic structural diagnosis and manipulative treatment; and to foster, in themselves and others, a clear concept of the clinical application of osteopathic principles and practices in health and disease. Membership serves to broaden and expand students' understanding of the osteopathic concepts in practice.

Officers, 2024-2025

President      Maithili Patel
Vice PresidentLeah Marek
TreasurerHailey Payne
SecretarySydney Ryan
National LiaisonMaria Shepard
AdvisorCheryl Hammes, D.O.

Dues: $60 Annually

Services Provided

SAAO helps to further the education of osteopathic principles to students outside of the classroom. Events hosted include mock OMM practicals, as well as OMM professional development speeches.

Schedule for 2024-2025

   Mock Practical - December - SAAO funds
   HCOM Gala - January - SAAO funds, fundraisers, HCOM Gala Fund
   Convocation - March - SAAO funds